Islamic Supplications: Rewards of Reciting the Quran

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Rewards of Reciting the Quran

The benefits and recompense the Almighty Lord bestows on the reciters of the Quranic surahs have been taken on the authority of the Holy Prophet, Imam Ali ibn abi Talib, Imam Jafar al Sadiq and other Imams of Ahl ul Bayt by Ibn Babwayh, Kulayni, Ayashi, Baqir Majlasi, Ali bin Ibrahim et al. WHEREVER HE, HIM, HIS, OR MAN APPEARS READ AS HE/SHE, HIM/HER HIS/HER, MAN/WOMAN 

The verse of "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim"

If we were to give an exhaustive account of the benefits of the recitation of “Bismillah…” we would need more than a single volume to do justice to it. Apart from being part of every chapter in the Holy Qur’an (except the chapter of repentance [surah at-tawba]), it is also the most oft repeated verse in the Holy Qur’an.

It is narrated in Tafseere Burhaan that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that when a person recites “Bismillah...” then five thousand ruby palaces are built for him in Jannah Each palace has a thousand chambers made of pearls and in each chamber has seventy thousand thrones of emerald and each throne has seventy thousand carpets made from special fabrics and upon each carpet is seated a Hur-ul-Ein. A person asked for the condition necessary to get this great reward and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) replied that the person should recite the “Bismillah…” with conviction and understanding.

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has also said that when a believer will have to cross the Pul-e-Siraat on the Day of Judgement, and he will say “Bismillah…” then the flames beneath him will start dying down until Jahannam will cry out, ‘O believer, pass through quickly, your presence is causing my fire to die out !’

It is also mentioned that recitation of “Bismillah…” with a loud voice is from the signs of a true believer. Imam Ali Ridha (a.s.) said that “Bismillah…” is very close to the chosen name of Allah (s.w.t.) [Isma A’adham].

 As its first verse is nearer to ismi azam (the great name of Allah) than the white from the pupil of the eye; there is praise of Allah in the beginning, tawhid (oneness) in the middle and prayer in the end; no salat is valid without its recitation; it is superior than all the treasures stored in the arsh, (Shaytan runs away whenever it is recited; therefore:

recite 70 times to remove pains and ailments; recite 7 times or seventy times keeping the mouth near the forehead and putting the right hand on the forehead of the sick person, then surely recovery is guaranteed; recite bismillahir rahmanir rahim to stay away from the burning fire of hell; recite bismillahir rahmanir rahim to receive the recompense of four thousand virtues for its every letter, to cancell the punishment of four thousand transgressions and to occupy a position four thousand degrees higher than what you deserve;

while crossing the pul sirat (bridge to paradise) whoever recites bismillahir rahmanir rahim would hear a voice from the flames of the fire, saying: “O believer, your light has put off my heat.” when a teacher teaches bismillahir rahmanir rahim to a child the merciful Allah grants amnesty from punishment to the teacher and parents if they have sinned. recite surah al Fatihah to cure any disease save the deadly disease which is the cause of the inevitable death.

Whoever recites surah al Baqarah and surah Aali Imran would go directly near the Ahl ul Bayt on the day of reckoning under the shade of these two surahs appearing as clouds.
whoever recites the first 4 verses, the verse of Kursi with the two following verses, and the three last verses of surah al Baqarah would never come across any undesirable event (his family and property would also remain) safe; Shaytan would not come near him, and he would never forget the Holy Quran. 

This surah has 286 verses and is a ‘madani’ surah ie. it was revealed in Madinah. It is also the longest surah in the Holy Qur’an.

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that whoever recites the first four verses of surah al-Baqarah, accompanied by the ‘ayatul kursi’ together with the last three verses of this surah - and makes a habit of reciting these verses daily – his life, property and family will be protected and no evil shall come upon them. Shaitan will not come close to him and he will not be from those who forget Allah (s.w.t.).  

See (i) of surah al Baqarah.

If a person recites surah Aali Imran, the merciful Allah would grant immunity to him from the fire of hell. If surah of Aali Imran, written on paper with saffron, is hung around the neck of a woman whose pregnancy does not last, she would, by command of Allah, would give birth to a child. If it is hung on a tree which does not produce fruit and whose leaves fall down, by command of Allah, it would produce fruit.

If Aali Imran, written on paper in saffron, is hung around the neck of a barren woman, she would conceive and give birth to a child.
If it is hung around the neck, distress and hardship would go away, ease and comfort come to stay. 

In this surah, there are a total of 200 verses and it was revealed in Madinah. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that whoever recites surah Ale-Imran on Friday, then until the setting of the sun, he will be showered by the Mercy of Allah (s.w.t.) and the angels will beg for his forgiveness.

The Prophet (s.a.w.) has also recommended this surah for those women who are not able to  conceive. The surah should be written using saffron and then given to her to wear as a talisman and by the Will of Allah (s.w.t.) she will conceive.

Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that if a person faces hardship in earning his livelihood, he should write this surah and wear it as a talisman and Allah (s.w.t.) will increase his sustenance greatly. The Imam (a.s.) also said that if anyone recites both surah al-Baqarah and Ale-Imran, then these surahs will come in the shape of clouds on the day of judgement to protect him from the scorching heat.  

Whoever recites this surah on every Friday shall remain safe from the squeezing of the grave.
This surah was revealed in Madinah and has a total of 177 verses. In ‘tafseer al-burhan’ it is written that Imam Ali (a.s.) has said that whoever recites this surah on every Friday, he will remain safe from the squeezing in the grave (‘fishare qabr’)
Whoso recites this surah on every Thursday, would remain safe from wrongdoing and would not associate any partner with Allah.

Whoever recites this surah Allah adds ten good deeds and conceals ten evil deeds and his position near Allah goes up ten times more than what he deserves.

AL AN-AM (6)
Whoso recites this surah, the seventy thousand angels who came with it at the time of its descending, glorifying Allah, will pray for his forgiveness, and good fortune day and night upto the day of judgement.

To seek fulfilment of legitimate desires pray a 4 rak-at salat, in sets of 2 rak-ats, with surah al Fatihah and surah al An-am in each rak-at, after the recitation of al An-am say:


[O Munificent, O Munificent, O Munificent;
Great, O Great, O Great;
O Hearer of prayer;
O He whom the alternations of days and nights do not effect;
send blessings on Muhammad and on his children and have mercy on my weakness, poverty, destitution, and helplessness;
because, verily You alone knows (more than me) about these things, You also knows (more than me) about my needs;
O He who had mercy on prophet Yaqub and brought back his son, Yusuf, to meet him;
O He who had mercy on prophet Ayub when misfortunes and calamities surrounded from all sides;

O He who had mercy on Muhammad, peace be on him, and looked after him when he was an orphan, and assisted him against the evil and unjust chiefs of Quraysh;
O Helper, O Helper, O Helper.

Now beseech Allah to filful your legitimate desire, inshallah He would surely grant you what you want.

Whoso recites surah al An-am from the beginning upto taksibun, Allah would give him reward of the worship of forty thousand angels upto the day of judgement. The same reward is available to those who recite this surah in the morning.

(iv) Whoso writes this surah with musk and saffron on a china plate, washes it with clean water and drinks it for 6 consecutive days Allah would bestow on him great good and the reciter would never go insane, and would remain safe from every kind of ache and pain.

Whoso recites this surah every month would be on the day of judgfement, among those about whom verse 35 of this surah says:

“No fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve.”
If this surah is recited on Friday, the reciter would not be examined on the day of reckoning.
This surah would be a witness for the reciter on the day of judgement. 

On the day of judgement Allah would hang a curtain between the reciter of this surah and Shaytan, and he would be treated as the companions of prophet Adam.

Whoso writes this surah with rose water and saffron on paper and hangs it around his neck, so long it remains there, no carninvorous animal would touch him.

Whoso recites this surah every month hypocrisy would not touch him, and the reciter would be accepted as the shiah of Imam Ali.

See (vi) in al Araf (7).
Recitation of this surah breaks the neck of self-conceit, pride and other evils. The Holy Prophet would intercede on behalf of the reciter of this surah on the day of judement and assure the almighty Lord that hypocrisy never touched the reciter of this surah.
Good deeds equal in number to all the hypocrites would be recorded in the name of the reciter of this surah.
Whoso writes this surah on paper and hangs around his neck as a tawiz would get his rights from the man - in-authority. He would have an upper hand over those who quarrel with him or annoy him and come out fully satisfied.

Whoever recites this surah Allah would keep him safe from falling a victim to hypocrisy.
Whoever writes this surah on paper and keeps it in his headwear or on his body would be safe from thieves; if there is a fire in neighbourhood no misfortune would befall on him.

YUNUS (10)
 Whoso recites this surah once in two or three months would have no fear of going into the camp of those who live in ignorance (infidels); and Allah would raise him on the day of judgement in the group of the favourites of Allah. Whoso recites this surah would get the reward mentioned in its verse 26 :

“For those who do good is the best reward and more. Neither darkness nor ignominy shall cover their faces. They are the dwellers of the garden where they will abide for ever.”
Whoever recites this surah his reward would be equal to the number of the persons who have testified Allah or belied Him.

Whoever writes this surah on paper and keeps it in his house alongwith the names of all inmates any intrigue by any of these would be disclosed to him; whoever writes this surah on a tray or china plate, washes it with clean water, kneads flour with that water, cooks it and gives a slice of the loaf to every one, the real culprit would not be able to swallow it and would make confession of guilt.

HUD (11)
Whoso recites this surah every Friday Allah would raise him in the company of prophets on the day of judgement, no sin would be recorded in his register of deeds and he would have a smooth sailing during the final reckoning.

Whoso recites this surah, Allah would give him recompense equal to the number of people who had testified or belied the prophets of Allah; and the recompense and favours given to martyrs; and an easy reckoning.

YUSUF (12)
Whosoe recites this surah every day he would not encounter any distress on the day of judgement and would be among the virtuous servants of Allah; and would be as beautiful as prophet Yusuf.

Whoso recites this surah is kept safe from adultery, and unlawful sexual activity.

AL RAD (13)
Whoever recites this surah often times lightning would never srike him; if he loves Ali and Ahl ul Bayt, would go into paradise without reckoning; he would have the entitlement to intercede on behalf of his friends and relatives. Whoever recites this surah, his reward would be equal to the number of clouds which have passed over the earth (countless, innumerable); and on the day of reckoning he would be among those who had fulfilled their promise made with Allah.

If this surah is written on paper after praying salat tahajjud and hung on the door of a tyrant he would die soon.

Whoever recites this surah on Friday in 2 rak-ats and surah Hajr in 2 rak-at would never live in poverty, never go insane, nor would he ever experience fright, nor confusion.

Whoever recites this surah, in his register, good deeds, equal in number to the people who had worshipped idols and who had not worshipped idols, would be recorded.

Whoso writes this surah on a piece of white cloth and ties it on the arm of a child, that child would not cry, weep and scream; and would not feel pain in teething and weaning.

AL HIJR (15)
Whoever recites this surah good deeds equal to the number of muhajirin and ansar would be written in his record of deeds.

Whoever writes this surah with saffron on a china plate, washes it with clean water and gives it to a woman who has no milk she, after drinking it, would have enough milk and she, after drinking it, would have enough milk to feed her child.

Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears on his body there would always be gain and profit in business dealings.

AL NAHL (16)
Whoever recites this surah regularly every month, would not have to take loan, and remain safe from seventy kinds of calamities, insanity, leprosy and leucoderma being at the bottom of the list of such calamities; and his abode would be in the centre of paradise.

Whoso recites this surah, he would be exempted from giving account of the bounties Allah had bestowed upon him; and if he dies on the same day in which he has recited this surah, he would get the reward of a man who dies after making his will for the lawfully earned wealth and property.

Whoever recites this surah every day would come back in this world alongwith the Living Imam.

Whoever recites this surah, with love of parents in his heart, Allah would give him bounties equal to this world and twelve times of whatever is in this world.

Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean water and drinks it would get rid of stammering and fluently pronounce each and every word; also his intelligence and understanding would improve.

Whoso writes this surah on a green silk piece of cloth and hang it around his neck, his expertise as marksman would be of the highest standard.

If a child does not speak as a normal child should, write this surah on a china plate with saffron, wash it with clean water and give it to the child to drink, inshallah the child would start speaking.

AL KAHF (18)
Whoever recites the last part of this surah would wake up at whatever time he plans to wake up. It serves as an alarm clock.

Whoever recites this surah every Friday night he would atone for his omissions and inadvertencies committed during the period connecting two Fridays.

Whoso recites on Friday night verse 110 of this surah, there would be a light for him covering the distance upto Kabah and Bayt al Muqaddas and it would seek forgiveness for him throughout the night, and after death he would be raised among the group of martyrs.
Whoever writes down this surah on of paper and inserts it in a glassbottle and keeps this bottle in the house, poverty would not come near him nor there would be any need to take loan; and mischief mongers would not harass him.

If the bottle with written surah Kahf, as mentioned in (iv) is kept in the godowns where grains are stored, they would be protected from every type of harmful creatures which destroy grains.

Whoso recites this surah regularly would see that his dreams about wealth and children come true before he dies; and on the day of judgement would rise among the companions of prophet Isa.

Whoever recites this surah, good deeds equal to ten times the number of people who attribute a son to Allah and those who testify or belie prophets Zakariyyah, Isa, Musa, Ismail, Ibrahim, Is-haq and Yaqub. Whoever recites this surah a choice place in paradise would be given to him; and he would be resurrected with the pious people of early Islamic era.

Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears it around the neck would only see good dreams. If it is inscribed on any wall of the house no calamity would befall on this house and its inmates, rather their prestige in the eyes of people would enhance.

If a frightened person writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean ater and drinks it, he would get rid of fear.

Whoso writes this surah on paper and keeps it in a bottle inside the house he would always see good dreams. If a woman recites this surah in pregnancy, particularly during labour, she would not feel the pangs of delivery.

TA HA (20)
Whoso recites this surah regularly his record of deeds would be given in his right hand, his mistakes would be forgiven; and recompense to his heart’s contend would be given.
Whoso recites this surah would get recompense to the number of muhajirin and ansar.

Whoso writes this surah on a green silk cloth and wears it around the neck and goes to give an interview for marriage the result would be in his favour; or goes among two quarrelling groups they would stop fighting; or goes to meet a man of authority he would get fair treatment and farvourable results.

Whoso sincerely recites this surah would live in paradise among the prophets of Allah; and in this world would command respect.

Whoever writes this surah on the skin of a dear and sleeps with it on his body, he would see nice and pleasing dreams.

Whoso writes this surah on the skin of a deer and wears it like a tawiz a little below the chest, would not wake unless it is removed; and in this manner sick can be cured; and whoso cannot sleep (insomnia) on account of worries, fear or pain, would get rid of these troubles.

HAJJ (22)
Whoso recites this surah for 3 days consecutively, will go to Kabah to do hajj or umrah within a year, and if dies in the journey will go to paradise.

Whoso recites this surah would be given recompense equal to hajj and umrah performed from the beginning to the day of judgement.

If this surah is written on the skin of a deer and washed with water and sprinkled on the seat of a tyrant or oppressor, his rule would come to an end.

(i) Whoso recites this surah Allah helps him to live a purely virtuous and fortunate life.
Whoso recites this surah on every Friday regularly he would dwell in the most privileged part of paradise near the prophets of Allah and at the time of death tranquillity would prevail in his soul and heart.

To get rid of the habit of drinking wine and other intoxicants write this surah on a piece of cloth, make a tawiz and hang it around the neck of the habitual person, inshallah very soon he would be free for ever from this accursed curse.

NUR (24)
To safeguard the purity and chastity of your children recite this surah regularly; and this recitation would keep the women folk of your house safe from waywardness; and by recitation of this surah everyday regularly no one from among the family would get into trouble till death; and after his death seventy thousand angels would accompany his body upto the grave, and pray for his salvation.

Whoso recites this surah his recompense would be ten times more than the believing men and believing women. Whoso writes this surah on paper and keeps it under the pillow, he would not see sensual dreams.

Whoso recites this surah every night would never be punished and on the day of reckoning he would not be questioned, and would go into paradise to live in a privileged area.

SHU-ARA (26)
Whoso recites all the 3 continuous surahs (Shu-ara, Naml, Qasas) every Friday night would be counted as a friend of Allah, live in the neighbourhood of Allah, would get what he wants to full satisfaction, beyond imagination. Whoso recites this surah would be credited with virtues ten times more than the number of believing men and believing women; he would come out from the grave reciting LA ILAHA ILLALLAHI (there is no god save Allah). Whoso recites this surah at daybreak, it would be as though he has recited all the divine scriptures. Whoso writes it on a china plate, washes it with clean water and drinks it, would be cured if inflicted with a disease.

If this surah is written on paper as a tawiz and hung around the neck of a white cock, let it go, it would go on walking and stop at a place if there is a treasure buried underneath or there is water. If this surah is regularly recited nothing would be stolen from the house of the  reciter, nor he would be drowned or burned.

NAML (27)
Se (i) of 26.
Whoso recites this surah would be credited with virtues equal to ten times of the number of those who belied prophets Hud, Salih, Ibrahim; he would come out of the grave reciting LA ILAHA ILLALLAH.

Whoso writes this surah on the skin of a deer and keeps it in the house, neither snake, nor scorpion,nor worms, nor rabid dog, nor wolf would come in the house, nor any pain would inflict him.

QASAS (28)

See (i) of 26.
Whoso recites this surah would be credited with virtues ten times more than the number of those who testified and belied prophet Musa; and on the day of judgement each and every angel would testify the truthfulness of the reciter.

Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean water, and drinks it all his sorrows, pains and worries would disappear.

If there is swelling and pain in the stomach, or an ailment in the liver, write this surah on a china plate, wash it with rain water, and drink it, inshallah the patient would be fully cured.


Whoever recites this surah and surah Rum during the 23rd night of the month of Ramazan would, without exception, live in paradise, in the hereafter; and there is no doubt that these recitations would be recorded as good deeds. Whoever recites this surah would be credited with virtues ten times more than the number of believing men and believing women, hypocrite men and hypocrite women.

Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean water, and drinks it, it would cure shivering fever (malaria), cold, and intermittent pain for ever; and whoso washes his face with it, the face would shine bright. Whoso recites this surah, lying on the bed, and rubbing gently the navel, would have a sound sleep.

RUM (30)

See (i) of 29.
Whoso recites this surah, the recompense is ten times more than the number of angels who are continuously singing the praises of Allah.


Whoso recites this surah every night Allah appoints angels to protect him from Shaytan and his agents till the next morning; and if it is recited in the morning these angels would protect him from Shaytan and his agents till sunset.

Whoso recites this surah, honourable Luqman would be his friend on the day of judgement, and virtues ten times more than the number of those who have enjoined good and forbidden from doing evil, would be credited to his record of deeds.

Whoever writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean water and gives it to a person suffering stomachache to drink, the illness would be cured. If there is fever it will also be cured.

If blood is coming out of a wound write this surah on paper and tie it on the wound to stop the bleeding.


Whoever recites surah al Sajdah and surah Fatir at the beginning of the night would remain in divine protection till the next morning; likewise whoso recites them in the morning would remain in divine protection throughout the day; and would be credited with many virtues, no one can imagine.

Whosoever recites this surah every Friday night would hold his record of deeds in his right hand, would not be examined on the day of reckoning, and would be in the group of the lovers of Muhammad and aali Muhammad. Whoso recites this surah it is as though he has passed the night of Qadr in prayer. Whoso writes this on surah paper and keeps it on the body as a tawiz, would remain safe from fever, headache and pain in the joints.

Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean water, and drinks it would never deviate from the right path, and would not have doubts about the oneness of Allah.

Whoso recites this surah regularly would be, alongwith his spouse, near the Holy Prophet on the day of reckoning.

Whoso recites this surah and makes his dependents recite it would remain safe from the punishment of the grave.

Whoso writes this surah on the skin of a deer, and, packed in a casket, keeps it in the house, there would be many marriage proposals for the daughters, sisters and other girls in the house, even if the financial conditions are not good.

SABA (34)

Whoso recites this surah and surah al Fatir in the night would be in divine protection throughout the night, and whoso recites these two surahs in the morning would be in divine protection throughout the day; and the recompense in this world and in the hereafter would be beyond imagination.

Whoso recites this surah would have a smooth sailing on the day of judgement. 

Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears it around the neck four-footed beasts of prey would not attack him. Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean water, drinks it and washes his face, fear would not come near him.

FATIR (35)

See (I) of (34)
YAS SIN (36)

For those who recite this sruah, the heart of the holy Quran, after sunset, Allah would post 1000 angels who would protect them from the mischief of the accursed Shaytan and his agents throughout the night and keep him safe from every calamity; if this surah is recited in the morning he would be throughout the day among those whom Allah protects from calamities and gives enough livelihood.

For him who recites this surah Allah would appoint 30,000 angels to seek forgiveness for him at the time of his funeral bath and accompany him upto the grave; and when he is laid down in the grave these angels pray salat and invoke Allah to keep him safe from the squeezing of the grave; and a light comes out of from his grave till the day of judgement, when he comes out of the grave to go for final reckoning, these angels would be with him to help at the time of crossing the sirat and mizan. He would be in the company of prophets and messengers. No trouble, nor any grief would sadden him. He would not be among those who would be screaming for help. At that time Allah would say: “O My servant, intercede on behalf of whomever you like; O My servant, whatever you ask I would give you.” He would not be questioned. He would be given a clean document of deliverance, and be among the companions of the Holy Prophet. He would have no sin written in his record of deeds.

Whoso recites this surah, once in a lifetime, would be credited with virtues million times more than the number of Allah’s creatures in this world and in the hereafter; and the same number of sins would be forgiven; would never encounter poverty and indebtness; would be safe from death by being buried under debris and from every illness that gives pain; would be safe from the pangs of death and fear of the grave; and at the time of departure of the soul Allah would be his helper; there would be abundant livelihood in this world and countless rewards in the hereafter; and when he meets Allah in the hereafter, He would say to the angels: “I am happy with this man, so O angels, all of you, seek forgiveness for this man.”

Whoever recites this surah Allah would give him reward of reciting the whole Quran twelve times. If this surah is recited at the time of dying, Allah appoints angels ten times more in number than its verses, who stand in a row before him, duty-bound to seek forgiveness for him, accompany his corpse, pray salat, till the body is laid down in the grave.
If a sick person recites this surah or it is recited for him the time of death, Izrail does not take away his soul unless and until he is given the water of paradise to drink; in the grave he would have peace and tranquillity, and would be happy and glad in paradise.
Whoso writes this surah on a piece of paper, wears it around the neck would remain safe from every calamity and illness.

Whoso writes this surah with rose water and saffron on a china plate, washes it with clean water and drinks it every day for 7 consecutive days (repeating the procedure every time) he would keep in memory whatever he hears; would have an upper hand over whomsoever he debates; would enjoy respect among the people. If a mother drinks this water she would have enough milk to feed her child.

Whoever writes this surah on paper and wears it around the neck as a tawiz, would remain safe from jealousy and evil-eye of men and jinn; would remain safe from insanity, stupefied state, people’s criticism, and pains.

“Teach Yasin to your children, it is the bouquet of the holy Quran”, said Imam Jafar al Sadiq.


When this surah is recited over a dying person Allah would make his death painless and easy.

Whoever recites this surah every Friday would remain safe from every calamity and trouble, would receive enough means of livelihood, his property and children would remain safe from enemies and the accursed Shaytan; if he dies the same day, he would die as a martyr and live in paradise among the martyrs.

Whoso recites this surah, Allah would credit him with virtues ten times more than the number of all the jinn and humans.

If this surah is written on paper and kept in a glass bottle and kept in a box every dweller of the house would remain safe from every harm even if jinn come there in horde.
If this surah is written on a china plate and washed with water, and a weak trembling person have a bath with it, tranquillity would descend upon him.

SAD (38)

Whoso recites this surah during Friday night Allah would give him and the near and dear ones in the house so much good in this world and the next as would not be given to any except a prophet or a high ranking angel; all of them would be allowed to go to paradise; even the servant is eligible for the reward.

Whoever recites this surah, would get heavenly reward equal to ten times the weight of the mountain Allah made subservient to prophet Dawud; and would be kept safe from committing minor and major sins.

If this surah is written on paper and kept under the seat of a judge or an officer, that judge or officer would not remain in office for more than 3 days; his misdeeds would be found out and he would be dismissed.


Whoso recites this surah in low clear voice Allah would give him honour and prestige in this would, even though he may have no property, wealth, family and high grade job; and also in the next world unlimited facilities would be granted; all the prophets of Allah would pray and seek forgiveness for him.

If this surah is written on paper and worn around the neck as a tawiz or kept under the pillow, whoever comes to visit would go back praising and thanking the writer, would become his admirer and would never say a bad word against him.


If a believer recites this surah every night, Allah would forgive his past and future sins, grant him purity of heart and in the hereafter would give more rewards than he has given in this world.

Whoever writes this surah paper and hangs it on the wall of an orchard there would be an abundant growth in the yield; likewise if hanged in the shop or any business site the sale would increase in leaps and bounds.

If this tawiz is worn by a person who is suffering from big or small boils, swollen testicles, or trembling, inshallah, he would be cured.

To cure heart trouble, pain in the liver or spleen, write this surah on a china plate, wash with clean water, knead fine flour with it, dry it like biscuit, grind it and give it to the patient to eat it.


Whoever recites this surah would live a clean and pure life, and for him there would be a light around him to distinguish him on the day of judgement.

Whoever recites this surah, Allah would give him additional virtues equal to ten times of each letter of this surah.

To cure heart ailments write this surah on a china plate, wash it with clean water, knead flour with it, make balls, dry them, grind them, then give the powder to the patient to eat it.
To cure cataract and eye sore, write this surah on a china plate, wash it with rain water, mix antimony, grind it thin and apply it to the eyes; if antimony cannot be prepared wash the eyes with this water, inshallah, eye-sore would disappear.

Whoever recites this surah, would rise on the day of judgement with a shinning and bright face and go to paradise to live a happy eternal life.

Whoever recites this surah Allah appoints angels to pray salat for him and invoke His blessings; and when he dies they pray for His mercy.

If this surah is written with rain water on a china plate, washed with rain water, ground with antimony, then applied to eyes a person who has cataract, the catract would disappear and with it all other eye ailments. Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears it around the neck  like a tawiz would remain safe from the mischief of the people; and if it is written on a china plate, washed with clean water and whoso drinks it would travel in peace and safety.


Whoso recites this surah would remain safe from worms and insects and squeezing in the grave, till he appears before the almighty Lord, who would send him to paradise.
Whoso recites this surah would be told on the day of judgement: “O servant of Allah, there is no fear, worry or trouble.

Whosoever writes this surah on a china plate, washes with clean water, and drinks it would not need any medication for any disease. If the water is sprinkled on a person afflicted with epilepsy he would atonce come to senses and the germs of epilepsy would be destroyed.


Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory and supererogatory salats, would rise on the day of jdugemetn among those who would be in peace and safety under the throne of Allah, his examination would be leniently conducted and his record of deeds would be given in his right hand.

Whoso recites this surah, would receive a reward equal to the reward of liberating one hundred thousand slaves for each of its letters.

Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears it as a tawiz, would remain safe from those calamities connected with nights.

If this surah is written on a china plate, washed with clean water, whoso suffering from migraine drinks it would be cured; it would also cure hardness of stomach and constipation.
If this surah is written on paper and kept in the trading premises, the sale and profits would increase day by day and if this tawiz is worn around the neck he would remain safe from the mischief of men-in-authority, and he would be a popular man among the people.


Whoso recites this surah would not go near the hell, and by the grace of the merciful Lord live in peace and tranquillity in the company of the Holy Prophet; all his faults would remain hidden.

Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears it around the neck as a tawiz, would remain safe from the persecution and oppression of unjust men-in-authority; and he would be a popular and very much liked person among the people; he would also remain safe from the mischief of backbiting; and if this tawiz is put around the neck of the newly born child or tied to his arm, he would stay in divine safety and protection.


Whoever recites this surah everyday or on every Friday, Allah would keep him away from trouble and hardships in this world and from painful punishment on the day of reckoning; and virtues ten times the number of men walking on the earth would be recorded to his credit and all his evil deeds would be erased and his rank would be enhanced tenfold.

If this surah is written on paper and worn around the neck as a tawiz by a child or his mother or wet nurse he would have enough milk, would grow strong, free from orthopaedic diseases, and also from accidents and mishaps. Whoever writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with Zam Zam water and drinks it, would become a popular person, people would pay attention to what he says, would have a fairly good retaining memory and would attain success in whatever job he undertakes.


Whoever recites this surah fickle-mindedness would never hamper him, doubts and misgivings would never come in his way, poverty and destitution would never afflict him; he would remain safe from the mischiefs of disbelief and suspicion till he dies; and when he dies 1000 angels would pray salat for him at his grave and the reward would be given to him, and these angels would accompany him till he comes before the almighty Lord under the protection of the Holy Prophet.

Whoever writes this surah on paper and wears it around the neck would remain safe, day and night, from every harm and all calamities and from the sorcery of a sorcerer.

AL FAT-H (48)

Whoso recites his surah would remain safe from loss and destruction of wealth, property, movable an immorable. On the day of judgement he would rise among the sincere and virtuous servants of Allah, would abide in the eternal land of bliss, would be given the rewards specifically reserved for those who took the oath of allegiance, on the hand of the Holy Prophet, under the tree; and for those who were with Holy Prophet on the auspicious day of the fall of Makka. Also he would not be drowned in water.

Whoever writes this surah paper and wears it around the neck as a tawiz, would remain safe from thieves and ruffians; at the time of quarrels and clashes would remain safe from the resulting mischief which usually request in such cases; and only good would be his share.

Whoever writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with Zam Zam water and drinks it, people among whom he lives would pay attention to what he says; and he would have an excellent retaini
ng memory; also trembling on account of old age or fear or fright would stop at once.


Whoever recites this surah every day would be counted among those who had seen the Holy Prophet; would be given heavenly reward ten times the number of obedient and disobedient creatures of Allah. Whoever writes this surah on paper and wears it as a tawiz around the neck would remain in peace protected from fear and apprehension during war and fighting; he would always have good in this world and in the hereafter; also if he is under the influence and effect of an evil spirit, he would get rid of the Shaytan and the Shaytan would never come near him again.

If this surah is written on a china plate, washed with clean water, and a mother drinks it her milk would come out, if it had dried; and she and her child would remain safe from every kind of fear and harm.

AL QAF (50)

Whoever recites this surah in obligatory and supererogatory salats, Allah would add and multiply his means of livelihood, would give his record of deeds in his right hand on the day of reckoning; and would leniently examine him. It is also said that at the time of death he would have a smooth sailing.

If this surah is written on paper and put around the neck of a man who is suffering from epilepsy, he would be fully cured.

If this surah is written on a china plate and washed with clean water and given to a mother having little milk in her breasts, would have enough milk to feed her child. In some traditions it is written that she should drink the water directly from the plate or utensil.


Whoever recites this surah either in day or night Allah would multiply his means of livelihood, and after death his grave would remain lit up till the day of judgement; he would be credited with virtues ten times the number of blowings of the winds in his life time.

To cure stomach ache write this surah on a china plate, wash it with clean water and drink it. If this surah is written on a piece of paper and put around a pregnant woman, her delivery would be normal and easy.

If this surah is recited when a dying man is undergoing pangs of death, he would die a peaceful death.

AL NAJM (52)

Whoever recites this surah regularly would command respect from the people and be a very popular figure, they praise and glorify him.

Allah would credit him with virtues ten times the number of those who had testified the Holy Prophet.

Whoever writes this surah on a lion’s skin and wears it around the neck as a tawiz would face boldly the men-in-authority and stand his ground before them; would always have an upper hand over Shaytan; his opponents would be over powered and defeated with the power Allah that He would give him.


Whoso recites this surah would rise on the day of judgement with a face as bright as the moon of the 14th night. It is advisable to recite this surah every night.

Whoso writes this surah on paper (on Friday) and wears it around the neck, would be a very  popular figure among the people and would command respect and love; and his affairs would be made easy and simple.


It is commendable to recite this surah after tahajjud salat as many times as there is:
[Then which of the bounties of your Lord will you both believe?]
[None of the bounties of my Lord, I believe.]
Do not miss recitation of this sruah, recite it frequently because on the day of judgement it would take the form of a human being and stand nearest to the almighty Lord and point out, when commanded, those who had recited it in their life of the world. Their faces then would shine bright. Allah would ask them to recommend for salvation whomever they like, then they would go into paradise to dwell wherever they like.
Only the hypocrites are averse to this surah.
If after reciting this surah the reciter dies, he dies the death of a martyr.
Allah would have pity on a reciter if he is old and weak and bestow bounties on him.
Whoever writes this surah on paper and wears around the neck as a tawiz, Allah would make his difficult tasks easy, and if he is having sore eyes he would be fully cured; he would remain in peace, safety and protection.
If its written text is hanged in the house the dwellers of the house would remain safe from harmful animals.


Whoso recites this surah every Friday night Allah would like him and he would become a popular and likeable person among the people, he would never face severe hardship, destitution, poverty and starvation in this world, nor any calamity would befall on him; he would be counted among the friends of Imam Ali ibn abi Talib, because this surah was specifically revealed for him, and no one shares it with him.

By reciting this surah the reciter may have an idea about paradise, just as by reciting surah al sajdah and surah Luqman the conditions of hell can be visualised.

Whoso goes to sleep after reciting this surah would go before the almighty Lord with a face shining like the full moon on the day of reckoning; and he would not be a careless person. Whoso writes this surah on paper and keeps it in the house, good and prosperity would increase. Whoso recites this surah, poverty and missery would disappear from his life, and there would be plenty of sustenance, protection, good opportunity and wealth.
If this surah is recited on a dead body Allah would forgive his sins, and if it is recited on a dying person he would not suffer death pangs.


If a person recites surah al Hadid and surah al Mujadilah in his obligatory salats regularly Allah would not punish him so long as he lives in this world; neither he nor his family would face any trouble or worry, nor he would be afflicted with a detestable disease.

Whoever recited any surah which begins with sabbahanallah (glory be to Allah) or with yasabbihullah(they glorify Allah) would not die until he has the honour of seeing the Imam al Qa-im, and after death he would live in the neighbourhood of the Holy Prophet.

Whoso recites this surah Allah would exempt him from punishment and would bestow bounties on him in paradise; and if a regular reciter is chained with handcuffs and shackles, he would be set free by divine strategy. Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears around the neck as a tawiz no weapon made of steel would harm him in normal life, and if he is a fighting soldier, in the battlefield, and he would fight fearlessly with utmost courage.

If an ammunition storehouse burst and goes in flames, he who is there should recite this surah to come out safe and sound.

See (i) of 57.
Whoso recites this surah would get deliverance on the day of judgement.
If this surah is recited for a sick man, near him, he would be fully cured; or a tawiz with the written text of this surah is hung around his neck he would be cured.
If any valuabel article or document is kept or buried in safe place recite this sruah. It would remain safe there until its owner takes it out.

If this surah is recited near a sick man he would have a peaceful sleep.
Whoso recites this surah regularly his property would remain safe from thieves and burglars.
If this surah is written on paper and kept near the grains or seeds inshallah, the harmful pests, insects and rodents would not come near to destroy them.


Whoso recites this sruah, all the dwellers of paradise, the seven heavens, the seven earths, and also arsh, kursi, hijab, angels, space, winds, birds, trees, mountains, sun, moon would seek forgiveness and safety for him, and if he dies on that day or night he would die a martyr.

Whoso recites this surah during Friday night would remain safe from all calamities till monring.

Whoso prays a 4 rak-at salat and recites this surah after reciting surah al Fatihah in every rak-at would achieve success and fulfilment in whatever legitimate activitity he undertakes.
Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears it around his neck as a tawiz all his legitimate needs would be fulfilled.

Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean water would get rid of forgetfulness and his i.q. would go in higher grades.


Whoso recites this surah regularly in his obligatory and supererogatory salats,Allah would fill his heart with belief, make his eyes bright, increase his intelligence, keep poverty, destitution in sanity from him.

Whoso recites this surah angels seek forgiveness and safety for him; if he dies on the same day he would die a martyr, and believers would seek his intercession on the day of reckoning.

Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean water and drinks it (three consecutive days) no disease of spleen would afflict him, and it would cure if he is suffering from any disease of spleen.

AL SAFF (61)

Whoso recites this surah regularly in his obligatory and supererogatory salats would give him a place in the company of angels and prophets.

Whoso recites this surah, prophet Isa would seek forgiveness and safety for him so long as he lives in this world; and when he dies he would be among the companions of prophet Isa on the day of judgement; who would also pray his funeral salat.

Who recites this surah regularly would remain safe from thieves and ruffians during journey till he safely returns to his house.


Every shi-ah should recite this surah and surah al Ala during Friday night; and in Zuhr salat on Friday recite this surah and surah al Munafiqun, because the Holy Prophet used to do so, therefore whoso does so is following the Holy Prophet in letter and spirit, as a result Alalh would send him to paradise knowing this if any one does not recite this surah and surah al Munafiqunhe is not a true follower of his sunnah.

Whoso recites this surah virtues ten times the number of those who assemble to pray Jumu-ah salat all over the world, would be credited to his account in his record.
Whoso recites this surah every night or every day would get rid of fear of that which is frightening him; he would also be free from worries and troubles.

Whoso recites this surah at the day break and sunset on Friday would remain safe from the mischief of Shaytan; and Allah’s forgiveness would be available to him till the next day.


See (I) of (62).
Whoso recites this surah secures freedom from hypocrisy and doubts.
If this surah is recited to get rid of boils, eye-sore and internal or external pain, the reciter would soon be relieved of these ailments.


Whoso recites this sruah, on the day of reckoning, it would intercede for him and remain with him till he would go to paradise.

Whoso recites this surah before going to sleep he would surely see Imam al Qa-im before he dies, and after death would live in the neighbourhood of the Holy Prophet.
Whoso recites this surah would be kept safe from accidental death.
Whoso recites this surah and goes to meet a man-in-authority who is against him, Allah would keep him safe from his evil and mischief.


Whoso recites this surah and surah al Tahrim in his obligatory functions would be kept protected from fear and grief on the day of reckoning; he would go to paradise because these two surah are particularly related to the Holy Prophet.

Whoso recites this surah Allah would prompt him to turn sincerely repentant unto Allah.


Whoso recites this surah Allah would prompt him to turn sincerely rependant to Allah.
If this surah is written on a china plate, washed with clean water and sprinkled on an epileptic he would be fully cured.

If this surah is recited for a man who has been bitten by a scorpion, the poison would not spread in his body and he would be fully cured; and likewise a man afflicted with palsy would also be cured.

Whoso recites this surah regularly he would become able to pay all his debt, however much they are.

AL MULK (67)

Whoso recites this surah before going to sleep would remain in Allah’s protection till the day of judgement and would go to paradise.

Whoso recites this surah regularly remains safe from the chastisement of grave because all his limbs and parts of body would tell Munkar and Nakir that this man had been reciting surah al Mulk throughout his life.

Whoso memorises this surah, it would be his companion in the grave and save him from all punishments till the day of judgement, intercede for him and take him to paradise.
If this surah is recited for isal thawab of brothers-in-faith it reaches them with the speed of lightning and keeps them from the punishments of the grave.


Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory and supererogatory salats Allah would never allow poverty and destitution afflict him and would not punish him, and give him that reward which He has reserved for those whom He likes very much.

If this surah is written on paper and put around the neck of a person suffering from toothache it would disappear atonce, and also any injury to the teeth would be healed immediately.


Whoso recites this surah his belief in and love for Allah, the Holy Prophet and Imam Ali ibn abi Talib would grow to the highest limit till he meets the Lord of the worlds who would take his account leniently for a very short time.

If this surah is written on paper and put around the neck of a pregnant woman, her child would remain safe and sound in her womb.

If it is written on a china plate, washed with clean water and a child drinks it at the time of weaning, he would grow into a very intelligent man with an excellent memory so that learning the holy Qruan by heart would be very easy for him.


Whoso recites this surah often times Allah would cancel his mistakes on the day of reckoning and send him to paradise to live with the Holy prophet; and he would be among those believers who gave answer to the call of prophet Nuh.

If a person is captive, or under detention, in a prison, he should recite this surah there, because as soon as he completes it Allah would arrange his release and he would safely go back to his family. Whoso recites this surah before going to sleep he would not have secretion of semen till morning.

NUH (71)

Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory and supererogatory salats would stay with favourites of Allah in paradise, amidst beautiful women and houries.

Whoso recites this surah and beseeches Allah for fulfilment of his legitimate desires and needs Allah would give him what he wants without delay.

Whoso recites this surah regularly would not die unless he sees the place he would be allotted in paradise.

JINN (72)
Whoso recites this surah often times would neither be affected by the evil eye of Jinn in his worldly life, nor sorcery would harm him, nor jinn would be able to give him any trouble; and he would live in the company of the Holy Prophet in paradise.

Whoso recites this surah would get the reward equal to the reward given for freeing as many slaves as the number of all those jinn who believed in the Holy Prophet and those jinn and devils who disbelieved in him; and jinns would run away from the place where this surah is recited.

If a person goes to meet a man-in-authority after reciting this surah he would not be harassed or victimised by him; and if a prisoner recites this surah he would be soon released easily; and if a man in trouble recites this surah his worries and troubles would soon disappear.


Whoso recites this surah after Isha salat or late in the night, it would guard him for 24 hours. This surah purifies the life of the reciter, and his death would be peaceful.

The reward for reciting this surah is equal to the reward of those who set free as many slaves as the number of jins and devils; Allah would remove poverty and other worries from the reciter of this surah, he would have a trouble free time on the day of judgement; and whoso recites this surah regularly would see the Holy Prophet in his dream who would listen  to his lawful desires and fulfil them.

Whoso recites this surah hundred times during Friday night Allah would forgive him hundred faults, and a thousand virtues would be recorded in his record of deeds.


Whoso recites this surah in obligatory salat Allah creates love of the Holy Prophet in his heart and treats him as one of the close friends of the Holy Prophet; and he would not face any trouble in the life of this world. Whoso recites this surah would get reward ten times the number of those who believed in the Holy Prophet or disbelieved in him.

Whoso recites regularly this surah and at the end beseeches Allah to give him the memory to learn the holy Quran by heart, Allah would grant him such a memory to memorise the holy Quran before he dies; also whatever he seeks from Allah, He would fulfil his lawful desires.


Whoso recites this surah regularly, and acts upon it, would rise from the grave on the day of reckoning fresh, smiling, looking good and join the company of the Holy Prophet, and would pass mizan and sirat with ease, because the Holy Prophet and Jibrail would give witness that he was an upright man who believed in the day of judgement and so always carried out the divine commands.

He would have more than enough means of livelihood and would be under divine protection;  and no man-in-authority would harm him

AL DAHR (76)

Whoso recites this surah on Thursday mornings would live in the company of the Holy Prophet in paradise, and particularly he would be given a privilege to have beautiful wives.
Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean water, and drinks it, would get rid of heart ailments, also it would make his body and mind strong.


Whoso recites this surah, knowing its meaning and interpretation, would sincerely love the Holy Prophet; would never associate others with Allah; and if he recites it at a time of quarrel or conflict with his opponent he would have an upper hand over his enemy; also a man-in-authority or a judge would also help him against his enemy.

If this surah is written on a china plate, washed with onion water and given to a person who has stomach ache to drink, the pain would go.

AL NABA (78)

Whoso recites this surah daily for one year he would go to hajj in the following year.
Whoso recites this surah and memorises it would not be examined on the day of reckoning more than the time in which this surah is written down, or a salawat is recited or a salat is prayed, then he would be sent to paradise.

Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears it as a tawiz around the neck lice would not enter in his hair; and there would be a marked increase in his energy, strength and prestige.
Whoso recites this surah to remain awake would be able to do so.

Whoso recites this surah in journey in the night for protection, his belongings would not be stolen by robbers or thiefs throughout the night.

Whoso recites this surah would die in peace and tranquillity; Allah would raise him from the grave smiling and happy; Allah would not punish him on the day of judgement, rather refreshing drinks would be given him to drink and then he would be sent to paradise. In this world if he recites it to encounter his enemies, they would run away without inflicting any harm on him; and the fear of the person with whom he has some business would disappear and he would remain fully safe.

ABASA (80)

Whoso recites this surah would come out from his grave happy and smiling on the day of reckoning and have prestige and high position under the mercy of Allah in paradise.
To have a safe and protected journey recite this surah at the beginning of the journey.


Whoso recites this surah, Allah would not humiliate him on the day of reckoning when his record of deeds would be made known, then he would look at the Holy Prophet who would provide him protection.

If this surah is recited for a person who is suffering eye-sore or secreting tears, he would be cured inshallah. To cure eye troubles write this surah on paper and hang around the neck of the patient.

Whoso recites this surah and surah al Inshiqaq in his obligatory and supererogatory salats, Allah would have a glance of mercy on him on the day of judgement throughout the progress of reckoning, would not humiliate him by disclsonig his hidden deeds, at the time of making known his record of deeds, and would forgive him.

If this surah is written on paper and put around the neck of a person who is under detention or in prison he would get his freedom and would also be free from fears and threats very soon.

Whoso recites this surah at the time when it rains, Allah would forgive him his sins equal to the drops of rain. To remove eye-sore and improve eye sight recite this surah and breathe it over the eyes.


Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats Allah would keep him away from the fire of hell; he would not be questioned nor he would have to pass over the bridge of hell; he would go to paradise directly after drinking cool scented water.

If this surah is recited at the place where money, valueable articles and documents are kept, Allah would see that they remain safe from every possible calamity.


See (i) of 82.
Whoso recites this surah, his record of deeds would not be used against him.
If this surah is written on paper and put around the neck of a pregnant woman as a tawiz, she would deliver the child easily without delay; but as soon as the child comes out the tawiz should be removed at once because this surah would take out every thing from her inside.

If this surah is written on paper and hung as a tawiz for the protection of cattle they would remain safe from all calamities; if it is hung on the wall of a house it would remain safe from wild animals.


Whoso recites this bountiful surah would rise on the day of judgement among the prophets, messengers and virtuous servants of Allah; and Allah would give him reward ten times the number of those who prayed salat of Jumu-ah and were present of on the day of Arafa, and also keep him free from fear and hardship.

If the written text of this surah on paper is put around the neck of a child as a tawiz his weaning would be made easy.

Whoso recites this surah, while sitting on the bed, he would remain in Allah’s protection till morning.


Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats, Allah would bestow prestrige and position on him on the dayof judgement, virtues equal to the number of stars in the sky would be credited to his record of deeds; and he with his believing friends would go to paradise.
If this surah is writrten on a china plate, washed with clean water and with this washes a wound, the wound would heal and swelling would disappear.

If this surah is recited over an utensil and then medicine is given in it, pain would go away.

AL ALA (87)

Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory and supererogatory salats it would be said to him: “Enter paradise from whichever door your like.”

Imam Ali ibn abi Talib used to recite this surah in his Isha salat. He said: “If you know the blessings of this su rah you will recite it 20 times every day. Whoso recites this surah it is as though he has recited the heavenly scriptures sent down on Musa and Ibrahim.”
Whoso recites this surah would receive reward equal to the number of each letter of the scriptures given to prophet Ibrahim, prophet Musa, and the holy Prophet.
If this surah is recited to remove pain in the ear or neck or heal a sickness, it would do so very soon. It would also cure piles, broken limb.

If written text of this surah is put around the neck of a person suffering piles, it would be cured very soon.


Whoso recites this surah regularly in his obligatory and supererogatory salats, he would receive Allah’s mercy in this world and in the hereafter; he would be protected from the fire of hell, and he would have a smooth sailing during the reckoning.
If this surah is recited for a child (human or animal) who screams very much, he would get rid of this habit and have an ordinary life of a child.

If a person is suffering pain in a molar tooth or in the teeth recite this surah to remove pain, uneasiness.

If some one eats food after reciting this surah over it, Allah would keep him safe from any harm in the food.
If this surah is recited for a man who is straying he would come back on the right path.

AL FAJR (89)

Recite this surah in your obligatory and supererogatory salats because it is related to Imam Husayn, so the reciter would be in the company of Imam Husayn on the day of judgement and in paradise.

Moreover, Allah would forgive his sins equal in number to the reciters of this surah, and on the day of judgement a light would be with him. In this world he would remain in the protection of Allah for 24 hours after the recitation.
Whoso writes this surah on paper, and wears it around his neck as a tawiz and sleeps with his wife, Allah would give him a blessed and virtuous son who would be a source of comfort to him.

This written surah as a tawiz can also be put around the neck of the wife.


Whoso recites this surah would inshallah enjoy high reputation among the pious people in this world and in the next world live with the prophets and martyrs as their friend.
Whoso recites this surah Allah would keep him safe from His anger and displeasure and exempt him from the fire of hell.

If this surah is written on paper and put on around the neck of a new born child as a tawiz the child would inshallah remain safe from those ailments which usually afflict children, moreover the child would not cry much and fits would not attack him.


Whoso recites surahs al Shams, al Layl, al Zuha and al Inshirah on any day or any night, there is nothing which would not give witness for his recitation of these four surahs on the day of judgement, so much so that the reciter’s hair, face, blood, muscles and bones would give witness and everything on earth would come forward to stand witness for him. Then Allah would say: “I have accepted the evidence of all of you for my servant, now I send him to paradise. Whatever he likes will be given to him there, and more through My mercy and favour.”

Whoso recites this surah is like that very rich man who gives away in charity all that which he has; and if the reciter is not a man of means, Allah would provide for him favourable turn of circumstances and divine guidance, he would be guarded wherever he might be, many benefits would be made available to him; he would be a amiable and popular man among the people; Allah would increase his means of sustenance and he would be freed from losses, worries and poverty.

Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, wash it with clean water and drinks it, inshallah, his trembling would go away.

AL LAYL (92)

As (i) of (91)
Whoso recites this surah would receive from Allah gifts and benefits which would please him very much; all his worries and hardships would disappear; Allah would make him self-sufficient and well-to-do.

Whoso recites this surah 15 or 20 times before going to sleep, he would see pleasing dreams and no evil would come near him during his sleep, as he would be under Allah’s protection.

Whoso recites this surah in Isha or tahajjud salat is as if he has recited 1/4th of the holy Quran; Allah would accept this salat.

If this surah is recited in the ear of an unconscious person or an epileptic he would, inshallah, at once, become a normal man, regaining his senses.

AL ZUHA (93)
As (i) or (91)

Whoso recites this surah, it would intercede for him on the day of judgement; and virtues ten times the number of beggars and orphans who have lived in days gone by would be written in his record of deeds.

If this surah is written over the name of a person who has disappeared, inshallah, he would come back safe and sound.

If a person keeps something at some place and forgets to bring it with him, and recites this surah that thing would remain in Allah’s protection till he goes there and takes it.

As (i) of 91.

Whoso recites this surah Allah would give him safety and conviction.
Whoso recites this surah on the chest, every ailment in the chest such as palpitation of heart etcetera,, would be cured.
If this surah is written on a china plate, washed with clean water and given to a person whose urine is not passing through, inshallah, after drinking it his urine would pass through easily.
If a patient suffering cold drinks this water inshallah he would be fully cured.

AL TIN (95)

Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory and supererogatory salats Allah would send him to paradise.

Whoso recites this surah would receive reward from Allah, inshallah, beyond his imagination; he would be treated like a sahabi (companion) of the Holy Prophet; and he would live in paradise happy and fully satisfied.

If this surah is recited over the food before eating Allah would not let any harmful ingredient in it does any harm to the eater, even if it contains lethal poison.

AL ALAQ (96)

Whoso recites this surah and dies thereafter on the same day, he dies like a martyr and would have all the facilities a martyr, who had fought alongwith the Holy Prophet, has.
Whoso recites this surah would inshallah receive the reward given for reciting the whole Quran, and given to a warrior who fights in the cause of Allah.

Whoso recites this surah while travelling on a ship Allah would not let him drown if such a situation develops on the sea or river.

Whoso recites this surah over his storehouse or godown Allah would keep it safe from every kind of calamity, theft and pilferage; and if it is a treasure or safe his wealth and belonging would remain safe in it.
If a man recites this surah before going on a journey he would inshallah remain safe from calamities, hardships and worries during the journey.

AL QADR (97)

Whoso recites this surah in loud voice is like him who fights in the cause of Allah, and whoso recites it in slow voice is like him who has shed his blood in the cause of Allah; whoso recites this surah ten times in a single sitting his ten thousand sins would be forgiven.
To remain safe from dehydration take a new earthen utensil, fill it with clean water, recite this surah 30 times over it, then drink it; and also use it for wuzu.

Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats Allah would appoint an announcer who would announce: “O servant of Allah, all your past sins have been forgiven, now live like a pious Muslims.” Whoso recites this surah, his reward would be equal to that man who fasts for the whole month of Ramzan; and whoso recites it in the night of Qadr (laylatul qadr) is like him who fights in the cause of Allah; and if this surah is recited on the door a godown or a storehouse or a safe, the goods in it or belongings in the safe would remain under Allah’s protection, and save the owner no one would be able to take out anything from it.

Whoso recites this surah, he, alongwith his friends and helpers, would be the favourites of Allah on the day of judgement.

If this surah is written on a new and clean utensil and a person afflicted with facial paralysis continuously looks on it, Allah would free him from the paralysis.
Whoso recites this surah 15 times after the Isha salat, would remain in Allah’s protection till the next night, and if he recites 7 times every night, Allah would protect him till daybreak.
Whoso recites this surah over his gold, silver and jewelry Allah would increase his belongings and all his valuables would remain safe from theft and damage. The same would happen if this surah is recited over water and with it these valuables are washed and cleaned.


Whoso recites this surah becomes a staunch believer in tawhid, keeps no relation with polytheists, follows strictly laws given by the Holy Prophet, so on the day of judgement his reckoning would be very easy.

Whoso recites this surah, Imam Ali ibna abi Talib would take care of him on the day of judgement and keep him in his company.
As (vi) of (97)
If this surah is written on a loaf of bread and a suspected thief eats it he would confess at once. If the name of a suspected thief is written on a ring and this surah is recited over it, it would move if he is the thief. If this surah is written on paper and put around the neck of a patient, suffering jaundice, as a tawiz, the disease would disappear, this tawiz would also cure whiteness in the eye and white spots on the body.

If this surah is written on a china plate, washed with clean water, and a pregnant woman drinks, her delivery would be easy, and the child would be born in very pleasant circumstances and would be loved and admired very much.
If this surah is written on a paper and put around the neck as a tawiz swelling of every kind would, inshallah, disappear.


Whoso recites this surah regularly in his supererogatory salats would never be in a place where an earthquake quakes, he would not die in an earthquake or by a lightning, nor he would die on account of any calamity, till he dies a natural death; and when he is going to die an angel would come and sit near his head and say to Izrail; “treat him kindly since he is a favourite of Allah, as he used to remember Allah very much.” Along with angel this surah would also say the same words. Izrail would say that Allah has also commanded him not to take out his soul without his permission. When the reciter sees the place allotted to him in paradise, he would give permission to Izrail to take out his soul. 

He would die a very peaceful death. After death seventy thousand angels would take him to paradise. At the time of entering into paradise Allah would say: “My servant you are a decoration for My paradise, live wherever you like. All the facilities of paradise are at your disposal.” Whoso recites this surah would get reward of a man who has recited one fourth Quran.
As (iv) of 97.
Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears around the neck as a tawiz and goes to a man of authority his fear of that man-in-authority would disappear and he would come out fully satisfied from the interview.
As (vi) of 97.


Whoso recites this surah regularly Allah would raise him on the day of judgement with special companions of Imam Ali ibn abi Talib, and he would move in their company all the time.

Whoso recites this surah Allah would give him reward equal to the man who has recited the whole Quran.

Whoso recites this surah regularly all his debts would be repaid in full.
If this surah is recited for a frightened person his fright and fear would disappear and his safety would be guaranteed.

AL QARI-AH (101)

Whoso recites this surah often times Allah would keep him safe from Dajjal, antichrist, so he would not say yes to the call of Dajjal; he would also not go near the fire of hell, his good deeds would outweigh his sins at the time of reckoning.

Whoso writes this surah on paper and hangs it in the house, his poverty would go and prosperity would come in. If the written text of this surah as a tawiz is put around the neck, failing business would suddenly become a highly profitable enterprise.


Whoso recites this surah before going to sleep he would remain in Allah’s protection, and hardships and worries of the grave would not trouble him.

Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats reward to be given to a hundred martyrs would be credited to his account, and if this surah is recited in supererogatory salats the reward would be equal to the reward of fifty martyrs.

Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats forty rows of angels would pray with him.
Whoso recites this surah would not be asked to give account of those favours he enjoyed in this world.

Whoso recites this surah at the time when it starts raining all his sins would be forgiven.
Whoso recites this surah at Asr time he would remain in Allah’s protection till the sunset next day.

Whoso recites this surah a voice is heard in the skies, saying: “Who is he who gives thanks to Allah like this man.”

AL ASR (103)

Whoso recites this surah in his optional salats Allah would raise him, on the day of judgement , with a smiling face and glittering eyes, ten virtues would be credited to his record of deeds; he would be among the companions of Imam Ali ibn abi Talib, and eventually Allah would send him to paradise.

If this surah is recited over the place where valuables are kept concealed, these things would remain safe there, till the owner himself takes it out.


Whoso recites this surah in his optional salats Allah would remove his poverty and make easy for him earning of livelihood, keep him safe from accidental death; and virtues equal to the number of those who ridiculed the Holy Prophet and his companions would be credited to his account.

If this surah is written on paper and put around the neck of a man whose eyes are aching, the pain would be cured. Recite this surah and breathe over the man who is a victim of an evil eye, the effects of the evil eye would disappear, inshallah.

AL FIL (105)

Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats, plains, mountain trees and even the particles of sand would bear witness that he was a sincere prayer of salats, and on the day of judgement an announcer would announce:

“Allah has accepted the witnessing, you go to paradise without reckoning because Allah has accepted you as His friend and approved your deeds.”

In this world Allah would keep him safe from ignorable and mean qualities which transform a human being to a beast.

If this surah is recited over a weapon it would hit the target and destroy enemies’ weapons.
If this surah is recited and breathed over a person in trouble, his worries and troubles would disappear.

The reciter of this surah would always have an upper hand over his opponent.


The reciter of this surah is like him who has circumambulated holy Kabah and stayed in the holy masjid for continued prayers.

Whoso recites this surah often times, Allah would, on the day of judgement, give him one of the means of transport of paradise which would take him to a very slect part of paradise.
If this surah is recited over the food before eating it, it would not harm the eater; and it would  have cure of every ailment, inshallah.

If this surah is recited over water and it is sprinkled over a man with a heart ailment whose cause is not known, Allah would cure this ailment.

AL MA-UN (107)

Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory and optional salats, his fasts and salats would, inshallah, be approved, and he would not be examined for the misdeeds he has done in the world; and in this world he would by protected by Allah as long as the zakat -payers are paying the zakat.

Whoso recites this surah a hundred times after the Fajr salat Allah would protect him till the next Fajr salat.


Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory and optional salats Allah would give him, on the day of judgement, water from the river Kawthar to drink and he would be in the company of the Holy Prophet under the tree of Tuba, in paradise; and the virtues ten times the number of those who sacrifice animals on the day of hajj would be recorded in the record of his deeds.

He who recites this surah a hundred times on Friday night would, inshallah, see the Holy prophet in his dream.


Al Kafirun is one fourth part of the Quran. After reciting this surah say: “I worship the one and only Allah, and my religion is Islam.”
Whoso recites surah al Ikhlas and this surah before going to sleep, Allah would never let polythism touch him.

Whoso recites this surah and sura al Ikhlas in any of his obligatory salats Allah would forgive his, his parents’ and his children’s sins, and if his name is written in the register of unfortunate and disobedient persons, it would be erased from it and written in the register of  virtuous and fortunate people, and on the day of judgement he would be raised with the martyrs.

Teach your children this surah to recite at the time of going to sleep because no harm would come to the reciter while he is sleeping.
Whoso recites this surah, Shaytan does not come near him, and on the day of judgement Allah would dispel his fear and fright.

Whoso recites this surah ten times at daybreak and seeks fulfilment of his legitimate desires in this world or in the hereafter, Allah would hear and give him what he wants.

AL NASR (110)

Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory or optional prayers, Allah would protect him from the mischief of his enemies; and on the day of reckoning he would have a document of safety in his hand in which it would be written that Allah has granted him safety from the heat of hell-fire. All along the way to paradise whoever meets him would congratulate him on his good fortune.

In this world also he would get good and bounties from sources of which he has no knowledge.
He would get reward like the man who was with the Holy Prophet on the day of the fall of Makka. If he recites it after surah al Fatihah in prayers his salat would be accepted.

AL LAHAB (111)

At the time of reciting this surah send la-nat (curse) on Abu Lahab who belied and opposed the Holy Prophet tooth and nail.
Whoso recites this surah Allah would not keep him and Abu Lahab in one place; and as Abu Lahab’s abode is hell, the reciter would live in paradise.
If this surah is recited before gong to sleep, Allah would keep him in His protection.
If a sick person recites this surah in bed his ailment would be cured.


This surah is one third of the holy Quran.
See(iii), (iv) of 109.
Whoso recites this surah a hundred times before going to sleep Allah would forgive his sins comitted in forty years.
Whoso does not recite this surah in any of the five salats in a day all his five salats would go waste, rendered null and void.

Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats Allah grants him good in this world as well as in the next life and forgives him, his parents and his children.
When the Holy Prophet prayed the funeral salat of Sad bin Maz, seventy thousand angels were praying with him including Jibrail, because Sad used to recite this surah very much, sitting, standing, walking, riding, all the time.
Recite this surah and bismillahir rahmanir rahim on the right side, on the left side, upward and downward.

When a person goes to see an unjust man-in-authority, he should recite this surah 3 times and close the fist and open it when the interview is finished.
Imam Jafar al Sadiq said that in salats this surah or surah al Kafirun can be recited in place of any other surah but no other surah should be recited in place of these two surahs.
Do not recite this surah in one breath.

Whoso recites this surah ten times at the time of going out from the house remains in the protection of Allah till he comes back.

Imam Ali ibn abi Talib used to recite this surah in every salat. The Holy Prophet said:
“O Ali, surah al Ikhlas is your favourite and beloved surah because you are the favourite and the beloved of Allah.”

Whoso recites this surah in his bed Allah forgives his sins committed in 50 years.
Whoso recites this surah once is like he who has recited one third of the Holy Quran, Injil, Tawrat and Zabur.

Imam Ali ibn abi Talib said: “Whoso recites surah al Ikhlas before dawn whatever frightens him would disappear, he would not make any error that day however much Iblis might try.
Whoso recites surah al Fatihah once and this surah 30 times in each of the first two rak-ats of tahajjud all the sins he might have committed would inshallah be forgiven.

The Holy Prophet said: “O Ali, you are like surah al Ikhlas. Whoso recites this surah once it is as if he has recited one third of the Quran; whoso recites it twice it is as if he has recited two third of the Quran; whoso recites it thrice it is as if he has recited the whole Quran. Just like it is your case. Whoso loves you in his heart for him is the reward equal to one third worship of all the people; whoso makes your love known to the people, for him is the reward                                   equal to two-third worship of all the virtuous people; whoso gives expression to your love with his limbs (by deeds), for him the reward is equal to the whole worship of all the virtuous people.” Say 3 times kazalikallahu rabbi (like this is my Allah) when you finish reciting this surah.

Whoso recites this surah on the graves of believing men and believing women earns great rewards. Allah likes very much those who recite this surah regularly.
It is a fortress for protection against every kind of affliction and calamity.
If this surah is recited for a dead person the reward is of reciting the whole Quran.
If this surah is recited over the eyes of a man suffering eye-sore he would be cured.
Whoso recites this surah ten times while passing by a graveyard for those believers buried therein, would earn reward equal the number of buried believers.

Imam Muhamamd bin Ali al Baqir said:
“Once Ali gave 400 advices to his companions in a single sitting to make better the day to day life and have a good knowledge of religion:
Recite surah al Ikhlas before daybreak; also surah al Qadr and Ayat ul Kursi; all fears would disappear, and the reciter would not do any wrong the whole day however much Iblis might try.

Go out on a Thursday morning in quest of fulfilment of your needs. Whenever a man goes out of his house he should recite the last verses 190 to 200 of Aali Imran, Ayatul Kursi al Qadr and al Fatihah if he wants his efforts to be fruitful in this world and get a reward in the hereafter.

When Shaytan creates evil ideas in your mind seek Allah’s protection, saying:
amantu billahi wa bi rasulihi mukhlisan lahud din
At the time of putting on new garments; do wuzu, pray a 2 rak-at salat; in each rak-at recite surah al Fatihah, Ayatul Kursi, surah al Ikhlas, surah al Qadr; and give thanks to Allah for providing comforts of life and good position in society.
Recite regularly:
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil aliyyil azim.
The reciter would not disobey Allah, always an angel would seek forgiveness for him, and Allah would have mercy on him.
Say assalamu alaykum (peace be on you all whenever you enter your house, and if there is no one in the house say: assalamu alayna min rabina (peace be onus from our Lord).
And while going in the house recite surah al Ikhlas because it would drive away poverty and bring prosperity. Imam Jafar al Sadiq said:
One day the Holy Prophet asked his companions:
“Who among you always fast?”
“O, prophet of Allah, I do,” replied Salman Farsi.
“Who among you remain awake the whole night?” asked he.
“I do,” said Salman.
“Who among you recite the whole Quran every day?” He asked.
“I do”, said Salman.
These replies annoyed some of his companions. One of them said:
“O Prophet of Allah, Salman is a Persian, so in order to prove his superiority over us, the Quraysh, he said that he always fast, though we have seen him eating and drinking water during day time; we have seen him sleeping in the nights; we have seen him quiet without uttering a single word.”
The Holy Prophet said:
“Ask Salman. He will give you the answer.”

Then Salman said:
“I fast thrice in a month. “Whosoever comes with a good deed for him shall be ten like thereof,” says Allah; and I join the fasts of the month of Shaban with the fasts of the month of Ramazan. In this way I am like him who fasts for the whole year.

I have heard my beloved friend, the Messenger of Allah, saying that whoever, after doing wuzu, in a state of cleanliness, goes to sleep is like him who remains awake the whole night. So I go to sleep after doing wuzu. I have heard the Holy Prophet saying:
“O Ali, your example in my ummah is like surah Ikhlas; and whoever recites surah al Ikhlas once has, in fact, recited one third of the Quran, so whoso recites it 3 times has, in fact, recited the whole Quran.

Whoso loves you, O Ali, from the bottom of his heart, his one third belief has perfected, then makes it known publicly his two third belief has perfected, and then helps you by deeds his belief has perfected in full.

By Allah who commissioned me as a true prophet, O Ali, I swear that if the people living on earth love you like those dwelling in the heavens, Allah would not send any one to hell.”
So I recite surah al Ikhlas thrice daily.”

AL FALAQ (113)

Whoso recites, even from early age, every night 3 times surah al Falaq, 3 times surah al Nas, and 100 or 50 times surah al Ikhlas, Allah would keep him safe from every evil-eye, all ailments that afflict children, all stomach ailments, low and high blood pressure; and so long as he keeps reciting like this he would remain safe from diseases till he dies.

According to the Imams of Ahl ul Bayt it is better to recite surah al Falaq and surah al Ikhlas in the rak-at of witr, in tahajjud.

AL NAS (114)
See (I) of 113.

Whoso recites this surah on any pain-giving part of the body, the pain would disappear.
Whoso recites this surah before going to sleep he remains in the protection of Allah till morning; and there is protection and freedom from grief, sorrow, and pain for the reciter of this sruah; and if it is recited in a house, it would remain free form jinn and evil spirits; and if written text of this surah is put around the neck of children as tawiz, they would remain safe from jinn.

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(1) 40 Hadees Nabvi (1) 40 Hadees Nabvi in english (1) 40 Hadith (1) 40 Hadith Collection (1) 40 Hadith Selection (1) 40 Qurani Masnoon Duain (1) 40 Rabbana (2) 40 Rabbana from Quran (1) 5 Acts of Sadaqah Jaariyah in Islam (1) 5 Most Unique Teachings Of The Holy Quran (1) 5 Obstructions to Clear Thinking (1) 5 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Satan (1) 6 Easy Dhikr to Purify Your Heart Daily6 (1) 6 Facts About Dome of Masjid e Nabawi (1) 6 Kalimahs (1) 6 Steps to Get You Closer to Allah (SWT) (1) 7 Hadiths About Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain (RA) (1) 7 Mubeen Wazifa (1) 7 Prevailing Signs Of The Age Of Fitnah (Trial) (1) 7 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight During Ramadan (1) 7 Things to Keep Your Marriage Alive (1) 7 tips for improving your relationship with the Quran (1) 7 TIPS TO TACKLE HUNGER AND FATIGUE IN RAMADAN (1) 70 Matters Related to Fasting Al-Siyaam (1) 8 Types Of Nafil Salaahs (1) 9 Ways To Purify Your Heart With the Remembrance of Allah (1) 99 names of Allah (1) A "Paraclete" like Jesus (1) A Brief Biography of Sayyiduna Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (1) A Brief History of Islam (1) A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam (1) A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A MUSLIM WOMAN (1) A Discussion of Obedience and Authority in Islam (1) A Guide for Confession (1) A HISTORY OF THE HAJJ (1) A Look into The Tomb of Waris Shah (1) A Muslim View on Respecting Life (1) A Muslim’s Thoughts on Coronavirus (1) A Powerful Dua for Happiness (1) A Reminder For All The Worlds – Quran (1) A Short Summary of Ghazwa (Battle of) Badr (1) A Woman's Guide To Hajj (1) A Woman’s Journey In Ramadan (1) Aameen (1) Abdul Qadir Jilani (1) ABDULLAH IBN ABBAS (1) Ablution (4) ACTIONS AND INTENTIONS (2) Actions that put a person beyond the pale of Islam (1) Ada e Qarz ka Wazifa (1) Adam the First Prophet and first Man (1) Adhan (azan) (2) Adhkaar on Friday (1) Admonitory events of Miraaj Night (1) Advice for New Muslims (1) Afford and Effort in Hajj and Umrah: The Issue of Muslims’ Faith (1) Ahad Nama (1) AHADITH ON TAQDEER (1) Ahle Sunnat (1) Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (1) Al Khairat (1) Al-Adl Al-Lateef (1) al-aleem (1) Al-Alim (1) al-aziz (1) Al-Baasit (1) al-bari (1) Al-Baseer (1) al-basit (1) Al-Fattah (2) Al-Ghafoor (1) Al-Haleem Al-Azeem (1) al-jabbar (1) Al-Khaafid (1) Al-Khabeer (1) al-khaliq (1) al-malik (1) al-momin (1) Al-Mu’izz (1) Al-Mundhiri on love for the sake of Allah (1) Al-Muzil (2) Al-Qaabid (1) al-qabiz (1) al-qudus (1) al-raheem (1) al-razzaq (1) al-rehman (1) al-salam (1) al-samee (1) al-wahab (1) Al-Wahhab (1) Alcohol in Islam and Science: Conflict or Concordance (1) Alhamdulillah- O Allah Thank you (1) AlHaram AlSharief (1) All Is Not Lost – Make Ramadan Beneficial If You Can’t Fast (1) ALLAH EXISTS WITHOUT A BEGINNING NOR AN END (1) Allah God Is The Most Beneficent And Mericiful (1) Allah in the Jewish Bible (1) Allah is God of Jesus (1) ALLAH LOVES GENTLENESS IN ALL THINGS (1) Allah multiplies the reward for good deeds (1) AM I CONSIDERED A MUSLIM? (1) AMR IBN AL-JAMUH (1) An Insight on Virtues/Benefits of Surah Al-FalaQ and An-NaaS (1) An Islamic Point of View (1) An-Nawawi on forgiveness and pardon (1) AN-NAWAWI ON PRACTICING THE SUNNAH (1) and forbearance in Islam (1) and Peace in One Word: Allah (1) And Rewards of Adhan (1) and Wazaaif (1) Angel of mountains (1) Anger Management in the Light of Quran and Sunnah (1) AQIQAH – CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF YOUR CHILD (1) Ar-Rafi (1) Ar-Razzaq (1) Arabic Dua after Namaz: (2) Are Muslims only kind to believers? (1) ARE SUICIDE BOMBINGS LAWFUL IN ISLAM? (1) Arguing About Religion is Very Harmful for the Ignorant. (1) Arkan e Islam (1) As-salat (3) As-Sami’ (1) ASCETICISM IS THE WAY TO BE LOVED (1) Asma ul hasna (1) ASMA' BINT ABU BAKR AS-SIDDIQ (1) Attributes and Characteristics of Prophets and Messengers (1) Ayatul Kursi (1) Ayatul Kursi Benefits (1) AYSHAH BINT ABU BAKR (1) Ayyub (S) ( أيّوب) (1) Azaan (1) BACKBITING AND SLANDER (1) Badnami Se bachne Ka Wazifa (1) Barakah in Rizq (1) Bashair (1) Bashair-al-Khairat (1) basic principle of Islam (4) Basic Teachings of the Holy Quran (1) Beautiful Dhikr (1) BEAUTIFUL DUAS OF RASULULLAH (PBUH) (1) Beautiful zikir (1) Beautiful zikir remembrance Allah (1) beauty of islam (1) Beauty of Nature: A Blessing of Allah (1) Belief (1) Belief in Angels (1) BELIEF IN MESSENGERS (1) BELIEF IN THE ANGELS (1) Benefits (1) Benefits of 40 Rabbana (1) Benefits of Ayat-e-Shifa (1) Benefits of Ayatul Kursi (2) benefits of dua akasha (1) Benefits of Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Benefits of Dua Mughni (1) benefits of dua musbaat aashar (1) Benefits of Dua Qadah Muazzam (1) Benefits of Dua Qufal Six (2) Benefits of Dua Suryani (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Akasha (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Aman (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Hajat (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Noor (1) Benefits of Durood Akseer e Azam (1) Benefits of Durood Lakhi (2) Benefits of Durood Muqaddas (2) Benefits of Durood Taj (1) Benefits of Durood-e-Akbar (1) Benefits of Durood-e-Kabristan (1) Benefits of Durood-e-Taaj (1) Benefits of Hizbul Bahr (1) Benefits of Manzil Dua (1) Benefits of Nad-e-Ali (1) Benefits of Patience (2) Benefits of Qurani Surah (1) Benefits of Qurani Verses (1) Benefits of Ramadhan (2) Benefits of Salat-ut-Tasbih (1) Benefits of Surah Ar-Rahman (1) Benefits of Surah Fath (1) benefits of surah waqiah (1) Benefits of Surah Ya-Seen (1) Benefits of Surah Yasin (1) Benefits of Surat Al-Falaq (1) Benefits of Surat Al-Fatiha (1) Benefits of Surat Al-Kafirun (1) Benefits of Surat An-Nas (1) Benefits of Tahajjud Prayer (1) Best Dua for Hajat (1) Best Dua For Travelling – To Have Safe Journey (1) Best Duas from Quran (1) Best Duas From The Quran (1) Best Islamic Duas (1) BEST TIMES TO MAKE DUA'A (1) BEWARE OF HATRED AND MALICE IN ISLAM (1) Beware of the satanic idol of desire (1) BID'AH - INNOVATION IN ISLAM (2) Biography of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (1) Biography of Hazrat Zainab Bint Ali رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہُمَا (1) BIRTHDAY: CELEBRATE OR NOT TO CELEBRATE (1) black magic cure (1) black magic treatment (2) Black Stone An Idol? Hajj a Pagan Right? (1) Blasphemy (1) Blessed face of Beloved Mustafa ﷺ (1) Blessed Sahabiyyaat and the sacred relics of the Holy Rasool ﷺ (1) Blessings of Esal e Sawab (1) Blessings of Ramadhan (2) Blessings of the 15th of Shaban (1) BODY-SOUL CONFLICT (1) Brief biography of khwaja ghreeb nawaz (1) Brief Biography of Hazrat Khadija (SA) (1) Budh ke din ke nafal (1) Burial: What to do (1) Burjoon Ke Taluqaat (1) Can I Be A Secular Muslim? (1) Can plague enter Mecca and Medina? (1) Causes of Inheritance (1) CHANGE OF QIBLAH (1) Charitable Giving and its Benefits (2) CHEATING AND DECEPTION (1) Children's Education in Islam (1) Cleanliness (1) Concept of God in Islam (2) CONCEPT OF TAWBAH IN ISLAM (REPENTANCE) (1) Conditions for the Validity of Prayer (1) Cordoba Mosque (1) Coronavirus: What The Prophet Might Have Done? (1) COURAGE OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PEACE BE UPON HIM) (1) Crowdfunding from the Prophetic Seerah (1) cure of black magic (1) cure of magic (1) Cure with Manzil Dua (1) Curing Stress With The Help Of Holy Quran (1) Cursing is Prohibited in Islam (1) Daily Duas (2) Daily Morning Azkar (1) Dalail al-Khayrat (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Eight (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Five (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Four (1) Dalail al-Khayrat Manzil One (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Seven (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Six (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Three (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Two (1) Dar-ul-Ifta Ahl-e-Sunnat (1) Darood Mustaghas (1) Darood Tanjeena Benefits (1) DAUGHTERS - A WAY TO PARADISE (1) DAUGHTERS OF Allah’s Rasool MUHAMMAD (pbuh) (1) Day Of Demise (1) Dealing with difficulties: flee to Allah! (1) Death (2) Death of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) (1) DEFINITION OF SULUK (1) DHIKR AND TASBIH FROM THE SUNNAH (1) Dhikr at-Tasbih (1) dhikr of allah (1) Did Prophet Muhammad assassinate his critics? (1) Did You Know This About Quran?! (1) Differnt Types of Hadith And Their Meanings (1) Disbelief (1) Discription of heaven in islam (1) Diseases of the Soul and their Treatment (1) Dissolution of Marriage in the Shari'a (1) DO NOT LOSE HOPE OF THE MERCY OF ALLAH! (1) DO YOU EAT THE SUNNAH WAY? (1) Does Allah exist in a place? A man in the sky? (1) DOES ISLAM GIVE A FATHER THE RIGHT TO FORCE HIS DAUGHTER TO MARRY? (2) Dome of the Rock (1) DON'T MISS RAMADAN'S FIRST NIGHT (1) DRESS CODE OF MUSLIM WOMEN (1) DU’AS MADE BY HAJI FOR OTHERS (1) dua (1) Dua -e-Isteaza (1) Dua -e-Istejab (1) Dua -e-Istekhara (1) Dua -e-Shukeranhar (1) dua akasha (1) Dua Akasha Benefits (1) Dua Collection (1) Dua e Hajat Benefits (1) Dua for Entering Paradise (1) Dua for Graveyard (1) Dua for Hajat (1) Dua for Laylatul Qadr That Every Muslim Should Recite (1) Dua for Namaz Qaza Umri (1) dua for protection (2) Dua for Ramazan (1) Dua for seeing Rasool Allah in Dream (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh Benefits (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh Wazaif (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh Wazifa (1) Dua Haikal Seven (1) Dua Masura Urdu (1) Dua Mughni (1) Dua Mughni Benefits (1) Dua Mughni Benefits Wazaif (1) Dua Mughni Benefits Wazifa (1) dua musbbar aashar (1) Dua of Hazart Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra) (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam Benefits (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam Wazaif (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam Wazifa (1) Dua Qufal Six (2) Dua Qufal Six Benefits (2) Dua Saifi (1) Dua Saifi Benefits (1) Dua Selection (1) Dua Shuker-e-Allah (1) Dua Sunat-e-Asar (1) Dua Supplications (2) Dua Suryani (1) Dua Suryani Benefits (2) Dua Suryani Wazaif (1) Dua Suryani Wazifa (1) Dua Syed-ul-istighfar (1) Dua-e-Akasha (1) Dua-e-Akasha Benefits (1) Dua-e-Akasha Wazifa (1) Dua-e-Aman (2) Dua-e-Aman Benefits (1) Dua-e-Aman Wazaif (1) Dua-e-Aman Wazifa (1) Dua-e-Hajat (2) Dua-e-Hajat Benefits (1) Dua-e-Istikhara - Istikhara Ki Dua (1) Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Dua-e-Jamilah Benefits (1) Dua-e-Jamilah Wazaif (1) Dua-e-Jamilah Wazifa (1) Dua-e-kanoot (1) Dua-e-Masura (1) Dua-e-Mustajaab (1) Dua-e-Noor (1) Dua-e-Noor Benefits (1) Dua-e-Noor in English (1) Dua-e-Qanoot (1) Dua-e-Suryani (1) Duain (2) Duas and works for protection (1) Duas from Quran (1) Duas From The Quran (1) Duas Manzil (1) Durood Akseer e Azam (2) Durood Akseer e Azam Benefits (1) Durood Ali (1) Durood Barkat (1) Durood e Tunajjina Benefits (1) Durood Friday (1) Durood Kibrit Ahmar (1) Durood Lakhi (2) Durood Lakhi Benefits (2) Durood Muqaddas (2) Durood Muqaddas Benefits (2) Durood Rehmat (1) Durood Selection (1) Durood Shareef (1) Durood shfiaat (1) Durood Taj (1) durood tanjeena (1) Durood-e-Akbar (1) Durood-e-Akbar Benefits (1) Durood-e-Ali (1) Durood-e-Dawaami (1) Durood-e-Fath (1) Durood-e-ibrahimi (1) Durood-e-Nahariya (1) Durood-e-Quraani (1) durood-e-taaj (2) Durood-e-Tanjeena (1) Easy Good Deeds (1) Eating and Drinking Conduct of Prophet Muhammad (2) EATING OF PORK FORBIDDEN IN ISLAM? (1) Effective Anger Management In Islam (1) Effective Way of Communication According to Sunnah (1) Eid Milad un-Nabi in Pakistan (1) EID-ul-Adha (1) Elderly Care (1) ELEVEN SIGNS OF LOVE FOR THE BELOVED PROPHET (1) Eman Mufassil (1) Eman Mujamal (1) Embracing ISLAM (1) Entering Mecca’s Grand Mosque (al-Masjid al-Haram) (1) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN ISLAM (1) ENVY IS A DANGEROUS HEART DISEASE (1) Equal protection of law for Muslims and non-Muslims (1) Equality and equity in Islam (1) even enemies (1) Evening Azkar (1) Everyday Duas (1) Everything Allah decrees is good for the believer (1) Everything You Need to Know about Hajr e Aswad (1) Evil Eye (1) Evil Eye Protection (1) Expect the best from Allah (1) Facing Qibia (1) Facts about Muslim People (1) Facts about the Holy Quran (1) Faith Of The Parents Of The Holy Nabi (1) Fariduddin Ganjshakar (1) Fast of the 15th Sha'ban (1) Fasting (3) FASTING FOR KIDS (1) Fasting in the Month of Rajab (1) Favourite foods of Beloved Rasool (1) Fazilat ki raatein (1) FEAR ALLAH WHEREVER YOU ARE (1) Feed your Soul! (1) Feeling Eagerness for the Prayer (3) Feeling hopeless and depressed? (1) Festival of The Sacrifice (1) Festivals of Muslims (1) Finding our True Eid (1) First Revelation (1) FLIGHT JANAZAH (1) FOCUS ON YOUR CHARACTER (1) Follow your conscience in Islam (1) For Sickness (1) FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH (1) Forbiddance Of Racism In Islam (1) FORGIVENESS IN THE QURAN AND SUNNAH (1) FORGIVENESS: A PROPHETIC EXAMPLE (1) Forty Hadith on Knowledge (1) Forty Hadith on Purification of the Heart (1) Forty Rabanna (1) Forty Rabanna Dua (1) Forty Rabanna Dua from Al-Quran (1) Freedom (1) friday reading (1) Friends of Allah (1) Friendship Criterion According to The Quran And Islam (1) From Early Beginnings to Modern-Day Sunnism (1) Funeral Rites and Regulations in Islam (1) Gender Equity in Islam (1) GHAUS - A - AZAM SHAYKH ABDUL QADIR JILANI R.A (1) Ghusl (1) GIVE GOOD TIDINGS TO THE PATIENT (1) god and his creation (1) God does not resemble the Creation (1) GOOD DEEDS ERASE BAD DEEDS (1) GOOD HABITS FOR NEW MUSLIMS TO DEVELOP (1) Grand Intercession of the Prophet MuHammad (1) Green Color in Islam Perspective (1) Hadees Nabvi (1) HADITHS ABOUT HAJ (1) Hafta ke nafal (1) haj (1) Hajj (1) Hajj in Pre-Islamic Times (1) Hajj: The Fifth Pillar of Islam (1) HALA SULTAN: THE HIDDEN JEWEL OF CYPRUS (1) HALAL OR MAKROOH? (1) Happiness (1) HARD WORK AND RESPONSIBILITY IN ISLAM (3) Hazrat Abu Hurraria (R.A) (2) Hazrat Abu Hurraria (R.A) – Leading Narrator Of Ahadiths (1) Hazrat Aisha bint Abi Bakr r.a. (1) Hazrat Khadija R.A. (1) Hazrat Madhu Lal Hussain R.A (1) HAZRAT SAYEDNA BILAL HABASHI (1) Hazrat Umar (R.A) Life History (1) HE WHO KNOWS HIMSELF KNOWS GOD (1) Heal Black Magic By Quran (1) HEALTH DANGERS OF TATTOOS AND ITS PROHIBITION IN ISLAM (1) Health guidelines from Quran and Sunnah (1) HELP YOUR CHILDREN TO LOVE THE HOLY QUR’AN (1) History (1) HISTORY OF ISLAM (1) History of the compilation of Quran (1) Hizbul Bahr (1) Hizbul Bahr Benefits (1) HOLY NAMES OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (1) HONESTY MARKED PROPHET'S MANNERS (1) Honored Angels in Islam (1) How do you disbelieve in Allah!!! (1) How do you know if anything is REAL? (1) How important is water management in Islam? (1) How Islam is A Complete Code of Life? (2) HOW PRAYER BENEFITS A BELIEVER’S SOUL (1) HOW SCORES WILL BE SETTLED ON THE DAY OF RESURRECTION (1) how to Ablution (1) How to achieve mindfulness in Islam (1) How to be a Mindful Muslim (1) HOW TO BE A VIP ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT (1) how to become a muslim (1) How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim (1) HOW TO CURE LAZINESS? (1) how to do Istikhara (1) HOW TO EAT IN ISLAM (1) HOW TO EXPRESS GRATITUDE? (1) How to invite non-Muslims to Islam? (1) How to Kiss Hajr e Aswad During Hajj (1) HOW TO LOVE OUR HOLY PROPHET ﷺ (1) HOW TO MAKE DUA’ (1) How to Perform Hajj (1) How to perform Salat-l-Istikhara (1) How to Pray in Islam (1) How To Pray Namaz (1) How to Pray Salah (1) How To Repent On Your Sins (1) HOW TO SEEK BENEFIT IN YOUR RECITATION OF QUR’AN (1) How to spend the night (1) How to Stay Safe from Difficulties? (1) HOW TO UNITE THE ISLAMIC UMMAH?? (2) HUDHAYFAH IBN AL-YAMAN (1) Humility (1) Ibn Abbas’s deep insight into the Qur’an. (1) IDEAL PERSONALITY OF MUSLIM (1) IF THEY WOULD ONLY PUT THEIR TRUST IN ALLAH (1) Ikhlas in Islam (1) ILM UL GHAYB- THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNSEEN (1) IMAM AL-BUKHARI AND THE SCIENCE OF HADITH (1) Imam Ali (RA)-Birth Aniversary In The Month Of Rajab (1) IMAM MUHAMMAD SAEED RAMADAN AL-BOUTI (1) IMAN - BELIEF (1) Iman Mufassal (1) Iman Mujmal (1) Impeccable Character of Siddeeq-e-Akbar (1) Impediments of Inheritance (1) Importance (1) Importance and Benefits of Reciting Ayatul Kursi (1) Importance And Major Events Of Dhu al-Qidah Islamic Month (1) Importance And Major Events Of Shawwal Islamic Month (1) Importance of Da`wah (Preaching) In Islam (1) Importance of Khushu in our prayer (1) Importance of Saying Salaam (1) IMPORTANCE OF SEEKING KNOWLEDGE (2) Importance of Time in The Light of Surah Al Asr (1) Importance of Wudu (2) Improving Child Discipline is Improving Ourselves (1) INCREASE YOUR FAITH (IMAAN) AND EARN REWARDS (1) Intention The call to start Namaz (1) Introduction to Islam (1) Introduction to Islam in Spanish (1) Introduction to Methodology for Study of the Quran (1) Introduction To The Numeric Miracles (1) Iqamat (1) Is it a punishment or a trial? (1) Is It Acceptable to Convert to Islam for Marriage? (1) Is It Permitted to Marry a Transgender in Islam? (1) Is Life Insurance Haram or Halal In Islam? (1) Is Prophet Muhammad better than other Prophets? (1) IS SMOKING HARAM (1) IS TAWASSUL SHIRK? (1) Is there offensive jihad in Islam? (1) Isha Prayer and Its Benefits (1) Islam (4) Islam - Elevation of Women's Status (1) Islam And Different Types Of Health (1) Islam and Honor Killings (1) Islam and muslim (2) Islam and Muslims (2) islam and other religions (1) Islam and Prayer (3) ISLAM AND TOLERANCE (1) Islam at a Glance (1) Islam Facts (1) ISLAM HAS ONLY ONE GOD (1) ISLAM IN AUSTRALIA (1) Islam in Moderation? – The Moderate Muslim Debate (1) Islam in the Middle of Christianity (1) Islam in the United States (1) Islam is a Religion of Peace (1) Islam is mercy for the entire creation (1) islam is your birthright (1) islam ky arkan (1) Islam Religion Encourages Learning (1) Islam: Misunderstood throughout the World (1) Islam's and the Quran's View of Animal Welfare (1) Islam’s Outcasts (1) Islam's Position on Polygamy (1) Islam's Ruling on Marriage (1) Islamic Architecture (1) Islamic Dua (1) islamic duain (1) Islamic Duas (1) Islamic Identity (1) Islamic Legal Rules of Fasting (1) Islamic Life | Islamic Way of Life (1) Islamic Months Names List (1) Islamic Prayer Times & Qiblah of Cities Worldwide (1) ISLAMIC TEACHINGS & MODERN MEDICINE (1) Islamic Tips On How To Be Happy And Relieve Stress (1) islamic wazifa for rizk (1) islamic wazifa for rizk in urdu (1) islamic wazifa for rizq (1) Isma Illahi for Specific Purpose (1) Isra And Me’raj (1) Isra and Miraj: The Miraculous Night Journey (1) Istikhara (1) Istikhara benefits (1) Istikhara in islam (1) Istikhara in quran (1) Itikaf in Ramadan (1) Its Meaning and Importance (1) Itwar ke din ke nafal (1) Janaza Prayer (1) JEALOUSY – A SIN (1) JEALOUSY DESTROYS HAPPINESS OF LIFE (1) Jerusalem (1) Jesus in Islam (1) Jihad against the soul in Islam (1) Jihad and its Types (1) Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrines and Practice (1) job ke liye wazifa (1) Journey of Mi'raaj (1) Jumah ke nafal (1) Jumyrat ke din ke nafal (1) just business law (1) Justice and fairness for all in Islam (1) Justice and Merits of Islam in the Distribution of Inheritance (1) JUSTICE OF CALIPH UMAR IBN AL KHATTAB (1) KaIima-e-Tayyabah (1) kalima-e-astaghfar (1) Kalima-e-Shahaadat (1) Kalima-e-tamjeed (1) Kalima-e-Tauhid (1) Kalimah-e-Astaghfar (1) Kalimah-e-Rud-e-Kuffr (1) Kalimah-e-Shahaadat (1) Kalimah-e-Tamjeed (1) Kalimah-e-Tauhid (1) Kalimah-e-Tayyabah (1) Karz Utarne ka Wazifa (1) Karz Utarne ke Dua (1) KEEPING PEOPLE’S FAULTS A SECRET (1) Key to Paradise in Islam (1) KHADIJAH BINT KHUWAYLID (1) Khalifa in Islam (1) Khalifa meaning (1) Khawja ghulam farid (1) Kinds of Water In Holy Quran (1) King of Wazaif (1) knows his Lord (1) KSA (2) La Condición de la Mujer en el Islam (1) La Mujer en el Islam (1) Laylat ul Qadr (1) Laylatul Baraah (1) Learn How to Make Wudu Step by Step for Kids Adults (1) learn Islam (1) Let’s Speak About Moses In Quran For Some! (1) LETS KNOW HIM (1) Life (1) LIFE AND THE LAST DAY (1) Life History of Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A) (1) Life of Fatimah al-Zahra (a.s) (1) Life of Imam Hassan (a.s) (1) Life Of Prophet Muhammad (1) LIST OF 75 GOOD MANNERS IN THE QURAN (1) List of Ziyarat Places in Makah during Hajj and Umrah (1) LISTEN TO YOUR VOICE OF CONSCIENCE (1) LITERARY ASPECTS OF THE QUR’AN (1) LOUD ZIKR (1) Love (2) LOVE FOR ALLAH (1) Madina history (1) Madina munawara city. (1) Magic Cure with Manzil Dua (1) Magic in Islam (1) magic treatment (1) Major Personality Traits Of The Believers In Islam (1) Major Sins (1) Makkah (1) Makkah-The Holy City In Islam (1) Makrooh times (1) Manzil (1) Manzil Dua (1) Manzil Dua Benefits (1) Manzil Dua for cure (1) Manzil Dua in Islam (1) Manzil Dua in Quran (1) MARRIAGE IN ISLAM. (1) Marriage Istikhara (1) marriage wazaif (1) Marriage: Goals (1) Masjid Nabawi: The Prophet's Mosque in Madinah (1) masnoon adhkar (1) masnoon duain (1) MASNOON DUAIN FROM QURAN AND HADITH (1) Masnoon Duain with English and Urdu Translation (1) Mawlid (1) Mawlid Celebrations (1) MEANING OF JUSTICE IN ISLAM (1) Meaning Of SubhanAllah (1) MEDICAL BENEFITS OF PROSTRATION (1) Medina Charter of Prophet Muhammad and Pluralism (1) MEN WEARING GOLD AND SILK IN ISLAM (1) Mercy For The Whole World (1) MERIT OF SHARING FOOD (1) Merits of Islam (1) message of islam (1) Method And Regulations Of Sajdah (Prostration) Tilawat (1) method of Istikhara (1) Mindfulness in the Quran and Sunnah (1) Misconceptions Related To Muslims (1) MISWAK - NATURAL TOOTHBRUSH (1) modesty (1) monday reading (1) Morning Azkar (1) MOSQUE ETIQUETTE (1) Most Common Mistakes to Avoid In Offering Salah (1) Mount Paran (1) Muhammad (1) MUHAMMAD (PBUH) IN THE PARSI SCRIPTURES (1) Muhammad [SAW] : Hijra To Madina (1) Muhammad is the prophet and founder of Islam. (1) Muhammad SAW’s Love For Children (1) MUHAMMAD ﷺ- THE UNIVERSAL MESSENGER (1) muhammad-the-incomparable-and-matchless-nabi (1) Muhammad: The Messenger of God (1) Muharram (1) Mungal ke din ke nafal (1) Muslim Brotherhood in Quran (2) Muslim Husband (1) Muslim women’s right to divorce (1) Muslims and Sadaqah (1) Must a Muslim woman cover her face? (1) My First Umrah: A Story Of My Blessed Trip (1) Nad-e-Ali (1) Nad-e-Ali Wazifa (1) Nad-e-Ali Benefits (1) Nad-e-Ali Wazaif (1) namaz (4) Namaz asr (1) Namaz Awabeen (1) Namaz Chasht (1) Namaz fajr (1) Namaz Hajat (1) Namaz isha (1) Namaz Ishraq (1) Namaz Istikhara (1) Namaz maghrib (1) namaz qaza (1) namaz qaza umri (1) Namaz Tahajjud (1) Namaz Taraweeh (1) Namaz Tasbeeh (1) Namaz zohr (1) namaz-e-janaza (1) Namazon ke Qaza (1) name of Allah (1) Names & Attributes of God (1) Names of Allah (1) Nazar e Bad (1) Nazar e Bad ka ilaj (1) Nazar e Bad ka islami ilaj (1) Nazar e Bad ka khatma (1) Nazar e Bad ka Tor (1) Nazar e Bad ke Dua (1) Nazar e Bad se bachwo (1) Neighbor in Islam (1) NEVER LOSE HOPE OF ALLAH'S MERCY (1) Never Shed Your Leaves (1) New Muslim woman married to non-Muslim man? (1) Night of Salvation (1) night of Shabe Barat (1) Night Prayer (1) Night Prayers in Ramadan/Fasting (1) No theology of rape in Islam (1) not Value (1) Number 7 in the Holy Quran (1) O Allah (1) Obedience to parents and its limits (1) ON THE TYPES OF ZIKR (REMEMBRANCE OF GOD) (1) One Wazifa for All Problems- Dafa e Pareshani (1) Our Humanness: Unalterable Essence and Changeable Actuality (1) Overcoming depression and anxiety with Islam (1) Overcoming your enemies and becoming close to Allah (1) paani peene ke adaab ;islaam (1) Palestine (1) Paradise and Hellfire in Islam (2) PARADISE IS FOR BELIEVING MEN AND WOMEN (1) Pareshani Door Karne ka Wazifa (1) Past and Future (1) Patience (2) Patience in Islam (1) Patience in the Qur’an (2) PATIENCE IN THE QURAN (1) Patience with trials and tribulations in Islam (1) Peace (1) Peaceful Nights (1) Piety is the Highest Standard of Excellence (1) Pilgrimage (1) pillars of islam (1) Poweful Dua Mughni (1) power of dua (1) Power of Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Power of Dua-e-Hajat (1) Power of Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Power of Dua-e-Noor (1) Power of Istighfar and its Benefits from Quran (2) powerful dua (1) Powerful Dua E Isme Illahi (1) powerful dua for rizq (1) Powerful Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Powerful Dua-e-Akasha (1) Powerful Dua-e-Aman (1) Powerful Dua-e-Hajat (1) Powerful Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Powerful Dua-e-Noor (1) powerful wazifa for rizq (1) powerfull dua (1) Prayer (3) PRAYERS OF REPENTANCE (1) Praying with congregation in the Mosque (1) Predestination of Good and Evil. Destiny Qadar (1) Preservation (1) Prevention of Boasting (1) Promises of Allah in Quran (2) Prophet (1) Prophet (pbuh) in building an ideal society (1) Prophet Ibrahim (asws): The Friend of Allah (swt) (1) Prophet MuHammad Praised in Al Qur’ân (1) Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Diet (1) PROPHET MUHAMMAD’S LOVE OF THE POOR (1) Prophet Muhammad's praised Manners (1) PROPHET MUHAMMAD’S SMILE (1) PROPHET MUHAMMAD'S TREATMENT TO NON-MUSLIMS (1) PROPHET SALIH (PBUH) AND HIS CAMEL (1) PROPHET’S CONSULTATION WITH HIS COMPANIONS (1) Prophet's Farewell Pilgrimage (1) Prophets and Messengers of God (1) Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail and the Ka'bah (1) Protect his Faith: Avoid Apostasy (1) Protect Us from Ourselves (1) Protection (2) Purification from the spiritual disease of hatred in Islam (1) Purification of Mind and Soul in Islam (1) PURIFICATION OF THE SOUL (1) Purpose & Importance of Wudu (2) Purpose and Definition The Definition of Marriage (Nikah) (1) purpose for creation (1) Purpose of Life According to Islam; Quranic Verses (2) Pyare Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam ki Pyari SUNNATEIN (1) Qarz ka Wazifa (1) Qarz ki Adaigi ka Wazifa (1) Qarz ki Adaigi ke Dua (1) qaza (1) qaza namazin (1) Qaza umri ada karne ka tareka (1) qaza umri namaz ka tariqa (1) Questions about Black Stone (1) Questions Allah will Ask (2) Quotes And Life of Zainab Bint Ali (RA) (1) QUR’AN (1) Qur’an and Our Youth: How to bring the Qur’an close to their Hearts (1) Qur'anic Surahs (1) quran (2) Quran As the Ultimate Source of History (1) quran rizq ki dua (1) Quran Tilawat (1) qurani dua (1) qurani duain (2) Qurani Masnoon Duain (1) qurani surah benefits (2) qurani wazaif (1) Qurani Wazaif Collection (1) qurani wazaif for all problems (1) Qurani Wazaif Selection (1) qurani wazifa for rizq (1) Quranic Duas (1) Quranic Masnoon Duain (1) Quranic Prayers (2) Quranists (1) Qurbani (1) Qurbani in Islam (1) rabbana (1) rabbana in qurani (1) Rabi ul Awal (1) Rabi ul Awal Wazaif (1) Rabi ul Awal Wazifa (1) Raising Children in Islam (1) RAISING YOUR CHILD TO BE A MUSLIM (1) ramadan (3) Ramadan 'Eed Al-Fitr (1) Ramadan & Completing the Quran (1) Ramadan Kareem (1) Ramadan Mubarak (1) Ramadan; The Chief of all the Months (1) Ramadhan (2) Ramadhan Khulasa-e-Quran (1) Ramadhan Special Wazaif for Hajat (1) Ramazan (1) Ramazan Ki Dua (1) Ramazan Wazaif (1) Ramzan (2) Read All Ahadith (1) Read quran (1) reading of a week (1) Reasons Why We Should Read the Holy Quran (1) reciting of quran (1) Reflecting on the Sunnah derived from the Sirah (1) Refutation of Allegations Raised about the Distribution of Inheritance in Islam (1) regard to issues of shirk and kufr (1) RELATIONS BETWEEN MUSLIMS AND NON-MUSLIMS (1) REMEMBER ME AND I SHALL REMEMBER YOU (1) REMEMBRANCE OF ALLAH (1) Rewards of Reciting the Qur'anic Surahs (2) Rights of animals in Islam (1) Rights of Daughters in Islam (1) Rights of Neighbors in Islam (1) Rope of Allah – Islamic Poem (1) roza (1) Rules of Tahajjud Prayer (1) Ruling on cutting nails during the monthly cycle (2) Ruling on one who apostatises repeatedly (1) Ruqyah (1) Sabr (2) Sahih al-Bukhari (1) Salaam (1) Salaat al-Tawbah (the Prayer of Repentance) (1) SALADIN: A BENEVOLENT MAN (1) SALAHUDDIN AYUBI AND THE BATTLE OF HITTIN (1) Salat (2) Salat Al-Jama'ah (1) Salat in Islam (1) Salat-ut-Tasbih (1) Salat: the Mi’raj of the believer (1) Salatul Hajat (1) salawat (1) Salutation (1) SATAN'S GATEWAYS TO THE HEART (1) saturaday reading (1) SAYINGS OF THE MESSANGER OF ALLAH (PBUH) (1) Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalib (1) Science Proves Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah Prevents Brain Damage in New Borns (1) Seeking knowledge and learning for life in Islam (1) Segregation of Women in Islam: Separate Venue (1) selected dua (1) Severing the Ties of Kinship (1) Shab Barat (1) Shab e Meraj (1) Shab-e-barat (1) Shaban in Islam (1) Shabe Barat (1) shadi ka wazifa (1) shadi wazaif (1) Shahadah (1) Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (1) Should a Muslim man marry a second wife? (1) Siege Of Blessed Home Of Blessed Nabi (1) Significance (1) Significance of Ihram during Hajj (1) Significance Of Salah (1) Significance of Taqwa (Piety) According to the Holy Quran (1) Significance of the Islamic Calendar Months (1) Sincerity and deeds (1) Sins Got You Down And You Don't Know How To Stop?? (1) Sirat Al-Mustaqim In Islam (1) Six Easy Ways to Maximize the Barakah in Ramadan (1) SIX TIPS TO RECHARGE YOUR IMAN (1) SLAVES IN ISLAM (1) SMILE! IT'S SUNNAH (1) Smiling is a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) Some Beautiful Places to Visit in Medina (1) Some Essential Everyday Duas (1) Some Life Changing Lessons from Holy Quran (1) Some Simple Ways to Earn Allah’s Mercy (1) Somwar ke din ke nafal (1) Spain (1) SPEECH ON PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S.A.W.S.) AND MESSAGE OF ISLAM (1) SPIRITUAL BENEFITS OF PRAYER (1) Squandering and Miserliness (1) Starve Your Ego (1) Status of Teachers in Islam | Rights of Teachers (1) STOP WASTING TIME IN GOSSIP (1) Story of Hafsa and Maria in Surat al-Tahrim (1) STORY OF PROPHET NUH (PBUH) (1) Story of Prophet Yusuf/Joseph (pbuh) (1) Story of The People of the Cave (1) Story of the Prophet Musa (AS) (1) Study of Quran (1) Sufi (1) Sufism (2) Summary of Juz 1 (1) Sunan and Manners Of Travelling (1) Sunan of Anger: What a Muslim should do when angry (1) sunday reading (1) Sunnah (1) Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) (1) sunni (2) Superior Day - for Righteous Deeds (1) SUPPLICATION AFTER ADHAN (1) SUPPLICATION BEFORE SLEEPING (1) SUPPLICATION IN HAJJ (1) Surah An Najm (1) Surah At Tur (1) Surah Fatiha (1) surah ikhlas (1) Surah Kalma (1) Surah Muhammad (S.A.W) – History (1) Surah Qaf (1) surah waqiah (1) Surah Ya-sin (1) surah yaseen (1) surah yaseen Benefits (1) Surah Yaseen ka Amal (1) Surah Yaseen ka Anmol Amal (1) Surah Yaseen ka Wazaif (1) Surah Yaseen Wazifa (1) Surah Yaseen Wazifa for Problems (1) surah Yaseen with 7 Mubeen (1) Surah Yaseen with Seven Mubeen (1) Surah Yasin (1) Surah Yasin 7 Mubeen (1) Surah Yasin 7 Mubeen Wazifa (1) Surah Yasin Benefits (1) Surah Yasin Mubeen Wazifa (1) Surah Yasin Wazifa (1) Surah Yasin with English Transliteration (1) Surat Al Kahf (1) surat waqiah (1) TABARRUK (RELICS) (1) Tahajjud Prayer (2) Take Advantage of Five before Five (1) Talaq Quran Ki Roshni Mein (1) Tangdasti Door Karne ka Wazifa (1) Tangdasti Door Karne ke Dua (1) tangdasti ka hal (1) Tangdasti ka Wazifa (1) tangdasti ki Dua (1) TAQLEED AND FOLLOWING A MAZHAB (1) Taqwa (2) Tasbih – How to recite Salatul Tasbih & its benifits (1) Tasbih at-I-Fatima (1) Tawheed – Its Importance and its Benefits (1) tawizaat (1) tawizat (1) The 23 kinds of Water mentioned in the Quran (1) THE ADVANTAGES OF AYATUL KURSI (1) The Anti-Terrorism Stand And Preaching Of Islam (1) The Attributes Of Allâh God (1) The Beginning of Creation. Water is The First Creature (1) The best of you in Islam (1) The Best Time to Study the Qur’an (1) The Big Questions: Who Made Us? (1) THE BODY IS A BLESSING (1) THE BROTHERHOOD BETWEEN BELIEVERS (1) The Call of Ibrahim (1) THE CHILDREN OF THE PROPHET (PBUH) (1) The Components of Wudoo (1) The Concept Of Begging In Islam (1) The Concept of Thankfulness in Islam (1) THE CONDITIONS OF LA ILAHA ILLA-LLAH (1) The covering of the body (1) THE DANGER OF HYPOCRISY (1) THE DAY OF ASHURA IN ISLAM (2) The definition of faith in Islam (1) The Description of Prophet MuHammad (1) The Differences Between Woman and Man (1) The Different Types of Voluntary Prayers (1) The Earth – Islamic Poem (1) The Essentials Of Islamic Belief (1) THE EXCELLENCE OF LEARNING THE QURAN (1) THE EXCELLENCE OF THE SUNNAH SOLAH (1) The Favours Of The Noblest Rasool To The World (1) THE FEET IN SALAAT (1) The Finality of Prophethood (1) THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS (1) THE FORGIVENESS OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) SHOWN TO NON-MUSLIMS (1) the foundation of faith (1) The Four Revealed Books in Islam (1) The Full and Complete Isra and Miraj Story (1) The Full Story of Hussain (1) The Fundamentals of Islamic Belief (1) The Gifts of Miraaj Night (1) The Grandeur of Friends of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ (1) The Great Benefits of Surah Al-Fatiha (1) The Great Significance (1) The Guarding of Imaan (1) THE HAJJ RITUALS (1) The History and Development of Islam (1) The History of the Prophet Jesus (`ISA) Muslim (1) the Holiest Month for Muslims (1) The House Of Allah (1) The Importance of Dhikr (1) The Importance of Distributing Inheritance (1) The importance of halal investing (1) THE IMPORTANCE OF LOVING AWLIYA (1) The Importance of Prayer (1) the importance of unity (1) The Inner Dimensions of Hajj (1) THE INSPIRING QUR’AN (1) The Islamic new year: a time for growth and improvement (1) The Islamic State of Medina (1) The Ka’aba (1) THE KINDNESS OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (1) The Kinds of Manners in Islam and Its Verses (1) The Life of this World is Fleeting Enjoyment (1) The Manners of Children Towards Parents (1) The Manners of Cutting Nails in Islam (1) THE MARRIAGE PROCESS IN ISLAM (1) The marvel of positive thinking in Islam (1) THE MEANING OF " INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAYHI RAAJI'OON" (1) The meaning of spiritual excellence in Islam (1) The Migration Al-Hijrah of Prophet MuHammad from Mecca to Medina (1) The Miracle of Islamic Science (1) The Miracles of the Prophets (1) THE MIRACULOUS NATURE OF THE QURAN (1) The nafs – ego/self (1) THE NEED FOR CONSULTATION (MUSHĀWARA) (1) The Night Journey! (1) The Night of Bara'ah (1) The noble birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) (1) The Obligatory Conditions For An Islamic Hijab (1) The One Sure Way To Be Happy (1) The Origin of the Quran (1) the pillars of islam (1) The Pillars of Prayer and its conditions of validity (1) THE POWER OF DUA (1) The Prayer (1) The Prayer Of Need (1) The Prophet (pbuh) had a rest in the afternoon. (1) The Prophet Mosque Madinah (1) The Prophet Muhammad and the Origins of Islam (1) THE PROPHET SULAIMAN (peace be upon him) (1) THE PUBLIC CALL OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (1) The Punishment of Being Sinful (1) The Purpose of Creation (1) The Purpose of Life: Reason and Revelation (1) THE PURPOSE OF LIFE… (1) THE PURPOSE OF MAN’S CREATION (1) The Purposes of Believing in Allah for Muslims (1) The Qur'an and Scientific Advancement (1) The Quran and Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (1) THE QURAN ON THE CEREBRUM (1) The Quran-A Master Key (1) The Quranic Meaning of Iman (1) the religion of kindness (1) the religion of wisdom (1) The right way to defend Islam (1) The Rise of Islam (1) THE ROOT OF ISLAM (1) The Roots of a Tolerant Sect of Islam (1) The secret to a tranquil heart (1) THE SIN OF ABORTION (1) The Sin of Hurting the Parents (1) THE SPIRIT OF RAMADAN (1) The Spiritual Purity (2) The Status Of Women In Islam (1) The Story of Adam (1) The Story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) (1) The story of the Prophet Ibrahim (as) (1) The story of Yusuf (alayhi salaam) (1) The Story of Zam Zam water (1) The Struggle to Reclaim Jihad (1) The Truth About People Who Associate Lies With Quran (1) THE UNIVERSAL MESSAGE OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD ﷺ (1) The Virgin Mary: Maryam al-Batul (1) THE VIRTUE OF NURTURING GIRLS (1) THE WATER OF ZAMZAM (1) The Wifes of The Holy Prophet of Allah Muhammad’r Rasoolullah (s.a.w.s.) (1) The Wisdom Behind Prescribing Inheritance (1) THINGS THAT MADE THE PROPHET (PBUH) ANGRY (1) Things To Follow In Islam For A Better Life (1) Thousand Years Old Letter (1) thursday reading (1) Time (1) TIME: A BLESSING AND A TRUST (1) TIPS FOR A MUSLIM HOME (1) Tips on Keeping Productive Friendships And Relationships (1) Tips to Deal with Toxic People from Islamic and Counseling Sources (1) To Get a Job (1) To get Prestige in Society (1) to keep fast (1) toheed (1) TOO BUSY TO PRAY FIVE TIMES? (1) Top Leadership Qualities of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) Towards an Accepted Hajj (1) TREAT YOUR NEIGHBOUR WELL (1) TREATMENT OF ANIMALS IN ISLAM (1) Triple Talaq and Nikah Halala are major sins (1) TRUE BELIEVERS (1) True Meaning of Trust in Allah (1) TRUE PURITY OF THE HEART (1) Truly Love Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) Try these Quran memorization techniques (1) tuesday reading (1) TURN TO ALLAH (2) Twelve Proofs that Muhammad is a True Prophet (1) TWO WAYS TO SUCCESS (1) Types of Hajj (1) Types of Patience (3) Ummul Momineen (1) Understanding the soul in Islam (1) Universal Lessons of Hajj (1) Unpleasant Smell of Lie (1) URWAH IBN AZ-ZUBAIR (1) VALENTINE’S DAY…AND ITS POSITION IN ISLAM (1) Verses (1) Verses of Healing (1) verses of quran (1) verses of rabbana (1) Views of Islamic scholars (1) Virtues (1) Virtues of Fasting in the Summer Taken from: Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalī’s “Latā’if Maʿārif” (1) Virtues of reading Surah Al-Muzzammil (1) Virtues of the Day of Arafaah (1) Visit to Cemetery in Shab-e-barat (1) VISITING GRAVE OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (1) Wal Jamaat (1) Waldain Ke Huqooq - Maa Baap Ke Huqooq (1) Waqf al-Khairi & Waqf al-Dhurri (1) WAR IN ISLAM: ETHICS & RULES (1) War is deceit? Lie to unbelievers? (1) Waris Shah (1) Ways of Treating Magic (1) Ways to Overcome Sadness in Islam (1) Wazaif (1) Wazaif For Baby (1) wazaif for Enemies (1) Wazaif For Hajat (1) Wazaif for Marriage (1) wazaif for problems (1) Wazaif for Rizq (1) Wazaif of Week (2) Wazaif. (1) Wazfa To Remove Black Magic (1) Wazifa for Sexual Ability (1) Wazifa for Sugar Patient (1) Wazifa for Tiredness (1) Wazifa for Visa Problems (1) Wazifa to Stop illegal Relationship (1) WE INVITE YOU TO ISLAM (1) Wealth and Black Magic (1) wednesday reading (1) Welcome Aboard Fly Air Janazah (1) WELCOMING RAMADAN (1) WELCOMING THE BLESSED MONTH OF SHA'BAN (1) What does Islam say about "mothers"? (1) What Does Islam Say about Terrorism? (1) What happened at Dhul Khalasah? (1) What happens to a marriage after converting to Islam? (1) What is “Four Quls (4 qul)” and its Benefits (1) What is a miracle? (1) WHAT IS ANGER? (1) WHAT IS DUA? (1) WHAT IS IFTAR? (1) What is Islam (2) What IS Islam An overview For A Non -Muuslim (1) What is Islamic studies? (1) WHAT IS ISRA AND MERAJ (1) what is Istikhara (1) What is Jihad-e-Akbar (1) What is Patience (2) what is ramadan (2) What Is Taweez (1) What is the historical significance of Ghar e Hira? (1) What is the meaning of ‘eye for an eye’? (1) What Not To Do In Ramadan (1) What One Must Know before Hajj – The Fiqh Provisions of a Pilgrim (1) WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT MUHAMMAD (1) WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT ISLAM (1) WHAT TO DO UPON A DEATH (2) WHEN DOES THE HUMAN BEING BECOME HAPPY? (1) When in need ask Allah! (1) When Mecca Build (1) When Our Prayers Are Never Answered (1) Where is the island of Dajjal? (1) WHO IS ALLAH? (1) Who is Muhammad (peace be upon him)? (1) Who is Wali? ولی کِسے کہتے ہیں؟ (1) WHO WERE THE KHARIJIS? (1) Whoever knows himself (1) Whom Must We Worship? (1) WHY A SCIENTIST BELIEVES IN GOD? (1) Why are Christians donating towards The Qur'an Project? (1) Why Did God Create? (1) Why did Prophet Muhammad raid caravans in Medina? (1) WHY DO MUSLIMS FAST? (1) WHY DO PEOPLE LOVE TO GOSSIP? (1) WHY IS THE BISMILLAH MISSING FROM SURAH AT-TAWBAH? (1) why islam (1) Why the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is Important to All of Mankind (1) witr (1) Women (1) Women in Islam (3) Words Of Wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) WORLD OF THE JINN (1) Worship in Islam (1) Worshiping Allah in fear and hope (1) Wudhu (Ablution) (1) wudu (3) Wudu’ and Invalidators of Wudu'. Full Shower Ghusl Purification (1) wuzu (1) ya rabbana (1) Ya Salamo (1) Ya Salamo ka Amal (1) Ya Salamo ka Wazifa (1) Ya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (1) You Ask And The Quran Answers (1) Zakat (3) Zakat and Charity should be instruments for developing the poor (1) Zakat Ul-Maal (1) zikir (1) Zikr (1) ZIKR OF ALLAH (1) بیماری اُڑ کر نہیں لگتی (1) حضرت سیّدنا امیر معاویہ (1)