Islamic Supplications: A Brief Biography of imam Ali (A.S.)

Saturday, March 14, 2020

A Brief Biography of imam Ali (A.S.)

A Brief Biography of imam Ali (A.S.)

Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib(as) was born on Friday, 13th of rajab, 30 Amulfeel. His father’s name was Abu Talib, the uncle of Prophet Mohammad, and his mother was Fatima Binte Asad, The pious woman that has brought up Prophet. His title was Murtada.

Imam Ali was born in Kabba. This event has been mentioned in books “Izalatul Kholafa” of Shah Waliullah, Mohadith-e-Dehlvi, Mustadrak of Imama Hakim part 3, page 438, Muruj el Zahab of Masoodi and Tazkeratul Khawas ul Umma 

After his birth Imam Ali was adopted by Prophet. Prophet took Imam Ali everywhere with him, even in Hira mountain where Prophet had used to go for meditation. Because of this closeness the first man which has accepted Prophets massage was Imam Ali (as). And when the revelations were revealed to Prophet, Imam Ali was the first to hear them.

After Allah’s permission for declaring Islam message in public, Prophet invited leaders of the Banu Hashim to come to his house. Forty of them came and heard Muhammad (S) message which was ‘ No god but Allah and Muhammad (S) as the messenger of Allah and whoever offers his help to propagate this religion will be his deputy and successor’. Prophet has repeated this sentence three times but each time no one except for ‘Ali (as) answered to this question. After that Muhammad (S) declared that ‘Ali (as) will be his deputy to his mission and will be his successor.

On the night of the emigration to Medina (Hijrah) when the enemies had surrounded the house of the Prophet and planned to invade the house at the end of the night and kill Prophet, while he was in bed. 'Ali slept in place of the Prophet while the Prophet left the house to Medina. This way he destroyed the infidels plan to kill Prophet Mohammad.

After departure to Medina Prophet made a bond of brotherhood between Muslims and made Ali his own brother. After a while Ali (as) married Fatimeh(s), the daughter of Prophet, and became his son in law.
Ali (as) took part in battles of Badr, Ohud, Khandaq, Khyber and many other battles which had took place in the early years of Islam.

Prophet Mohammad has declared Imam Ali (as) as his successor in different occasions, although this has been ignored by some of the prominent companions of Prophet after his demise.

The first occasion as we have mentioned before was when Prophet declared Islam in public based on Allah’s order. When he has repeated the sentences‘No god but Allah and Muhammad (S) as the messenger of Allah and whoever offers his help to propagate this religion will be his deputy and successor’ three times and no one except for ‘Ali (as) answered to this question, Muhammad (S) declared that ‘Ali (as) will be his deputy to his mission and will be his successor.

The other occasion in which prophet has referred to Imam Ali (as) successorship was the event of Qadir in the last pilgrimage of prophet to Mecca on 18th of Zilhijja, tenth of Hijrah. In this event prophet asked the pilgrims to stop and asked those others that had past to came back in order to deliver Allah’s message to the them. There he has started by this verse:

 "O’ Prophet; proclaim the whole of that which hath been sent down to thee from thy Lord, for if thou dost it not, it will be as if thou hast not at all performed the duty of His Prophethood. And God will protect thee from evil men, verily God guideth not the unbelievers.”

After that the Prophet asked people, "Do you not testify that there is no God but Allah, that Muhammad is His creature, His servant, and His messenger, that there is the Heaven and the Hell, that death will overtake every one of you, that you will be brought back from your graves. that the Day of Judgment will surely dawn and human beings will be resurrected from their graves to account for their deeds.”

The whole crowd answered in unison, "We believe and testify all this." Then the Prophet continued, "I am leaving amongst you two most important things worthy of obedience, the Qur’an and my progeny (Ahlul Bayt). Take care how you treat them, they will not separate from each other till they reach me at the fountain of Kauser.”

Then he said, “The Almighty God is my Lord (Maula) and I am the Lord of all Muslims and have more right and power on their lives than they themselves. Do you believe in this assertion of mine?" They all in one voice replied “Yes O’Messenger of God.” Three times he asked the same question and three times he received the same affirmative reply.

At this solemn affirmation he said, “Hear and remember that to whomever I am Lord or Maula, ‘Ali is the Lord and Maula to him. He is to me what Aaron was to Musa. The Almighty God is a friend to his friends and a foe to his foe, help those who help him and frustrate those who betray him.”

While saying this he raised ‘Ali High over his shoulders in order to be seen by all the Muslims assembled there. Thereupon the Holy Prophet received the final revelation:

"This day I have perfected your religion for you and have filled up the measure of my bounties upon you and I am pleased with Islam to be your Deen,"

 After this the Holy Prophet ordered to erect a tent. In this ‘Ali (as) was made to take his seat and all Muslims were ordered to pay homage to him and address him as Amirul Momeneen (Lord of the faithful) The first person to congratulate and address him as such was Omar Ibne Khattab saying, “I congratulate you, O’’Ali, today you have become my Maula and Lord and Lord of every Muslim man and woman.

In eleventh of Hijrah Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) had departured. While Ali (as) and all Bani Hashim where taking part in Prophets funeral, only a few hours after Prophet’s death, the news was given to ‘Ali (as) about the events at the Saqeefa that Abubakr was made Caliph. Despite some people asked him to fight against Abubakr, Ali (as) knew that any action would destroy the unity among Muslim and would eradicate the roots of Islam which was a young tree.

“Your authority (wali) is God and His Apostle and those believers who perform the prayer and pay alms (zakat) while they are bowing (in prayer).......”
[ 5:55 ]

After the demise of Prophet and Abubakr’s caliphate, Imam Ali (as) started collecting all the explanations of the various verses, reasons behind their revelation and their full context.

This job of his was ignored by ruling party so the original remained with ‘Imam Ali (as) and then passed on to his son Imam Hasan (as) and then to Imam Husayn (as) which then continued with the infallible Imams. It is now with the 12th Imam (as).

In the time of three caliphs, Imam Ali (as) had no official place, but in cases they asked him for any advices which was to the interest of Islamic community, he did not hesitate.

When the third caliph was killed, people gave their allegiance to Imam Ali and he was chosen as Caliph. During his caliphate of nearly four years and nine months, 'Ali followed, exactly, the way of the Prophet and gave his caliphate the form of a spiritual movement and renewal and began many different types of reforms.

Naturally, these reforms were against the interests of certain parties that sought their own benefit. As a result, a group of the companions made a pretext of the death of the third caliph to raise their heads in opposition and began to revolt and rebel against 'Ali (A.S.).

Imam Ali (AS) was murdered at the age of 63, on Monday 21st of Ramadan 40 AH in in Kufah ( Iraq ). 

Hazrat Ali (RA) belonged to the tribe Quraish and the family of Bani Hashim in Makah. He was born In the Holy Kabah in Mecca on Friday, 13th Rajab 23 BH. He (RA) was the son of Hazrat Abu Talib (RA) the uncle of Holy Prophet (SAW), who had nourished and brought up Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). 

His mother Fatima bint-e Asad was also a noble lady belonging to the tribe of Bani Hashim whom the Prophet (SAW) respected as his own mother.  When he was born his name was suggested by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) that’s why his name became more significant. Hazrat Ali (R.A) had a great honor of being the first cousin of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and was also brought up under His kind and inspiring supervision for most of the time of his life.
First Youth to Accept Islam at the early age of 10
Hazrat Ali (RA) was the first among youth who accepted Islam just at the age of 10. Hazrat Ali (R.A) was only 10 years old when the Messenger of Almighty Allah received the very first Revelation from the Almighty Lord. He (SAW) was directed to start preaching of Islam from His own family. 

That’s why He (SAW) started preaching of Islam from His family and closest relatives. For this purpose, He (SAW) invited all to the meal and asked from all of them that “Who will join me in the cause of Almighty Allah?” The entire gathering remained silent, but the little Ali (R.A) stood up with great courage and made his firm belief in the Word of Righteousness known in front of all. 

He (RA) said, “Though my eyes are sore, my legs are thin and I am the youngest of all those present here yet I will stand by you, O Messenger of Allah.” Thus he became the first youth to enter the loop of Islam.
This shows the great valor and insight of Hazrat Ali (R.A), who did not care about the travesty of the non-believers and had an excellent amount of understanding of right and wrong at a very early age.
Risking his Life for the Holy Prophet (SAW)
When Holy Prophet (SAW) started preaching Islam everyone was against Him except some of the people in which Hazrat Ali (RA) included. Hazrat Ali (RA) never lost his courage in collaborating with his cousin and in admitting his love and loyalty towards him. On every occasion, he acted as a shield to the Prophet (SAW) against all odds. 

A crucial time came when enemies of Prophet (SAW) firmly decided to boycott him and the members of his household. The situation depressed so much that even their lives were in extreme danger. He (RA) always protected Prophet Muhammad (SAW) since his childhood. Our beloved Prophet (SAW) also loved him very much. 

The night when the Holy Prophet was migrating to Medina, his house was surrounded by the bloodthirsty tribesmen, who had plotted to kill him. They were ready to kill any person who came out of the house. In such a situation, the Holy Prophet (SAW) asked Hazrat Ali (RA) to sleep on his bed. He followed the command gladly and immediately jumped on the bed.

Therefore, at night, the Apostle (SAW) asked Hazrat Ali (R.A) to hand over the entrusted possessions to their owners, as He (SAW) had prepared to leave Makah along with Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) as directed by Allah SWT. Hazrat Ali (RA) risked his life just for the sake of the Almighty and His Messenger (SAW) as he knew that the disbelievers might slay him while he was resting in the bed of Prophet (SAW) that night. 

This shows the remarkable and unmatched fearlessness of Hazrat Ali (R.A) who was not concerned about his own life, rather committed his existence to serving the Holy Prophet (SAW) as he successfully returned all trusts to those they belonged the very next day, and then migrated to Medina.
Marrying to Hazrat Fatima (RA)
In the 2nd year of migration to Medina, the Holy Prophet (SAW) got many marital proposals for Hazrat Fatima (RA) who was the most beloved daughter of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). But He (SAW) rejected all of them and finally decided to marry her to Hazrat Ali (RA) with mutual approval.

He (RA) got the honor of becoming the Son in Law of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and transforming their ever closer relationship with a family bond. Both Hazrat Ali (RA) and Hazrat Fatima (RA) lived a well-satisfied life and had 5 children, namely: Hassan (RA), Hussain (RA), Zainab (RA), Umm Kalthum (RA), and Mohsin (RA), who died in his early childhood. His son, Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) had the credit of having the greatest service to the Religion of Islam by standing firm against the unjust ruler, Yazid and sacrificing his life in this cause.
Title of “Asadullah”- The Lion of Allah
Hazrat Ali (RA) was the brave man due to his bravery he was popularly known as “Asadullah” (The Lion of Allah). During the war of Khaibar against Jews Muslims tried to capture the strong Jewish Fort at Khaibar. The Messenger (SAW) announced that He would give the charge to that person who loves Allah and His Prophet (SAW) and they also love him.

The next day, the authority was awarded to Hazrat Ali (RA) upon which everybody was amazed as he looked pale and sick. But Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) believed in his unmatched combating ability and gave him the Muslim command.  Jews not only rejected his invitation to Islam but also sent their well known and bravest combatant, Mahrab in front, who challenged Hazrat Ali (RA) to fight him. 

The Arabs witnessed the unbelievable force and power of Hazrat Ali (RA), who killed Mahrab through the vigorous blow of his sword. Then, the Holy Prophet (SAW) gave him the title of Asadullah”, which means Lion of Allah”.
Being Fourth Caliph in Islamic History
After the martyrdom of 3rd caliph Hazrat Usman (RA) in the year, 35 A.H Hazrat Ali took the charge and became the fourth caliph of Muslims. This was a great testing time for Hazrat Ali (RA) as he had to work not only against the rebellions but also had to maintain peace in the territory. He (RA) also had to change the Muslim capital to Kufa, in Iraq, because of great support he has over there. 

He (RA) faced many difficulties during his caliphate. During this short span, he restored afresh the imprints of the simple Islamic mode of life, of equality and of honest earning by hard labor. In spite of being the supreme authority of Islam, he did not mind sitting at shops and selling dates. 

He wore patched clothes, sat in the company of poor people on the ground and took part of eating food with them. He always endeavored to ensure that the income of Baitul Mal reached the rightful persons as quickly as possible. He was not in favor of growth of government revenue in the treasury. The overall reign of Hazrat Ali (RA) lasts for almost 5 years.
Hazrat Ali being a great Scholar of Islam
Hazrat Ali (RA) was not only a great warrior but a great scholar as well. The Holy Prophet (SAW) said about him, “I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate.” He (RA) had an incredible amount of command over the teachings of Islam, especially in the Holy Quran. He (RA) also had fantastic abilities in public speech and sermons, writing letters, and recording his sayings which are well preserved and followed by the Muslim world till date. Hazrat Ali (RA) was a master of Arabic and his writings were as effective as his speech.
Martyrdom of Hazrat Ali (RA)
One of the rebels, known as Ibn-e-Muljim, martyr Hazrat Ali (R.A) using a poisoned sword while He (RA) was performing Salah in the mosque on 19th of Ramadan, in 40 A.H. Hazrat Ali (RA)spent two restless days on his sick bed in extreme pain and distress. Eventually, the poison spread all over the body and he died on 21st of Ramadan at the time of Morning Prayer. Hazrat Ali was buried at Najaf.

Hazrat Ali (RA) was well known for his bravery during battles against the non-believers. He also possessed the necessary personality traits of the firm belief in Allah and His Messenger (SAW), humbleness, gratefulness, and true insight of the Quranic Instructions. He (RA) spent his entire life in the services of Islam.

The First Imam, ‘Ali (as) Ibn Abu Talib

It was Friday 13th of Rajab 30 Amulfeel Hazrat Fatima binte Asad, the wife of Hazrat Abu Talib entered the precincts of the Kaaba and prayed to Allah saying O’my protector ease my pain.’All of a sudden the wall of the Kaaba opened up and she, as if by some unseen force went inside the Kaaba and the wall closed.

‘Ali (as) the youngest son of Abu Talib was born inside the Holy Kaaba. She stayed inside for three days. On the 3rd day she came out through the door and Muhammad was waiting outside. She told Muhammad (S) that the boy had not taken any milk. Muhammad gave him the first feed from his mouth and afterwards asked his uncle Abu Talib that he wished to adopt the baby.

‘Ali entered the house of Muhammad from the very first day of his birth. ‘Ali’s mother Fatima binte Assad Also lived there who looked after his own son as well as Muhammad (S) so much so that later the Holy Prophet used to say that she was like his own mother.

Shah Waliullah, Mohadith-e-Dehlvi writes in the book “Izalatul Kholafa” giving reference from Imam Hakim in his Mustadrak Part 3, Page 483. Qud Tawatarul Akhbar Inna Fatimah Binte Asad woledat Aliyan Fi Jaufil Kaaba”. Another writer of the old school Sibtel Jauzi in his book Tazkeratul Khawas ul Umma, page 7 mentions the same fact that ‘Ali was born inside the Kaaba.

Khawja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri mentions this fact in his famous Quartet saying that when ‘Ali was born inside the kaaba the Sky and the earth was filled with a light and Angel Gabriel announced that a child was born in the house of God.
Maulana Rumi in his Mathnawi writes, “ O’one who travels to Najef to visit the tomb of ‘Ali must know the fact that the pearl of the Kaaba lies there to give us security because of our intense love for him.”

Masoodi the famous historian writes in his book of history Muruj el Zahab, that ‘Ali was born inside the Kaaba on the orders of Muhammad the Messenger of God.
It was after the adoption of ‘Ali (as) that he lived with the Holy Prophet in his house.
Wherever Muhammad (S) went ‘Ali (as) was with him all the time. Even in the Mountain of Hira when Muhammad (S)went for meditation ‘Ali (as) went with him most of the time. 

Sometimes they stayed on the mountain for 3 or 4 days. Sometimes ‘Ali (as) took his food there. In Nahjul Balagha ‘Ali (as) said that “ I used to go with the Holy Prophet like the baby camel goes with his mother.”

Some historians try to show that when Muhammad (S) declared his prophet hood ‘Ali (as) was the first among male children who accepted Islam. The implication here is that both Muhammad (S) and ‘Ali (as) were non -believers before this declaration.

This is against the Qur’anic verdict which says that Ibrahim was a Muslim and he taught his children to be Muslims so that when the Prophet was born among the descendants of Ibrahim through the line of Ismael he was born a Muslim and so was ‘Ali. The correct thing to say would be that when Muhammad (S)declared his prophet hood openly ‘Ali (as) immediately adhered to the declaration without hesitation.

The three persons seen in prayers in the Kaaba were Muhammad, Khadija and ‘Ali before anyone else accepted Islam. For 3 years young and poor persons of Makka were accepting Islam secretly. The first open declaration came when the Qora’nic verse tells the Prophet to "come out openly and warn the people of your own clan."

Invitations were sent to leaders of the Banu Hashim to come to the house of Muhammad (S)for Dinner. Forty of them came, ate food and then heard Muhammad (S)about his mission of ‘ No god but Allah and Muhammad (S) as the messenger of Allah and whoever offers his help to propagate this religion will be his deputy and successor.

No one stood up except ‘Ali (as) . After announcing this 3 times Muhammad (S) declared that ‘Ali (as) will be his deputy to his mission and will be his successor after him. People thought it as a joke that a 13 year old boy was to be a deputy of this prophetic mission.
Even Abu Lahab jokingly told Abu Talib, go and obey your son to which AbuTalib smilingly accepted. ‘Ali (as) promised to help Muhammad (S) in his mission and kept this promise all his life.

The next thing which we see in the life of ‘Ali (as) is the reflection of this promise he gave at this place in front of the leaders of the Quraish.
We see ‘Ali (as) protecting Muhammad (S) from the abuses of the enemies of Islam. When Muhammad (S)went to Taif a nearby town to preach Islam children of Taif hurled stones and it was ‘Ali (as) who protected the Prophet and drove the stone throwing children away from the Prophet.

As a youth ‘Ali (as) was strongly built, strong arms, wide chest and a very strong brave and shining face. Children of his age and even older to him were frightened of him and whenever they tried to mock the Prophet, they always ran away when they saw ‘Ali (as) standing by for protection.

Time passed and hostility of the Quraish increased so much so that Muhammad (S) was ordered by Allah to leave Makka. ‘Ali (as) slept on Muhammad’s bed without hesitation and when the non-believers entered the house of Muhammad (S) to kill, they found ‘Ali (as) who was not afraid at all at the site of 40 swordsmen entering the house.

When they questioned ‘Ali: ”where is Muhammad” he bravely replied, did you leave him in my custody? When after 3 days of Muhammad’s departure ‘Ali returned all the goods entrusted to Muhammad to their owners, he set out to leave Makka for Madina with the rest of the family.

‘Ali (as) had with him his mother Fatima binte Asad, His aunt, the wife of Hamza, and Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad (S) and many other ladies. Non-believers of Makka tried to stop ‘Ali (as) from his departure but ‘Ali (as) fought back, drove the infidels away and safely reached Madina. Muhammad (S) was waiting for the family outside the precincts of the town. He entered the city with ‘Ali (as) and the rest of the family.

The Holy Prophet created a bond of brotherhood between the Muslims, making ‘Ali (as) as his Muslim brother saying O’’Ali, you are my brother in this world as well as in the next.
Once the family settled in the newly adopted city of Madina their first task was to complete the mosque around which their houses were also built. ‘Ali initially stayed with his mother but when he married Fatima the daughter of the Prophet he was given a house next to the Prophet by the side of the mosque. He had been betrothed to her several days before the battle of Badr.

But the marriage was celebrated three months later. ‘Ali was about 23 years old and Fatima was 18. This was most happy and celebrated marriage. The distinctiveness of their respective characters blended so well with each other that they never quarreled and complained of one another and led a happy and most contended life.

Materially the couple did not possess much, spiritually they were at the highest level of assent. They had no worries if they go hungry or their clothes had patches. They would be more concerned if an orphan goes away from their door without receiving any food.

History records ‘Ali’s life in Madina with the Holy Prophet for the next ten years as the busiest in defending Islam against the attackers from Makka. ‘Ali (as) was always the standard bearer of the Flag of Islam in all such battles and his bravery became legendary.
Ibne Abil Hadid, the Motazelli commentator of Nahjul Balagha says that: ‘Ali (as) had a personality in which opposite characteristics had so gathered that it was difficult to believe a human mind could manifest such a combination. He was the bravest man that history could cite and such brave men are always hard hearted, cruel and eager to shed blood.

On the contrary ‘Ali was kind, sympathetic, responsive and warmhearted person, qualities quite contrary to the other phase of his character and more suited to pious and God fearing persons.’Ali’s bravery and piety both became legendry. Life in Madina while the Holy Prophet was alive was the busiest for ‘Ali. But he remembers these times as the best times of his life. 

He says in Nahjul Balagha ‘Life with my brother was a life of ease and happiness.’
The battles of Badr, Ohud, Khandaq and Khyber were fought in the defense if Islam and won on the hands of ‘Ali (as) . He was not only the standard bearer of the Flag of Islam in these battles, but always led the forces of Islam against Kufr and came out victorious. Khyber was the climax of these battles when ‘Ali’s victory brought prosperity in the Muslim ranks.

Ayesha the wife of the Prophet said once that until the victory of Khyber we in the house of the Prophet spent days without food. It was only after Khyber that life at home became a little easier. Thus ‘Ali (as) brought an end to the hostilities of Quraish in three encounters of Badr, Ohud and Khandaq.

Their best warriors were killed, their unity against Islam was crushed, their pride was humiliated and their prestige before Arab clans was lowered by him and by him alone. Khyber saw an end to the hegemony of Jews in Arabia at the hands of ‘Ali (as) .
The peace agreement of Hodaibiya was written by ‘Ali (as) and at the time of the peaceful victory at Makka, the idols of the Kaaba were demolished by the Holy Prophet with the help of ‘Ali (as) .Details of these battles were shown in the life of the Prophet.

Battle of Honain

The Victory of Makka brought many non believers into the fold of Islam. Broadly speaking there were three types who embraced Islam. Fear, greed and the true understanding of Islam and its principles. Some of the Makkans became Muslims for fear of their lives, they were afraid that the Prophet would kill them, others were simply frightened that the Holy Prophet with the help of Angel Gabriel would bring the wrath of God on them.

Then there was greed that Islam was now victorious, so if they joined in the good life would be theirs for free. Very few of them truly understood Islam and accepted it as a true faith. The Test of their true faith came immediately after the fall of Makka while Muslims were still in the sweet pleasure of this bloodless victory, that various tribes outside Makka gathered an army of 20,000 in Taif to fight the Muslims.

The hostile tribes decided to attack at a vantage point at Hunain and selected two prominent places where they concealed their archers. The Muslims were proud of their success in Makka, but their behavior during the encounter was timorous and cowardly. The Qur’an tells us this in (9:9):

“God came to your help on so many occasions, on the day of Honain, your vanity in the number of your soldiers and your arrogance did not prove any avail to you, you were badly defeated and could not find any place of shelter, you started running away without shame.”

This encounter took place in the month of Shawwal 8th Hijri (Jan 630 AD). When the Muslim army marched towards the place where archers were concealed the enemy opened the campaign with such a severe onslaught that the Muslim army could not stand it.

Their assault was fierce and confusion in the Muslim ranks made the archers bolder and they came nearer and attacked from both flanks and from the front. The Muslims could not stand the attack and started running without putting any resistance and where not concerned to leave the Prophet alone, (see Saheeh Bukhari).

The first battalion to run was the one in the command of Khalid ibne Waleed(Rauzathus Safa vol II page 137) This was followed by such a disorderly and tumultuous flight that only 10 people were left out of an army of 15,000 with the Holy Prophet. Eight of them were of Bani Hashim,(.Abbas, two of his sons, ‘Ali and three other cousins of the Holy Prophet)
Abbas was shouting to the Muslims to come back, reminding them of the oath of allegiance taken and promises made, but it was to no avail. Those who accepted Islam for greed , wealth and power were not willing to risk their lives.

Many of them who had carefully hidden their enmity from the rising power were happy at the defeat. They gathered round Abu Sofian, started congratulating him and saying, "The magical circle of the lying Prophet is broken,” They were praying for the return of Polytheism. 1.

Once again it fell to the lot of ‘Ali (as) to save the Holy Prophet and the Islam. Armies of Bani Hawaazen and Banu Saqeef under cover of their archers were rushing the hillock and were getting ready for a fierce onslaught.

‘Ali (as) divided the small band of faithful true Muslims in three divisions; to Abdullah Ibne Masood, Abbas ibne Abdul Muttalib and Abu bin Harris has assigned the duty of protecting the Holy Prophet, to three he ordered to guard the rear and he himself faced the onslaught with only three warriors with him.

He fought, wounded at many places, but continued fighting when he faced the commander of the hostile army, Abu Jerdal in hand to hand fight and killed him with one stroke of his sword. He alone killed over 30 of the enemy and with this bravery his aids also fought bravely and enemy was defeated.

The day was saved, the commander of the enemy’s army was killed, their ranks were broken they had no courage to face ‘Ali (as) and they started retreating. The sight of the powerful army in retreat, made the fleeing Muslims bold and they came back as victory was won for them 2.

The defensive battles were over and the peaceful spread of Islam began. ‘Ali (as) was again in the forefront. He brought the whole tribe of Bani Hamdan to Islam by preaching . Similarly when he was sent to Yemen he brought the whole country in to the fold of Islam by his sermons.

This news so pleased the Holy Prophet that he bowed down in Sajdah to thank God three times and said loudly, peace be to Bani Hamdan and to ‘Ali. Again in the year 10th of Hijra ‘Ali’s sermon and preaching proved so effective that the whole province embraced Islam as one man.

In the 9th year of Hijra the famous event of Mobahela took place. Najran was a city in the province of Yemen. It was the center of Christian Missionary activities in southern Arabia. The Holy Prophet had written to the Chief Priest of the City to realize the blessings of Islam.
In reply he wrote that he personally would like to discuss the teachings of this new religion. His name was Haris. He was invited and came with a group of 14 priests.

These priests as guest of the Holy Prophet. Long discussions took place during the course of 4 days of their stay in Madina. When Sunday came the Chief priest wanted to go out of the city to have their Sunday Service. Prophet Islam said that they all have permission to conduct their religious service inside the mosque of the Prophet which they happily did.
Long discussions continued about monotheism verses trinity and it was realized that these priests were not open minded, on the contrary they were prejudiced against monotheism. The Almighty Lord ordered the Holy Prophet to explain to that:

“Verily Jesus is as Adam in the sight of God. He created Adam from dust. He said unto him, Be, and he was. This is truth from thy Lord. be not therefore one of those who doubt, and whoever shall dispute thee, say unto them, “come let us call together our sons and your sons, our women and your women, our Selves and your Selves, then let us make imprecations and lay the curse of God upon those who lie.” (3:61)

According to Bibi Ayesha when the above verse was revealed to the Apostle of God, he called ‘Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husayn and said, “Lord, this is my family (Ahlul Bayt). The Holy Prophet took this small family with them to the open land outside the city where they all assembled to bring the curse of God on those who lie.

When the Chief priest saw these faces, he told his companions that he was looking at the faces that if they call the mountain, the mountain will go them. Do not have Mobahela with them or you will be destroyed. On hearing this they all agreed to pay homage to the Holy Prophet and an annual tax for living in the Islamic State and withdrew from the scene.

Designation of ‘Ali as successor to the Prophet

In history there were numerous occasions when the Holy Prophet designated ‘Ali as his Deputy and successor after him. From the moment of Zulasheera to the time of the conquest of Khyber and the occasion of the battle of Tabuke the Holy Prophet made it abundantly clear that no one deserved more than ‘Ali to be his Deputy and successor. But at the time of Ghadeer this was clearly ordered by Allah through a clear verse revealed on the Prophet. The Verse said,

"O’ apostle; proclaim the whole of that which hath been sent down to thee from thy Lord, for if thou dost it not, it will be as if thou hast not at all performed the duty of His Prophethood. And God will protect thee from evil men, verily God guideth not the unbelievers.” (5:67.)

The occasion was after the last pilgrimage in 10th Hijri. The Prophet delivered his Sermons on Mount Arafat, had the final rounds of the Kaaba and left for Madina. More than 120,000 pilgrims were coming out with him from Makka going to the North.

Half way through their journey where the routes were separated for various pilgrims, the Holy Prophet ordered the whole caravan to halt. All those who went ahead were called back and for those who were behind they waited for them to arrive.

The place was Ghadeer, near the pool of water. That is why it was named Ghadeer-e-Khom. When all assembled at this place the Holy Prophet stood up on top of the pulpit and said, "People, shortly I shall be called towards my creator where I shall have to give an account as to how I have conveyed His message to you and you in your turn will be asked as to how you have accepted and carried out the teachings. Now tell me what you will say”.

Thereupon all the pilgrims declared as one man, "Apostle of God, we testify and declare that you have conveyed the message of God fully, you have strived your utmost to guide us to the Right Path and taught us to follow it. You were most kind to us and you never wished for us but our good, may God repay you for all that."

After that the Prophet said, "Do you not testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is His creature, His servant, and His apostle, that there is the Heaven and the Hell, that death will overtake every one of you, that you will be brought back from your graves that the Day of Judgement will surely dawn and human beings will be resurrected from their graves to account for their deeds.

The whole crowd declared in unison, "We believe and testify all this." Hearing this the Apostle declared, "I am leaving amongst you two most important things worthy of obedience, the Qur’an and my progeny (Ahlul Bayt). Take care how you treat them, they will not separate from each other till they reach me at the fountain of Kauser.”

Then he said, “The Almighty God is my Lord (Maula) and I am the Lord of all Muslims and have more right and power on their lives than they themselves. Do you believe in this assertion of mine?" They all in one voice replied “Yes O’Apostle of God. Three times he asked the same question and three times he received the same affirmative reply.

At this solemn affirmation he said, “Hear and remember that to whomever I am Lord or Maula, ‘Ali is the Lord and Maula to him. He is to me what Aaron was to Musa. The Almighty God is a friend to his friends and a foe to his foe, help those who help him and frustrate those who betray him.

While saying this he raised ‘Ali High over his shoulders in order to be seen by all the Muslims assembled there. Thereupon the Holy Prophet received the final revelation:

"This day I have perfected your religion for you and have filled up the measure of my bounties upon you and I am pleased with Islam to be your Deen," (5:3).

After performing this ceremony and receiving the above revelation the Holy Prophet came down from the pulpit and ordered a tent to be erected. In this ‘Ali (as) was made to take his seat and all Muslims were ordered to pay homage to him and address him as Amirul Momeneen (Lord of the faithful) The first person to congratulate and address him as such was Omar Ibne Khattab saying, “I congratulate you, O’’Ali, today you have become my Maula and Lord and Lord of every Muslim man and woman. 

The event of Ghadeer was on 18th of Zilhijja 10th Hijri, immediately after the last pilgrimage by the Holy Prophet. He then arrived back in Madina and lived only for 70 days after the event.(130 Prominent Companions of the Holy Prophet narrated this Hadith including the first three Kholafa-e-Rashidoon)

The year 11th AH was the saddest year for ‘Ali. (as) He lost two of his best friends. One of whom he loved and venerated like a father, like a master and like a dearest friend, the Holy Prophet(S) who died on 28th Safar 11th Hijri, exactly 70 days after the event of Ghadeer. His death followed by the death of his dearest companion his wife Fatima, the Lady of Light.
Immediately after the death of the Holy Prophet who was buried by ‘Ali (as) with the help of his uncle Abbas and all the family of Bani Hashim, the news was given to ‘Ali (as) about the events at the Saqeefa that Abubakr was made Caliph. Abu Sofian heard the news came to ‘Ali (as) and told him that his Right was taken away from him.

If he wishes, Abu Sofian would fill the city of Madina with horsemen to defend ‘Ali’s Right of Khilafat. ‘Ali’s reply was typical, he said,” since when you have become friends of Islam”, you want to create serious dissension amongst the Muslims. You have always tried to harm Islam I do not need your sympathies or help.”

‘Ali realized that any serious dissension at this stage would harm the cause of Islam. He had before him the example of Hodaibiya and he had been foretold by the Holy Prophet of all that would happen. Allama ‘Ali Ibne Mohammed (630 AH) in his book Usdul Ghaba Vol iv page 31 says, The Holy Prophet had told ‘Ali, your status is like that of Kaaba.

People go to Kaaba but that August house never approaches anybody. Therefore after my death, if people come to you and swear the oath of allegiance you accept it and if they do not come to you then you do not go to them.”

‘Ali’s love for Islam was so intense, he could not, for the sake of worldly rule, endanger Islam. He knew fully well that a civil war at this stage would give chances to the Jewish tribes of Banu Nuzair and Banu Qoraiza on the one side, and the Byzantine armies in the north with the Munafiqoon (hypocrites) the new converts on the third side to simply take advantage of the situation.

When they would find the Muslims busy killing each other they would literally cut them to pieces and Islam would totally disappear as a message of peace. ‘Ali’s utmost desire was to see Islam and the Arabs in one piece and wanted the enemies of Islam to realize that Islam was strong enough to defend itself as “Deen”. even after the demise of the Apostle of God.
He had another important job to complete that is the completion of the collection of Qur’an with its Tafseer (explanations) according to the instructions of the Holy Prophet. Qur’an as a book was already completed by the Holy Prophet, many copies were made and circulated among the Muslim communities all over the Islamic world.

What ‘Ali did in the next six months after the demise of the Holy Prophet was to collect all the explanations of the various verses, reasons behind their revelation and their full context. This monumental job he completed in six months and brought before the Muslims in the city of the Prophet.

Unfortunately this was ignored by the ruling party and ‘Ali (as) took it back with him. Their comment was "this is too bulky and people will not understand it.”
The original remained with ‘Ali (as) all his life and then passed on to his son Hasan (as) and then to Husayn (as) which then continued with the Ahlul Bayt of the Prophet. It is now with the 12th Imam (as) .

During the time of the three Kholafa, although ‘Ali (as) did not take part in any of the battles, he was always available when they sought his advice on religious matters. His position as the jurist was on the top of the list among the companions of the Holy Prophet.
Omar Ibne Khattab the 2nd Caliph had given clear instructions that when ‘Ali was present in the mosque of the Prophet no one should take precedence over him in answering questions on religious matters.

In one such encounter during the time of the 2nd Caliph, a group of Jewish scholars approached the caliph and said, “ We have a few questions. If we get the answers to these questions correctly, we will accept the Islamic faith. “Ask whatever you want to ask," said the caliph. They asked the following questions.

1. What are the locks and keys of heaven?
2. Who was the messenger who was neither of the human nor of the jinn and who warned his people?
3. Which are the 5 beings that were created without the aid of ovaries?
4 What are one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve?
The caliph thought over these questions for a time, then said, I do not know the answers to these questions. I will take you to a man who is most knowledgeable in the commandments of God and the Prophet and the greatest among us. The caliph then brought the Jewish scholars to ‘Ali (as) . They asked the same questions to him. ‘Ali (as) answered thus:
1. The locks of the heavens are beliefs in more than one God, and its keys are the letters of “La Ilaha Illallah, Muhammad-Ur-Rasulallah.”
2. The messenger who warned his people is the ant who, when Solomon’s army was passing by, said to his people, “ Enter your houses so that the army may not stamp you out (without intention)”. So God states in the Holy Qur’an,

“Until they came to the valley of the Ants, said an ant (addressing the other ants of the valley) O” you ants’ enter into your dwellings, so that Solomon and his hosts may not crush you while they know it not”. (27:18)

3. The five beings that were not born of ovaries are: Adam, Eve, the staff of Moses which used to change into a python, the camel of Saleh, and the sheep of Ibrahim (which was sent by God to become a ransom of the life of Ibrahim’s son Ismael).
4. One is God who has no partners, two are Adam and Eve, three are the substances ( i.e. non-living matter, plants and animals), four are the Heavenly books: Torah of Moses, Bible of Jesus, Zubur of Dawood and the Qur’an of Muhammad (S).
Five are the daily prayers. Six are the days of creation of the heavens and earth, as per the verse of the Qur’an:

“And indeed We created the heavens and the earth and what is between them two, in six periods and touched us not any fatigue.” (Surah 50:38). Seven are the seven heavens, in the light of the Qur’anic Verse: “And we have erected above you the seven strong ones.” (78:12)

Eight are those angels who bear the heavens, as per the Qur’anic Verse:

“And the angels shall be on the side of it; and above them shall bear that day ‘Arsh’(the throne of authority). of your Lord, eight of them (69:17)

Nine are the nine signs given to Moses as stated by God:

“And indeed we gave Moses nine clear signs (miracles); so ask the children of Israel when he came to them, Pharaoh said to him; “Verily I deem you O’Moses one bewitched.”

Ten are the ten days, i.e. God had promised Moses that he would stay on the mountain of Toor for thirty days, and later added ten more days to this duration, as it is stated in the Qur’an.

“And we made an appointment with Moses for thirty nights and completed it with ten more;” Thus was completed the term of his Lord, forty nights, and (before he went up) Moses said to his brother Aaron: You take my place among my people, act rightly and follow not the path of the mischief-makers.” (7:142).

Eleven are the brothers of Joseph, son of Jacob, as the Qur’an states,

“When said Joseph to his father, O’my father; Verily I did see (dream) eleven stars and the sun and the moon,, I saw them all prostrating to me.” (12:4).

Twelve are the Twelve water-springs manifested by the staff of Moses, as God states,

“And (remember) when Moses sought water for his people; said We, ‘Strike the rock with your staff’ Then gushed out therefrom twelve springs; each people knew their drinking place; “Eat and drink God’s provision, and commit not evil in the earth acting mischievously.” (2:60)

When the Jewish scholars heard the replies of ‘Ali (as) they said, “We bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (S) is His Messenger and ‘Ali (as) is the “Wasi” and successor of the Messenger of God as Aaron was the Wasi of Moses. They all embraced Islam, went back to their tribe and converted all of them to Islam.(Kaukabe Durri).
After the death of Osman the 3rd Caliph ‘Ali (as) was elected by the overwhelming majority of Muslims as the 4th Caliph. 

He was reluctant to accept the office of the caliph but when pushed by the majority , accepted it by saying that he was taking the reins of worldly authority only to bring back the Ummah of the Prophet on the Right Path, though the value of this worldly khilafat is less than the sneeze of a goat.

His position as an Imam and guide was already established during the period of three earlier khulafa, with worldly power he began the daunting task of establishing the type of rule the Messenger of God had established during his time.

Imam Bukhari mentioned in his Saheeh that the very first prayers which ‘Ali (as) led in the mosque of the Prophet as the Caliph, many companions of the prophet said that “today we have prayed as the Messenger of God used to pray”.

But during the past 25 years many companions of the Prophet had, due to excessive wealth coming in from the conquest of the foreign lands, changed into the habit of living like feudal lords of the period of Jahiliya of pre-Islamic days. ‘Ali (as) as caliph warned them of the dangers of excessive wealth by these words. " Beware of the intoxication of wealth”.(Masudi,Muruj el Zahab).

The path of ‘Ali (as) was full of thorns and as soon as he tried to establish the austere path of the Messenger of God, he created many enemies. The first and foremost was the Governor of Syria Moawiya ibne Abi Sofian.

He persuaded Talha and Zubair,when they were denied the Governorship of various provinces by ‘Ali (as) , to start a revolt against ‘Ali. (as) Both of them left Madina, arrived in Makka and somehow persuaded bibi Ayesha the widow of the Prophet to start a fight against ‘Ali. (as) They left Makka for Basra and assembled an army against ‘Ali. (as) .

He warned them of the dangers of war against the caliph upon whose hand they had taken the oath of allegiance, but persuasion from Moawiya and promises of Governorship of various provinces was so strong that they would not hear any advice. ‘Ali (as) left Madina in pursuit of these deviants and two Muslim armies faced each other near Basra.

When many companions of the Prophet saw this they questioned the validity of this war and cast doubt as to which party was on the right path. ‘Ali (as) replied in the most subtle way to these doubters. “ Truth cannot be identified from men, find the truth and you will find the deserving person”.

The battle of Jamal was fought, ‘Ali ‘s army was victorious, both Talha and Zubair were killed by their own men and bibi Ayesha was sent back to Madina under the escort of her brother Muhammad ibne Abibakr. She always repented this venture and asked forgiveness from God.

When with the connivance of Moawiya her brother Muhammad ibne abi bakr was killed and his body was put into the body of a dead camel and burnt, she cursed Moawiya five times a day after every prayer, throughout her life..

The Battle of Siffin was also fought due to the deviant action of Moawiya against the Islamic State. Some companions of ‘Ali’s army deserted him by accepting bribes from Moawiya and due to this deceitful action the battle of Siffin remained indecisive, no one won and no one lost.

In the meantime this deviant group which was later named as “Khawarij” meaning deviant, began to spread trouble within the Islamic State by looting and burning villages and killing women and children that ‘Ali (as) fought against them and the battle of Nahrwan took place.
On the way to Nahrwan ‘Ali (as) passed a monastery. An old Christian monk who also claimed to be an astrologer of some repute called out, “ O’ army of Islam, ask your leader to come to me. Upon hearing this ‘Ali (as) turned his horse towards the monastery and approached the monk. Where do you go ask the monk. To fight the enemies of Islam, replied ‘Ali (as) .

Do not fight now, because at this moment the stars do not favor the Muslims. Wait for a few days when the stars will become favorable for you. ‘Ali (as) replied, do you defy Allah for this action we are taking on the orders of Allah and for His Deen.

‘Ali (as) said, “ since you profess knowledge of the stars, tell me about the movement of such and such star.” The old man said, By God, I have never heard the name of this star. ‘Ali (as) asked him another question about the skies and when the old man failed to reply said “It is now known that you do not know about the skies.

Shall I ask you about the earth? Tell me what is buried beneath your feet at the spot where you stand. I do not know said the old monk, “There is a vessel filled with so many silver coins and the coins bear such and such emblem. How do you know enquired the monk”.
“By God’s grace.” said ‘Ali (as) .

Then ‘Ali proceeded to say that in the ensuing fight, less than ten persons of Islamic army would be killed whereas less than ten persons from the opposing army would escape. The old monk listened astonished. As per ‘Ali’s command, when the earth beneath the feet of the monk was dug, a vessel filled with silver coins was found exactly as described by ‘Ali (as)
‘Ali (as) proceeded to Nahrwan and in the ensuing fight, the Khawarij were thoroughly 

defeated. Out of the four thousand men of the Khawarij only nine escaped and only nine men of the Islamic army were killed in this battle. (Rawdhatul Shuhada, Kaukab el Durri )
Returning from the battle ‘Ali (as) passed the monastery and when the monk heard the full story he embraced Islam immediately.

‘Ali (as) also admonished him about his belief in astrology. He said “ do you think you can tell the hour when a man goes out and no evil befall him. Whoever testifies this falsifies the Qur’an and becomes unmindful of Allah in achieving his desired objective and in warding off the undesirable.”

Then ‘Ali (as) addressed to his own soldiers and said “Beware of learning the science of stars except that with which guidance is sought on land or sea, because it leads to divining and an astrologer is a diviner, while a diviner is like the sorcerer, the sorcerer is like the unbeliever and the unbeliever’s place is in hell.”(Nahjul Balagha)

The four years and ten months of the Khilafat of ‘Ali (as) has been regarded by many historians as the best example of Islamic State after the Prophet of Islam’s death, in spite of the fact that the family of Abu Sofian tried their best to destroy it.

Imam Abu Yousuf the famous disciple of Imam Abu Hanifa in his book about the history of Kholafae Rashedun declares above the title of his book that ‘Ali’s (as) time of Khilafat was the best in the management of the Islamic State and most just.

Many European historians mentioned ‘Ali’s name with love and affection. Carlyle writes in his Heros and Heroworship that” ‘Ali had such a personality that he was liked, loved and venerated by everybody. He was the man of excellent character loving and lovable, so intensely brave that if anything stood against his bravery it was consumed as if by fire, yet he was so gentle and kind that he represented the model of a Christian Knight.”
The famous Egyptian scholar Mohammad Abdoh relates a story about the time of the conquest of Alexandria during the reign of the 2nd caliph. They found a great library there and did not know what to do with it.

Orders were issued from Madina that ‘if these books are according to the Holy Qur’an, then we do not need them and if they say anything contrary to the Holy Qur’an then we do not want them. Therefore, in any case they ought to be burnt. (Akhbarul Ulama wa Aakhbarul Hukama of Ibne Quftee, pages 232 and 233,Printed Cairo).

When ‘Ali (as) heard the news of this, he tried to pursuade them to refrain from issuing such order. He told them, “These books are treasures of knowledge and they cannot say anything against the Holy Qur’an.

On the contrary the knowledge contained therein would act as commentaries of the Holy Book and would assist and help in further explanations of the knowledge as presented by the Holy Prophet. Knowledge is an asset for human beings and a birth right of man. It should not be destroyed.”

It was 19th of Ramadan 41 Hijri while ‘Ali (as) was leading the morning prayers and was in the second Sajdah of the 2nd Rakaat that Ibne Muljim’s sword fell and the life of the greatest warrior saint was taken away to his merciful Lord.

The famous christian writer of Lebanon George Jurdaq writes in his books on ‘Ali (as) that with this one blow of the sword of Ibne Muljim the world was deprived of the person who, if had lived a few more years would have given the world a system of administration that future generations would have benefited for a long time to come.”

In fact the letter to his Governor of Egypt Malike Ashter advising him of the “Do’s and Don’ts for a successful administration of the State is the hall mark in the annals of history”. We can only say that ‘Ali’s supreme wisdom provides the guidance of a stature that mankind can aspire to.

‘Ali (as) injured with the wound from the poisonous sword lived for two days. In these two days he dictated his Will and last testament to his son Hasan (as) which is again a brilliant part of literary history.

He advised his eldest son to love God and obey Him and to live for the service of the people in the way of God. “And then do not forget to set apart the best of your time for communion with God, although every moment of yours is for Him, provided it is spent sincerely in the service of your people.”

‘Ali’s (as) sermons, collected by Sayyid Razi in the 4th century (AH) are the examples of the most brilliant piece of Arabic literature that after the Holy Qur’an and the authentic Hadith of the Prophet of Islam, ever produced.

What Sayyid Razi could compile in Nahjul Balagha does not contain all the Sermons, letters and sayings of ‘Ali (as) . Masoodi (d.346) in his famous book of history Muruj-al-Zahab says that the only Sermons of ‘Ali, (as) which have been preserved by various people, number more than 480.

These were extempore orations, people have copied them from one another and compiled them in the book forms’ they have cited them and quoted passages from them in their books. The famous companion and pupil of ‘Ali (as) Hasan al Basri had made such arrangements that one of his own friends would memorize the sermons delivered in the mosque of Kufa and relate the same in the next Friday prayer in Basra. This shows the deep interest people of his own time had in these sermons and sayings.

Apparently out of these 480 sermons some were lost and Sayyid Razi could lay hands on only 245 sermons. Besides them he has collected about 75 letters and 489 sayings. Almost every one of the sermons, sayings and letters collected in Nahjul Balagha is to be found books of authors who died long before Sayyid Raza was even born.

Here we quote a few selected sayings of ‘Ali (as) from Nahjul Balagha, The numbers given as they appear in the English translation by Sayyid ‘Ali Raza from Pakistan.
1. During civil disturbance be like an adolescent camel that has neither a back strong enough for riding nor udders for milking.”( 1, page 568)

2. He who adopts greed as a habit devalues himself, he who discloses his hardship agrees to humiliation, and he who allows his tongue to overpower his Nafs debases the Nafs.(2 page 569)

5. Knowledge is a venerable estate, good manners are new dresses and thinking is a clear mirror. ( 5, page 569)

7. Charity is an effective cure, and actions of people in their present life will be before their eyes in the next life.( 7, page 570)

10.Meet people in such a manner that if you die they should weep for you and if you live they should long for you.( 10, page 571)

27." Keep walking in your sickness as long as you can."(27, page 576)-A simple cure through exercise and ignoring the sickness as much as possible)

31. Faith stands on four supports: on endurance, conviction, justice and Jihad.(31 page 576)
40. The tongue of the wiseman is behind his heart and the heart of the fool is behind his tongue.(40 page 579)

45. Even if I strike the nose of a believer with this sword for hating me, he will not hate me, and even if I pile all the wealth of the world before a hypocrite for loving me he will not love. This is because it is pronounced by the tongue of the beloved Prophet. O’’Ali, a believer will never hate you and a hypocrite (Muslim) will never love you.( 45 page 580)

54. There is no wealth like wisdom, no destitution like ignorance, no inheritance like refinement and no support like consultation.(54 page 584)
64. The people of the world are like travelers who are being carried while asleep. 64, page 584)

67. Do not feel ashamed for giving little, because refusal is smaller than that.( 67, page 584)
90. The perfect jurist of Islam is he who does not let people lose hope from the mercy of Allah, does not make him despondent of Allah’s kindness and does not make him feel safe from Allah’s punishment.( 90 page 589)

117. Two categories of persons will face ruin on account of me; he who loves me with exaggeration and he who hates me intensely. (117 page 594)

146. Protect your belief by charity, guard your wealth by paying Allah’s share, and ward off the waves of calamity by praying.(146 page 600)

334. Beware of disobeying Allah in solitude, for the witness is also the judge.(334. page 648)

The famous French historian and Orientalist Gabriel Enkiri writes in his famous book ‘Le chevalier de Islam’, In the extremely superfine, grand and noble character of ‘Ali, there were two traits which, it is difficult to believe that can be united in one man.

Besides ‘Ali, history cannot show any other man who has displayed these two qualities at one and the same time, and each one, in such a marked way that none can surpass him.
1. He was the greatest marshal of his time (even of all time) and , 2. He was the wisest man who could explain and expound religion, philosophy, science, sociology and ethics, in a style which was not and which cannot be improved; what is more, he was such a great speaker that his speeches enchant you even fourteen centuries after his death”.

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(1) 12 signs of a true scholar (1) 12 WONDERS OF JAMA'AT (1) 13 Importent Rulings concerning Salam (1) 13 Ways to Be Forgiven Starts With Fasting on the Day of Arafat (1) 14 Blessing Virtues of Surah Ikhlas in Islam (1) 14 TIPS TO RAISING GREAT CHILDREN (1) 15 HADITHS ON RAMADAN (1) 15th of shabaan (1) 15th of shaban (1) 18 Duas From The Quran (1) 20 Short Dua to read everyday (1) 22 means of blessings on Jumu’ah (Friday) (1) ‎25 Ways to Enter Jannah (Paradise) (1) 3 Miracles Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at Cave of Thawr (1) 3 Powerful Qurani Wazaif (1) 3 PRODUCTIVE WAYS TO GIVE SADAQAH AS A FAMILY (1) 30 Before 30 the God Edition (1) 30 Facts About Islam (1) 31 personal Duas to choose from on the Night of Power (1) 35 Facts about the Quran Revelation (1) 36 ISLAMIC EVERYDAY VIRTUES (1) 4 Khalifa of Islam. (1) 40 Hadees Nabvi (1) 40 Hadees Nabvi in english (1) 40 Hadith (1) 40 Hadith Collection (1) 40 Hadith Selection (1) 40 Qurani Masnoon Duain (1) 40 Rabbana (2) 40 Rabbana from Quran (1) 5 Acts of Sadaqah Jaariyah in Islam (1) 5 Most Unique Teachings Of The Holy Quran (1) 5 Obstructions to Clear Thinking (1) 5 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Satan (1) 6 Easy Dhikr to Purify Your Heart Daily6 (1) 6 Facts About Dome of Masjid e Nabawi (1) 6 Kalimahs (1) 6 Steps to Get You Closer to Allah (SWT) (1) 7 Hadiths About Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain (RA) (1) 7 Mubeen Wazifa (1) 7 Prevailing Signs Of The Age Of Fitnah (Trial) (1) 7 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight During Ramadan (1) 7 Things to Keep Your Marriage Alive (1) 7 tips for improving your relationship with the Quran (1) 7 TIPS TO TACKLE HUNGER AND FATIGUE IN RAMADAN (1) 70 Matters Related to Fasting Al-Siyaam (1) 8 Types Of Nafil Salaahs (1) 9 Ways To Purify Your Heart With the Remembrance of Allah (1) 99 names of Allah (1) A "Paraclete" like Jesus (1) A Brief Biography of Sayyiduna Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (1) A Brief History of Islam (1) A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam (1) A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A MUSLIM WOMAN (1) A Discussion of Obedience and Authority in Islam (1) A Guide for Confession (1) A HISTORY OF THE HAJJ (1) A Look into The Tomb of Waris Shah (1) A Muslim View on Respecting Life (1) A Muslim’s Thoughts on Coronavirus (1) A Powerful Dua for Happiness (1) A Reminder For All The Worlds – Quran (1) A Short Summary of Ghazwa (Battle of) Badr (1) A Woman's Guide To Hajj (1) A Woman’s Journey In Ramadan (1) Aameen (1) Abdul Qadir Jilani (1) ABDULLAH IBN ABBAS (1) Ablution (4) ACTIONS AND INTENTIONS (2) Actions that put a person beyond the pale of Islam (1) Ada e Qarz ka Wazifa (1) Adam the First Prophet and first Man (1) Adhan (azan) (2) Adhkaar on Friday (1) Admonitory events of Miraaj Night (1) Advice for New Muslims (1) Afford and Effort in Hajj and Umrah: The Issue of Muslims’ Faith (1) Ahad Nama (1) AHADITH ON TAQDEER (1) Ahle Sunnat (1) Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (1) Al Khairat (1) Al-Adl Al-Lateef (1) al-aleem (1) Al-Alim (1) al-aziz (1) Al-Baasit (1) al-bari (1) Al-Baseer (1) al-basit (1) Al-Fattah (2) Al-Ghafoor (1) Al-Haleem Al-Azeem (1) al-jabbar (1) Al-Khaafid (1) Al-Khabeer (1) al-khaliq (1) al-malik (1) al-momin (1) Al-Mu’izz (1) Al-Mundhiri on love for the sake of Allah (1) Al-Muzil (2) Al-Qaabid (1) al-qabiz (1) al-qudus (1) al-raheem (1) al-razzaq (1) al-rehman (1) al-salam (1) al-samee (1) al-wahab (1) Al-Wahhab (1) Alcohol in Islam and Science: Conflict or Concordance (1) Alhamdulillah- O Allah Thank you (1) AlHaram AlSharief (1) All Is Not Lost – Make Ramadan Beneficial If You Can’t Fast (1) ALLAH EXISTS WITHOUT A BEGINNING NOR AN END (1) Allah God Is The Most Beneficent And Mericiful (1) Allah in the Jewish Bible (1) Allah is God of Jesus (1) ALLAH LOVES GENTLENESS IN ALL THINGS (1) Allah multiplies the reward for good deeds (1) AM I CONSIDERED A MUSLIM? (1) AMR IBN AL-JAMUH (1) An Insight on Virtues/Benefits of Surah Al-FalaQ and An-NaaS (1) An Islamic Point of View (1) An-Nawawi on forgiveness and pardon (1) AN-NAWAWI ON PRACTICING THE SUNNAH (1) and forbearance in Islam (1) and Peace in One Word: Allah (1) And Rewards of Adhan (1) and Wazaaif (1) Angel of mountains (1) Anger Management in the Light of Quran and Sunnah (1) AQIQAH – CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF YOUR CHILD (1) Ar-Rafi (1) Ar-Razzaq (1) Arabic Dua after Namaz: (2) Are Muslims only kind to believers? (1) ARE SUICIDE BOMBINGS LAWFUL IN ISLAM? (1) Arguing About Religion is Very Harmful for the Ignorant. (1) Arkan e Islam (1) As-salat (3) As-Sami’ (1) ASCETICISM IS THE WAY TO BE LOVED (1) Asma ul hasna (1) ASMA' BINT ABU BAKR AS-SIDDIQ (1) Attributes and Characteristics of Prophets and Messengers (1) Ayatul Kursi (1) Ayatul Kursi Benefits (1) AYSHAH BINT ABU BAKR (1) Ayyub (S) ( أيّوب) (1) Azaan (1) BACKBITING AND SLANDER (1) Badnami Se bachne Ka Wazifa (1) Barakah in Rizq (1) Bashair (1) Bashair-al-Khairat (1) basic principle of Islam (4) Basic Teachings of the Holy Quran (1) Beautiful Dhikr (1) BEAUTIFUL DUAS OF RASULULLAH (PBUH) (1) Beautiful zikir (1) Beautiful zikir remembrance Allah (1) beauty of islam (1) Beauty of Nature: A Blessing of Allah (1) Belief (1) Belief in Angels (1) BELIEF IN MESSENGERS (1) BELIEF IN THE ANGELS (1) Benefits (1) Benefits of 40 Rabbana (1) Benefits of Ayat-e-Shifa (1) Benefits of Ayatul Kursi (2) benefits of dua akasha (1) Benefits of Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Benefits of Dua Mughni (1) benefits of dua musbaat aashar (1) Benefits of Dua Qadah Muazzam (1) Benefits of Dua Qufal Six (2) Benefits of Dua Suryani (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Akasha (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Aman (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Hajat (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Noor (1) Benefits of Durood Akseer e Azam (1) Benefits of Durood Lakhi (2) Benefits of Durood Muqaddas (2) Benefits of Durood Taj (1) Benefits of Durood-e-Akbar (1) Benefits of Durood-e-Kabristan (1) Benefits of Durood-e-Taaj (1) Benefits of Hizbul Bahr (1) Benefits of Manzil Dua (1) Benefits of Nad-e-Ali (1) Benefits of Patience (2) Benefits of Qurani Surah (1) Benefits of Qurani Verses (1) Benefits of Ramadhan (2) Benefits of Salat-ut-Tasbih (1) Benefits of Surah Ar-Rahman (1) Benefits of Surah Fath (1) benefits of surah waqiah (1) Benefits of Surah Ya-Seen (1) Benefits of Surah Yasin (1) Benefits of Surat Al-Falaq (1) Benefits of Surat Al-Fatiha (1) Benefits of Surat Al-Kafirun (1) Benefits of Surat An-Nas (1) Benefits of Tahajjud Prayer (1) Best Dua for Hajat (1) Best Dua For Travelling – To Have Safe Journey (1) Best Duas from Quran (1) Best Duas From The Quran (1) Best Islamic Duas (1) BEST TIMES TO MAKE DUA'A (1) BEWARE OF HATRED AND MALICE IN ISLAM (1) Beware of the satanic idol of desire (1) BID'AH - INNOVATION IN ISLAM (2) Biography of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (1) Biography of Hazrat Zainab Bint Ali رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہُمَا (1) BIRTHDAY: CELEBRATE OR NOT TO CELEBRATE (1) black magic cure (1) black magic treatment (2) Black Stone An Idol? Hajj a Pagan Right? (1) Blasphemy (1) Blessed face of Beloved Mustafa ﷺ (1) Blessed Sahabiyyaat and the sacred relics of the Holy Rasool ﷺ (1) Blessings of Esal e Sawab (1) Blessings of Ramadhan (2) Blessings of the 15th of Shaban (1) BODY-SOUL CONFLICT (1) Brief biography of khwaja ghreeb nawaz (1) Brief Biography of Hazrat Khadija (SA) (1) Budh ke din ke nafal (1) Burial: What to do (1) Burjoon Ke Taluqaat (1) Can I Be A Secular Muslim? (1) Can plague enter Mecca and Medina? (1) Causes of Inheritance (1) CHANGE OF QIBLAH (1) Charitable Giving and its Benefits (2) CHEATING AND DECEPTION (1) Children's Education in Islam (1) Cleanliness (1) Concept of God in Islam (2) CONCEPT OF TAWBAH IN ISLAM (REPENTANCE) (1) Conditions for the Validity of Prayer (1) Cordoba Mosque (1) Coronavirus: What The Prophet Might Have Done? (1) COURAGE OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PEACE BE UPON HIM) (1) Crowdfunding from the Prophetic Seerah (1) cure of black magic (1) cure of magic (1) Cure with Manzil Dua (1) Curing Stress With The Help Of Holy Quran (1) Cursing is Prohibited in Islam (1) Daily Duas (2) Daily Morning Azkar (1) Dalail al-Khayrat (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Eight (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Five (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Four (1) Dalail al-Khayrat Manzil One (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Seven (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Six (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Three (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Two (1) Dar-ul-Ifta Ahl-e-Sunnat (1) Darood Mustaghas (1) Darood Tanjeena Benefits (1) DAUGHTERS - A WAY TO PARADISE (1) DAUGHTERS OF Allah’s Rasool MUHAMMAD (pbuh) (1) Day Of Demise (1) Dealing with difficulties: flee to Allah! (1) Death (2) Death of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) (1) DEFINITION OF SULUK (1) DHIKR AND TASBIH FROM THE SUNNAH (1) Dhikr at-Tasbih (1) dhikr of allah (1) Did Prophet Muhammad assassinate his critics? (1) Did You Know This About Quran?! (1) Differnt Types of Hadith And Their Meanings (1) Disbelief (1) Discription of heaven in islam (1) Diseases of the Soul and their Treatment (1) Dissolution of Marriage in the Shari'a (1) DO NOT LOSE HOPE OF THE MERCY OF ALLAH! (1) DO YOU EAT THE SUNNAH WAY? (1) Does Allah exist in a place? A man in the sky? (1) DOES ISLAM GIVE A FATHER THE RIGHT TO FORCE HIS DAUGHTER TO MARRY? (2) Dome of the Rock (1) DON'T MISS RAMADAN'S FIRST NIGHT (1) DRESS CODE OF MUSLIM WOMEN (1) DU’AS MADE BY HAJI FOR OTHERS (1) dua (1) Dua -e-Isteaza (1) Dua -e-Istejab (1) Dua -e-Istekhara (1) Dua -e-Shukeranhar (1) dua akasha (1) Dua Akasha Benefits (1) Dua Collection (1) Dua e Hajat Benefits (1) Dua for Entering Paradise (1) Dua for Graveyard (1) Dua for Hajat (1) Dua for Laylatul Qadr That Every Muslim Should Recite (1) Dua for Namaz Qaza Umri (1) dua for protection (2) Dua for Ramazan (1) Dua for seeing Rasool Allah in Dream (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh Benefits (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh Wazaif (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh Wazifa (1) Dua Haikal Seven (1) Dua Masura Urdu (1) Dua Mughni (1) Dua Mughni Benefits (1) Dua Mughni Benefits Wazaif (1) Dua Mughni Benefits Wazifa (1) dua musbbar aashar (1) Dua of Hazart Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra) (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam Benefits (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam Wazaif (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam Wazifa (1) Dua Qufal Six (2) Dua Qufal Six Benefits (2) Dua Saifi (1) Dua Saifi Benefits (1) Dua Selection (1) Dua Shuker-e-Allah (1) Dua Sunat-e-Asar (1) Dua Supplications (2) Dua Suryani (1) Dua Suryani Benefits (2) Dua Suryani Wazaif (1) Dua Suryani Wazifa (1) Dua Syed-ul-istighfar (1) Dua-e-Akasha (1) Dua-e-Akasha Benefits (1) Dua-e-Akasha Wazifa (1) Dua-e-Aman (2) Dua-e-Aman Benefits (1) Dua-e-Aman Wazaif (1) Dua-e-Aman Wazifa (1) Dua-e-Hajat (2) Dua-e-Hajat Benefits (1) Dua-e-Istikhara - Istikhara Ki Dua (1) Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Dua-e-Jamilah Benefits (1) Dua-e-Jamilah Wazaif (1) Dua-e-Jamilah Wazifa (1) Dua-e-kanoot (1) Dua-e-Masura (1) Dua-e-Mustajaab (1) Dua-e-Noor (1) Dua-e-Noor Benefits (1) Dua-e-Noor in English (1) Dua-e-Qanoot (1) Dua-e-Suryani (1) Duain (2) Duas and works for protection (1) Duas from Quran (1) Duas From The Quran (1) Duas Manzil (1) Durood Akseer e Azam (2) Durood Akseer e Azam Benefits (1) Durood Ali (1) Durood Barkat (1) Durood e Tunajjina Benefits (1) Durood Friday (1) Durood Kibrit Ahmar (1) Durood Lakhi (2) Durood Lakhi Benefits (2) Durood Muqaddas (2) Durood Muqaddas Benefits (2) Durood Rehmat (1) Durood Selection (1) Durood Shareef (1) Durood shfiaat (1) Durood Taj (1) durood tanjeena (1) Durood-e-Akbar (1) Durood-e-Akbar Benefits (1) Durood-e-Ali (1) Durood-e-Dawaami (1) Durood-e-Fath (1) Durood-e-ibrahimi (1) Durood-e-Nahariya (1) Durood-e-Quraani (1) durood-e-taaj (2) Durood-e-Tanjeena (1) Easy Good Deeds (1) Eating and Drinking Conduct of Prophet Muhammad (2) EATING OF PORK FORBIDDEN IN ISLAM? (1) Effective Anger Management In Islam (1) Effective Way of Communication According to Sunnah (1) Eid Milad un-Nabi in Pakistan (1) EID-ul-Adha (1) Elderly Care (1) ELEVEN SIGNS OF LOVE FOR THE BELOVED PROPHET (1) Eman Mufassil (1) Eman Mujamal (1) Embracing ISLAM (1) Entering Mecca’s Grand Mosque (al-Masjid al-Haram) (1) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN ISLAM (1) ENVY IS A DANGEROUS HEART DISEASE (1) Equal protection of law for Muslims and non-Muslims (1) Equality and equity in Islam (1) even enemies (1) Evening Azkar (1) Everyday Duas (1) Everything Allah decrees is good for the believer (1) Everything You Need to Know about Hajr e Aswad (1) Evil Eye (1) Evil Eye Protection (1) Expect the best from Allah (1) Facing Qibia (1) Facts about Muslim People (1) Facts about the Holy Quran (1) Faith Of The Parents Of The Holy Nabi (1) Fariduddin Ganjshakar (1) Fast of the 15th Sha'ban (1) Fasting (3) FASTING FOR KIDS (1) Fasting in the Month of Rajab (1) Favourite foods of Beloved Rasool (1) Fazilat ki raatein (1) FEAR ALLAH WHEREVER YOU ARE (1) Feed your Soul! (1) Feeling Eagerness for the Prayer (3) Feeling hopeless and depressed? (1) Festival of The Sacrifice (1) Festivals of Muslims (1) Finding our True Eid (1) First Revelation (1) FLIGHT JANAZAH (1) FOCUS ON YOUR CHARACTER (1) Follow your conscience in Islam (1) For Sickness (1) FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH (1) Forbiddance Of Racism In Islam (1) FORGIVENESS IN THE QURAN AND SUNNAH (1) FORGIVENESS: A PROPHETIC EXAMPLE (1) Forty Hadith on Knowledge (1) Forty Hadith on Purification of the Heart (1) Forty Rabanna (1) Forty Rabanna Dua (1) Forty Rabanna Dua from Al-Quran (1) Freedom (1) friday reading (1) Friends of Allah (1) Friendship Criterion According to The Quran And Islam (1) From Early Beginnings to Modern-Day Sunnism (1) Funeral Rites and Regulations in Islam (1) Gender Equity in Islam (1) GHAUS - A - AZAM SHAYKH ABDUL QADIR JILANI R.A (1) Ghusl (1) GIVE GOOD TIDINGS TO THE PATIENT (1) god and his creation (1) God does not resemble the Creation (1) GOOD DEEDS ERASE BAD DEEDS (1) GOOD HABITS FOR NEW MUSLIMS TO DEVELOP (1) Grand Intercession of the Prophet MuHammad (1) Green Color in Islam Perspective (1) Hadees Nabvi (1) HADITHS ABOUT HAJ (1) Hafta ke nafal (1) haj (1) Hajj (1) Hajj in Pre-Islamic Times (1) Hajj: The Fifth Pillar of Islam (1) HALA SULTAN: THE HIDDEN JEWEL OF CYPRUS (1) HALAL OR MAKROOH? (1) Happiness (1) HARD WORK AND RESPONSIBILITY IN ISLAM (3) Hazrat Abu Hurraria (R.A) (2) Hazrat Abu Hurraria (R.A) – Leading Narrator Of Ahadiths (1) Hazrat Aisha bint Abi Bakr r.a. (1) Hazrat Khadija R.A. (1) Hazrat Madhu Lal Hussain R.A (1) HAZRAT SAYEDNA BILAL HABASHI (1) Hazrat Umar (R.A) Life History (1) HE WHO KNOWS HIMSELF KNOWS GOD (1) Heal Black Magic By Quran (1) HEALTH DANGERS OF TATTOOS AND ITS PROHIBITION IN ISLAM (1) Health guidelines from Quran and Sunnah (1) HELP YOUR CHILDREN TO LOVE THE HOLY QUR’AN (1) History (1) HISTORY OF ISLAM (1) History of the compilation of Quran (1) Hizbul Bahr (1) Hizbul Bahr Benefits (1) HOLY NAMES OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (1) HONESTY MARKED PROPHET'S MANNERS (1) Honored Angels in Islam (1) How do you disbelieve in Allah!!! (1) How do you know if anything is REAL? (1) How important is water management in Islam? (1) How Islam is A Complete Code of Life? (2) HOW PRAYER BENEFITS A BELIEVER’S SOUL (1) HOW SCORES WILL BE SETTLED ON THE DAY OF RESURRECTION (1) how to Ablution (1) How to achieve mindfulness in Islam (1) How to be a Mindful Muslim (1) HOW TO BE A VIP ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT (1) how to become a muslim (1) How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim (1) HOW TO CURE LAZINESS? (1) how to do Istikhara (1) HOW TO EAT IN ISLAM (1) HOW TO EXPRESS GRATITUDE? (1) How to invite non-Muslims to Islam? (1) How to Kiss Hajr e Aswad During Hajj (1) HOW TO LOVE OUR HOLY PROPHET ﷺ (1) HOW TO MAKE DUA’ (1) How to Perform Hajj (1) How to perform Salat-l-Istikhara (1) How to Pray in Islam (1) How To Pray Namaz (1) How to Pray Salah (1) How To Repent On Your Sins (1) HOW TO SEEK BENEFIT IN YOUR RECITATION OF QUR’AN (1) How to spend the night (1) How to Stay Safe from Difficulties? (1) HOW TO UNITE THE ISLAMIC UMMAH?? (2) HUDHAYFAH IBN AL-YAMAN (1) Humility (1) Ibn Abbas’s deep insight into the Qur’an. (1) IDEAL PERSONALITY OF MUSLIM (1) IF THEY WOULD ONLY PUT THEIR TRUST IN ALLAH (1) Ikhlas in Islam (1) ILM UL GHAYB- THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNSEEN (1) IMAM AL-BUKHARI AND THE SCIENCE OF HADITH (1) Imam Ali (RA)-Birth Aniversary In The Month Of Rajab (1) IMAM MUHAMMAD SAEED RAMADAN AL-BOUTI (1) IMAN - BELIEF (1) Iman Mufassal (1) Iman Mujmal (1) Impeccable Character of Siddeeq-e-Akbar (1) Impediments of Inheritance (1) Importance (1) Importance and Benefits of Reciting Ayatul Kursi (1) Importance And Major Events Of Dhu al-Qidah Islamic Month (1) Importance And Major Events Of Shawwal Islamic Month (1) Importance of Da`wah (Preaching) In Islam (1) Importance of Khushu in our prayer (1) Importance of Saying Salaam (1) IMPORTANCE OF SEEKING KNOWLEDGE (2) Importance of Time in The Light of Surah Al Asr (1) Importance of Wudu (2) Improving Child Discipline is Improving Ourselves (1) INCREASE YOUR FAITH (IMAAN) AND EARN REWARDS (1) Intention The call to start Namaz (1) Introduction to Islam (1) Introduction to Islam in Spanish (1) Introduction to Methodology for Study of the Quran (1) Introduction To The Numeric Miracles (1) Iqamat (1) Is it a punishment or a trial? (1) Is It Acceptable to Convert to Islam for Marriage? (1) Is It Permitted to Marry a Transgender in Islam? (1) Is Life Insurance Haram or Halal In Islam? (1) Is Prophet Muhammad better than other Prophets? (1) IS SMOKING HARAM (1) IS TAWASSUL SHIRK? (1) Is there offensive jihad in Islam? (1) Isha Prayer and Its Benefits (1) Islam (4) Islam - Elevation of Women's Status (1) Islam And Different Types Of Health (1) Islam and Honor Killings (1) Islam and muslim (2) Islam and Muslims (2) islam and other religions (1) Islam and Prayer (3) ISLAM AND TOLERANCE (1) Islam at a Glance (1) Islam Facts (1) ISLAM HAS ONLY ONE GOD (1) ISLAM IN AUSTRALIA (1) Islam in Moderation? – The Moderate Muslim Debate (1) Islam in the Middle of Christianity (1) Islam in the United States (1) Islam is a Religion of Peace (1) Islam is mercy for the entire creation (1) islam is your birthright (1) islam ky arkan (1) Islam Religion Encourages Learning (1) Islam: Misunderstood throughout the World (1) Islam's and the Quran's View of Animal Welfare (1) Islam’s Outcasts (1) Islam's Position on Polygamy (1) Islam's Ruling on Marriage (1) Islamic Architecture (1) Islamic Dua (1) islamic duain (1) Islamic Duas (1) Islamic Identity (1) Islamic Legal Rules of Fasting (1) Islamic Life | Islamic Way of Life (1) Islamic Months Names List (1) Islamic Prayer Times & Qiblah of Cities Worldwide (1) ISLAMIC TEACHINGS & MODERN MEDICINE (1) Islamic Tips On How To Be Happy And Relieve Stress (1) islamic wazifa for rizk (1) islamic wazifa for rizk in urdu (1) islamic wazifa for rizq (1) Isma Illahi for Specific Purpose (1) Isra And Me’raj (1) Isra and Miraj: The Miraculous Night Journey (1) Istikhara (1) Istikhara benefits (1) Istikhara in islam (1) Istikhara in quran (1) Itikaf in Ramadan (1) Its Meaning and Importance (1) Itwar ke din ke nafal (1) Janaza Prayer (1) JEALOUSY – A SIN (1) JEALOUSY DESTROYS HAPPINESS OF LIFE (1) Jerusalem (1) Jesus in Islam (1) Jihad against the soul in Islam (1) Jihad and its Types (1) Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrines and Practice (1) job ke liye wazifa (1) Journey of Mi'raaj (1) Jumah ke nafal (1) Jumyrat ke din ke nafal (1) just business law (1) Justice and fairness for all in Islam (1) Justice and Merits of Islam in the Distribution of Inheritance (1) JUSTICE OF CALIPH UMAR IBN AL KHATTAB (1) KaIima-e-Tayyabah (1) kalima-e-astaghfar (1) Kalima-e-Shahaadat (1) Kalima-e-tamjeed (1) Kalima-e-Tauhid (1) Kalimah-e-Astaghfar (1) Kalimah-e-Rud-e-Kuffr (1) Kalimah-e-Shahaadat (1) Kalimah-e-Tamjeed (1) Kalimah-e-Tauhid (1) Kalimah-e-Tayyabah (1) Karz Utarne ka Wazifa (1) Karz Utarne ke Dua (1) KEEPING PEOPLE’S FAULTS A SECRET (1) Key to Paradise in Islam (1) KHADIJAH BINT KHUWAYLID (1) Khalifa in Islam (1) Khalifa meaning (1) Khawja ghulam farid (1) Kinds of Water In Holy Quran (1) King of Wazaif (1) knows his Lord (1) KSA (2) La Condición de la Mujer en el Islam (1) La Mujer en el Islam (1) Laylat ul Qadr (1) Laylatul Baraah (1) Learn How to Make Wudu Step by Step for Kids Adults (1) learn Islam (1) Let’s Speak About Moses In Quran For Some! (1) LETS KNOW HIM (1) Life (1) LIFE AND THE LAST DAY (1) Life History of Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A) (1) Life of Fatimah al-Zahra (a.s) (1) Life of Imam Hassan (a.s) (1) Life Of Prophet Muhammad (1) LIST OF 75 GOOD MANNERS IN THE QURAN (1) List of Ziyarat Places in Makah during Hajj and Umrah (1) LISTEN TO YOUR VOICE OF CONSCIENCE (1) LITERARY ASPECTS OF THE QUR’AN (1) LOUD ZIKR (1) Love (2) LOVE FOR ALLAH (1) Madina history (1) Madina munawara city. (1) Magic Cure with Manzil Dua (1) Magic in Islam (1) magic treatment (1) Major Personality Traits Of The Believers In Islam (1) Major Sins (1) Makkah (1) Makkah-The Holy City In Islam (1) Makrooh times (1) Manzil (1) Manzil Dua (1) Manzil Dua Benefits (1) Manzil Dua for cure (1) Manzil Dua in Islam (1) Manzil Dua in Quran (1) MARRIAGE IN ISLAM. (1) Marriage Istikhara (1) marriage wazaif (1) Marriage: Goals (1) Masjid Nabawi: The Prophet's Mosque in Madinah (1) masnoon adhkar (1) masnoon duain (1) MASNOON DUAIN FROM QURAN AND HADITH (1) Masnoon Duain with English and Urdu Translation (1) Mawlid (1) Mawlid Celebrations (1) MEANING OF JUSTICE IN ISLAM (1) Meaning Of SubhanAllah (1) MEDICAL BENEFITS OF PROSTRATION (1) Medina Charter of Prophet Muhammad and Pluralism (1) MEN WEARING GOLD AND SILK IN ISLAM (1) Mercy For The Whole World (1) MERIT OF SHARING FOOD (1) Merits of Islam (1) message of islam (1) Method And Regulations Of Sajdah (Prostration) Tilawat (1) method of Istikhara (1) Mindfulness in the Quran and Sunnah (1) Misconceptions Related To Muslims (1) MISWAK - NATURAL TOOTHBRUSH (1) modesty (1) monday reading (1) Morning Azkar (1) MOSQUE ETIQUETTE (1) Most Common Mistakes to Avoid In Offering Salah (1) Mount Paran (1) Muhammad (1) MUHAMMAD (PBUH) IN THE PARSI SCRIPTURES (1) Muhammad [SAW] : Hijra To Madina (1) Muhammad is the prophet and founder of Islam. (1) Muhammad SAW’s Love For Children (1) MUHAMMAD ﷺ- THE UNIVERSAL MESSENGER (1) muhammad-the-incomparable-and-matchless-nabi (1) Muhammad: The Messenger of God (1) Muharram (1) Mungal ke din ke nafal (1) Muslim Brotherhood in Quran (2) Muslim Husband (1) Muslim women’s right to divorce (1) Muslims and Sadaqah (1) Must a Muslim woman cover her face? (1) My First Umrah: A Story Of My Blessed Trip (1) Nad-e-Ali (1) Nad-e-Ali Wazifa (1) Nad-e-Ali Benefits (1) Nad-e-Ali Wazaif (1) namaz (4) Namaz asr (1) Namaz Awabeen (1) Namaz Chasht (1) Namaz fajr (1) Namaz Hajat (1) Namaz isha (1) Namaz Ishraq (1) Namaz Istikhara (1) Namaz maghrib (1) namaz qaza (1) namaz qaza umri (1) Namaz Tahajjud (1) Namaz Taraweeh (1) Namaz Tasbeeh (1) Namaz zohr (1) namaz-e-janaza (1) Namazon ke Qaza (1) name of Allah (1) Names & Attributes of God (1) Names of Allah (1) Nazar e Bad (1) Nazar e Bad ka ilaj (1) Nazar e Bad ka islami ilaj (1) Nazar e Bad ka khatma (1) Nazar e Bad ka Tor (1) Nazar e Bad ke Dua (1) Nazar e Bad se bachwo (1) Neighbor in Islam (1) NEVER LOSE HOPE OF ALLAH'S MERCY (1) Never Shed Your Leaves (1) New Muslim woman married to non-Muslim man? (1) Night of Salvation (1) night of Shabe Barat (1) Night Prayer (1) Night Prayers in Ramadan/Fasting (1) No theology of rape in Islam (1) not Value (1) Number 7 in the Holy Quran (1) O Allah (1) Obedience to parents and its limits (1) ON THE TYPES OF ZIKR (REMEMBRANCE OF GOD) (1) One Wazifa for All Problems- Dafa e Pareshani (1) Our Humanness: Unalterable Essence and Changeable Actuality (1) Overcoming depression and anxiety with Islam (1) Overcoming your enemies and becoming close to Allah (1) paani peene ke adaab ;islaam (1) Palestine (1) Paradise and Hellfire in Islam (2) PARADISE IS FOR BELIEVING MEN AND WOMEN (1) Pareshani Door Karne ka Wazifa (1) Past and Future (1) Patience (2) Patience in Islam (1) Patience in the Qur’an (2) PATIENCE IN THE QURAN (1) Patience with trials and tribulations in Islam (1) Peace (1) Peaceful Nights (1) Piety is the Highest Standard of Excellence (1) Pilgrimage (1) pillars of islam (1) Poweful Dua Mughni (1) power of dua (1) Power of Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Power of Dua-e-Hajat (1) Power of Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Power of Dua-e-Noor (1) Power of Istighfar and its Benefits from Quran (2) powerful dua (1) Powerful Dua E Isme Illahi (1) powerful dua for rizq (1) Powerful Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Powerful Dua-e-Akasha (1) Powerful Dua-e-Aman (1) Powerful Dua-e-Hajat (1) Powerful Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Powerful Dua-e-Noor (1) powerful wazifa for rizq (1) powerfull dua (1) Prayer (3) PRAYERS OF REPENTANCE (1) Praying with congregation in the Mosque (1) Predestination of Good and Evil. Destiny Qadar (1) Preservation (1) Prevention of Boasting (1) Promises of Allah in Quran (2) Prophet (1) Prophet (pbuh) in building an ideal society (1) Prophet Ibrahim (asws): The Friend of Allah (swt) (1) Prophet MuHammad Praised in Al Qur’ân (1) Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Diet (1) PROPHET MUHAMMAD’S LOVE OF THE POOR (1) Prophet Muhammad's praised Manners (1) PROPHET MUHAMMAD’S SMILE (1) PROPHET MUHAMMAD'S TREATMENT TO NON-MUSLIMS (1) PROPHET SALIH (PBUH) AND HIS CAMEL (1) PROPHET’S CONSULTATION WITH HIS COMPANIONS (1) Prophet's Farewell Pilgrimage (1) Prophets and Messengers of God (1) Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail and the Ka'bah (1) Protect his Faith: Avoid Apostasy (1) Protect Us from Ourselves (1) Protection (2) Purification from the spiritual disease of hatred in Islam (1) Purification of Mind and Soul in Islam (1) PURIFICATION OF THE SOUL (1) Purpose & Importance of Wudu (2) Purpose and Definition The Definition of Marriage (Nikah) (1) purpose for creation (1) Purpose of Life According to Islam; Quranic Verses (2) Pyare Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam ki Pyari SUNNATEIN (1) Qarz ka Wazifa (1) Qarz ki Adaigi ka Wazifa (1) Qarz ki Adaigi ke Dua (1) qaza (1) qaza namazin (1) Qaza umri ada karne ka tareka (1) qaza umri namaz ka tariqa (1) Questions about Black Stone (1) Questions Allah will Ask (2) Quotes And Life of Zainab Bint Ali (RA) (1) QUR’AN (1) Qur’an and Our Youth: How to bring the Qur’an close to their Hearts (1) Qur'anic Surahs (1) quran (2) Quran As the Ultimate Source of History (1) quran rizq ki dua (1) Quran Tilawat (1) qurani dua (1) qurani duain (2) Qurani Masnoon Duain (1) qurani surah benefits (2) qurani wazaif (1) Qurani Wazaif Collection (1) qurani wazaif for all problems (1) Qurani Wazaif Selection (1) qurani wazifa for rizq (1) Quranic Duas (1) Quranic Masnoon Duain (1) Quranic Prayers (2) Quranists (1) Qurbani (1) Qurbani in Islam (1) rabbana (1) rabbana in qurani (1) Rabi ul Awal (1) Rabi ul Awal Wazaif (1) Rabi ul Awal Wazifa (1) Raising Children in Islam (1) RAISING YOUR CHILD TO BE A MUSLIM (1) ramadan (3) Ramadan 'Eed Al-Fitr (1) Ramadan & Completing the Quran (1) Ramadan Kareem (1) Ramadan Mubarak (1) Ramadan; The Chief of all the Months (1) Ramadhan (2) Ramadhan Khulasa-e-Quran (1) Ramadhan Special Wazaif for Hajat (1) Ramazan (1) Ramazan Ki Dua (1) Ramazan Wazaif (1) Ramzan (2) Read All Ahadith (1) Read quran (1) reading of a week (1) Reasons Why We Should Read the Holy Quran (1) reciting of quran (1) Reflecting on the Sunnah derived from the Sirah (1) Refutation of Allegations Raised about the Distribution of Inheritance in Islam (1) regard to issues of shirk and kufr (1) RELATIONS BETWEEN MUSLIMS AND NON-MUSLIMS (1) REMEMBER ME AND I SHALL REMEMBER YOU (1) REMEMBRANCE OF ALLAH (1) Rewards of Reciting the Qur'anic Surahs (2) Rights of animals in Islam (1) Rights of Daughters in Islam (1) Rights of Neighbors in Islam (1) Rope of Allah – Islamic Poem (1) roza (1) Rules of Tahajjud Prayer (1) Ruling on cutting nails during the monthly cycle (2) Ruling on one who apostatises repeatedly (1) Ruqyah (1) Sabr (2) Sahih al-Bukhari (1) Salaam (1) Salaat al-Tawbah (the Prayer of Repentance) (1) SALADIN: A BENEVOLENT MAN (1) SALAHUDDIN AYUBI AND THE BATTLE OF HITTIN (1) Salat (2) Salat Al-Jama'ah (1) Salat in Islam (1) Salat-ut-Tasbih (1) Salat: the Mi’raj of the believer (1) Salatul Hajat (1) salawat (1) Salutation (1) SATAN'S GATEWAYS TO THE HEART (1) saturaday reading (1) SAYINGS OF THE MESSANGER OF ALLAH (PBUH) (1) Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalib (1) Science Proves Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah Prevents Brain Damage in New Borns (1) Seeking knowledge and learning for life in Islam (1) Segregation of Women in Islam: Separate Venue (1) selected dua (1) Severing the Ties of Kinship (1) Shab Barat (1) Shab e Meraj (1) Shab-e-barat (1) Shaban in Islam (1) Shabe Barat (1) shadi ka wazifa (1) shadi wazaif (1) Shahadah (1) Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (1) Should a Muslim man marry a second wife? (1) Siege Of Blessed Home Of Blessed Nabi (1) Significance (1) Significance of Ihram during Hajj (1) Significance Of Salah (1) Significance of Taqwa (Piety) According to the Holy Quran (1) Significance of the Islamic Calendar Months (1) Sincerity and deeds (1) Sins Got You Down And You Don't Know How To Stop?? (1) Sirat Al-Mustaqim In Islam (1) Six Easy Ways to Maximize the Barakah in Ramadan (1) SIX TIPS TO RECHARGE YOUR IMAN (1) SLAVES IN ISLAM (1) SMILE! IT'S SUNNAH (1) Smiling is a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) Some Beautiful Places to Visit in Medina (1) Some Essential Everyday Duas (1) Some Life Changing Lessons from Holy Quran (1) Some Simple Ways to Earn Allah’s Mercy (1) Somwar ke din ke nafal (1) Spain (1) SPEECH ON PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S.A.W.S.) AND MESSAGE OF ISLAM (1) SPIRITUAL BENEFITS OF PRAYER (1) Squandering and Miserliness (1) Starve Your Ego (1) Status of Teachers in Islam | Rights of Teachers (1) STOP WASTING TIME IN GOSSIP (1) Story of Hafsa and Maria in Surat al-Tahrim (1) STORY OF PROPHET NUH (PBUH) (1) Story of Prophet Yusuf/Joseph (pbuh) (1) Story of The People of the Cave (1) Story of the Prophet Musa (AS) (1) Study of Quran (1) Sufi (1) Sufism (2) Summary of Juz 1 (1) Sunan and Manners Of Travelling (1) Sunan of Anger: What a Muslim should do when angry (1) sunday reading (1) Sunnah (1) Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) (1) sunni (2) Superior Day - for Righteous Deeds (1) SUPPLICATION AFTER ADHAN (1) SUPPLICATION BEFORE SLEEPING (1) SUPPLICATION IN HAJJ (1) Surah An Najm (1) Surah At Tur (1) Surah Fatiha (1) surah ikhlas (1) Surah Kalma (1) Surah Muhammad (S.A.W) – History (1) Surah Qaf (1) surah waqiah (1) Surah Ya-sin (1) surah yaseen (1) surah yaseen Benefits (1) Surah Yaseen ka Amal (1) Surah Yaseen ka Anmol Amal (1) Surah Yaseen ka Wazaif (1) Surah Yaseen Wazifa (1) Surah Yaseen Wazifa for Problems (1) surah Yaseen with 7 Mubeen (1) Surah Yaseen with Seven Mubeen (1) Surah Yasin (1) Surah Yasin 7 Mubeen (1) Surah Yasin 7 Mubeen Wazifa (1) Surah Yasin Benefits (1) Surah Yasin Mubeen Wazifa (1) Surah Yasin Wazifa (1) Surah Yasin with English Transliteration (1) Surat Al Kahf (1) surat waqiah (1) TABARRUK (RELICS) (1) Tahajjud Prayer (2) Take Advantage of Five before Five (1) Talaq Quran Ki Roshni Mein (1) Tangdasti Door Karne ka Wazifa (1) Tangdasti Door Karne ke Dua (1) tangdasti ka hal (1) Tangdasti ka Wazifa (1) tangdasti ki Dua (1) TAQLEED AND FOLLOWING A MAZHAB (1) Taqwa (2) Tasbih – How to recite Salatul Tasbih & its benifits (1) Tasbih at-I-Fatima (1) Tawheed – Its Importance and its Benefits (1) tawizaat (1) tawizat (1) The 23 kinds of Water mentioned in the Quran (1) THE ADVANTAGES OF AYATUL KURSI (1) The Anti-Terrorism Stand And Preaching Of Islam (1) The Attributes Of Allâh God (1) The Beginning of Creation. Water is The First Creature (1) The best of you in Islam (1) The Best Time to Study the Qur’an (1) The Big Questions: Who Made Us? (1) THE BODY IS A BLESSING (1) THE BROTHERHOOD BETWEEN BELIEVERS (1) The Call of Ibrahim (1) THE CHILDREN OF THE PROPHET (PBUH) (1) The Components of Wudoo (1) The Concept Of Begging In Islam (1) The Concept of Thankfulness in Islam (1) THE CONDITIONS OF LA ILAHA ILLA-LLAH (1) The covering of the body (1) THE DANGER OF HYPOCRISY (1) THE DAY OF ASHURA IN ISLAM (2) The definition of faith in Islam (1) The Description of Prophet MuHammad (1) The Differences Between Woman and Man (1) The Different Types of Voluntary Prayers (1) The Earth – Islamic Poem (1) The Essentials Of Islamic Belief (1) THE EXCELLENCE OF LEARNING THE QURAN (1) THE EXCELLENCE OF THE SUNNAH SOLAH (1) The Favours Of The Noblest Rasool To The World (1) THE FEET IN SALAAT (1) The Finality of Prophethood (1) THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS (1) THE FORGIVENESS OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) SHOWN TO NON-MUSLIMS (1) the foundation of faith (1) The Four Revealed Books in Islam (1) The Full and Complete Isra and Miraj Story (1) The Full Story of Hussain (1) The Fundamentals of Islamic Belief (1) The Gifts of Miraaj Night (1) The Grandeur of Friends of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ (1) The Great Benefits of Surah Al-Fatiha (1) The Great Significance (1) The Guarding of Imaan (1) THE HAJJ RITUALS (1) The History and Development of Islam (1) The History of the Prophet Jesus (`ISA) Muslim (1) the Holiest Month for Muslims (1) The House Of Allah (1) The Importance of Dhikr (1) The Importance of Distributing Inheritance (1) The importance of halal investing (1) THE IMPORTANCE OF LOVING AWLIYA (1) The Importance of Prayer (1) the importance of unity (1) The Inner Dimensions of Hajj (1) THE INSPIRING QUR’AN (1) The Islamic new year: a time for growth and improvement (1) The Islamic State of Medina (1) The Ka’aba (1) THE KINDNESS OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (1) The Kinds of Manners in Islam and Its Verses (1) The Life of this World is Fleeting Enjoyment (1) The Manners of Children Towards Parents (1) The Manners of Cutting Nails in Islam (1) THE MARRIAGE PROCESS IN ISLAM (1) The marvel of positive thinking in Islam (1) THE MEANING OF " INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAYHI RAAJI'OON" (1) The meaning of spiritual excellence in Islam (1) The Migration Al-Hijrah of Prophet MuHammad from Mecca to Medina (1) The Miracle of Islamic Science (1) The Miracles of the Prophets (1) THE MIRACULOUS NATURE OF THE QURAN (1) The nafs – ego/self (1) THE NEED FOR CONSULTATION (MUSHĀWARA) (1) The Night Journey! (1) The Night of Bara'ah (1) The noble birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) (1) The Obligatory Conditions For An Islamic Hijab (1) The One Sure Way To Be Happy (1) The Origin of the Quran (1) the pillars of islam (1) The Pillars of Prayer and its conditions of validity (1) THE POWER OF DUA (1) The Prayer (1) The Prayer Of Need (1) The Prophet (pbuh) had a rest in the afternoon. (1) The Prophet Mosque Madinah (1) The Prophet Muhammad and the Origins of Islam (1) THE PROPHET SULAIMAN (peace be upon him) (1) THE PUBLIC CALL OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (1) The Punishment of Being Sinful (1) The Purpose of Creation (1) The Purpose of Life: Reason and Revelation (1) THE PURPOSE OF LIFE… (1) THE PURPOSE OF MAN’S CREATION (1) The Purposes of Believing in Allah for Muslims (1) The Qur'an and Scientific Advancement (1) The Quran and Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (1) THE QURAN ON THE CEREBRUM (1) The Quran-A Master Key (1) The Quranic Meaning of Iman (1) the religion of kindness (1) the religion of wisdom (1) The right way to defend Islam (1) The Rise of Islam (1) THE ROOT OF ISLAM (1) The Roots of a Tolerant Sect of Islam (1) The secret to a tranquil heart (1) THE SIN OF ABORTION (1) The Sin of Hurting the Parents (1) THE SPIRIT OF RAMADAN (1) The Spiritual Purity (2) The Status Of Women In Islam (1) The Story of Adam (1) The Story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) (1) The story of the Prophet Ibrahim (as) (1) The story of Yusuf (alayhi salaam) (1) The Story of Zam Zam water (1) The Struggle to Reclaim Jihad (1) The Truth About People Who Associate Lies With Quran (1) THE UNIVERSAL MESSAGE OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD ﷺ (1) The Virgin Mary: Maryam al-Batul (1) THE VIRTUE OF NURTURING GIRLS (1) THE WATER OF ZAMZAM (1) The Wifes of The Holy Prophet of Allah Muhammad’r Rasoolullah (s.a.w.s.) (1) The Wisdom Behind Prescribing Inheritance (1) THINGS THAT MADE THE PROPHET (PBUH) ANGRY (1) Things To Follow In Islam For A Better Life (1) Thousand Years Old Letter (1) thursday reading (1) Time (1) TIME: A BLESSING AND A TRUST (1) TIPS FOR A MUSLIM HOME (1) Tips on Keeping Productive Friendships And Relationships (1) Tips to Deal with Toxic People from Islamic and Counseling Sources (1) To Get a Job (1) To get Prestige in Society (1) to keep fast (1) toheed (1) TOO BUSY TO PRAY FIVE TIMES? (1) Top Leadership Qualities of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) Towards an Accepted Hajj (1) TREAT YOUR NEIGHBOUR WELL (1) TREATMENT OF ANIMALS IN ISLAM (1) Triple Talaq and Nikah Halala are major sins (1) TRUE BELIEVERS (1) True Meaning of Trust in Allah (1) TRUE PURITY OF THE HEART (1) Truly Love Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) Try these Quran memorization techniques (1) tuesday reading (1) TURN TO ALLAH (2) Twelve Proofs that Muhammad is a True Prophet (1) TWO WAYS TO SUCCESS (1) Types of Hajj (1) Types of Patience (3) Ummul Momineen (1) Understanding the soul in Islam (1) Universal Lessons of Hajj (1) Unpleasant Smell of Lie (1) URWAH IBN AZ-ZUBAIR (1) VALENTINE’S DAY…AND ITS POSITION IN ISLAM (1) Verses (1) Verses of Healing (1) verses of quran (1) verses of rabbana (1) Views of Islamic scholars (1) Virtues (1) Virtues of Fasting in the Summer Taken from: Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalī’s “Latā’if Maʿārif” (1) Virtues of reading Surah Al-Muzzammil (1) Virtues of the Day of Arafaah (1) Visit to Cemetery in Shab-e-barat (1) VISITING GRAVE OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (1) Wal Jamaat (1) Waldain Ke Huqooq - Maa Baap Ke Huqooq (1) Waqf al-Khairi & Waqf al-Dhurri (1) WAR IN ISLAM: ETHICS & RULES (1) War is deceit? Lie to unbelievers? (1) Waris Shah (1) Ways of Treating Magic (1) Ways to Overcome Sadness in Islam (1) Wazaif (1) Wazaif For Baby (1) wazaif for Enemies (1) Wazaif For Hajat (1) Wazaif for Marriage (1) wazaif for problems (1) Wazaif for Rizq (1) Wazaif of Week (2) Wazaif. (1) Wazfa To Remove Black Magic (1) Wazifa for Sexual Ability (1) Wazifa for Sugar Patient (1) Wazifa for Tiredness (1) Wazifa for Visa Problems (1) Wazifa to Stop illegal Relationship (1) WE INVITE YOU TO ISLAM (1) Wealth and Black Magic (1) wednesday reading (1) Welcome Aboard Fly Air Janazah (1) WELCOMING RAMADAN (1) WELCOMING THE BLESSED MONTH OF SHA'BAN (1) What does Islam say about "mothers"? (1) What Does Islam Say about Terrorism? (1) What happened at Dhul Khalasah? (1) What happens to a marriage after converting to Islam? (1) What is “Four Quls (4 qul)” and its Benefits (1) What is a miracle? (1) WHAT IS ANGER? (1) WHAT IS DUA? (1) WHAT IS IFTAR? (1) What is Islam (2) What IS Islam An overview For A Non -Muuslim (1) What is Islamic studies? (1) WHAT IS ISRA AND MERAJ (1) what is Istikhara (1) What is Jihad-e-Akbar (1) What is Patience (2) what is ramadan (2) What Is Taweez (1) What is the historical significance of Ghar e Hira? (1) What is the meaning of ‘eye for an eye’? (1) What Not To Do In Ramadan (1) What One Must Know before Hajj – The Fiqh Provisions of a Pilgrim (1) WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT MUHAMMAD (1) WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT ISLAM (1) WHAT TO DO UPON A DEATH (2) WHEN DOES THE HUMAN BEING BECOME HAPPY? (1) When in need ask Allah! (1) When Mecca Build (1) When Our Prayers Are Never Answered (1) Where is the island of Dajjal? (1) WHO IS ALLAH? (1) Who is Muhammad (peace be upon him)? (1) Who is Wali? ولی کِسے کہتے ہیں؟ (1) WHO WERE THE KHARIJIS? (1) Whoever knows himself (1) Whom Must We Worship? (1) WHY A SCIENTIST BELIEVES IN GOD? (1) Why are Christians donating towards The Qur'an Project? (1) Why Did God Create? (1) Why did Prophet Muhammad raid caravans in Medina? (1) WHY DO MUSLIMS FAST? (1) WHY DO PEOPLE LOVE TO GOSSIP? (1) WHY IS THE BISMILLAH MISSING FROM SURAH AT-TAWBAH? (1) why islam (1) Why the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is Important to All of Mankind (1) witr (1) Women (1) Women in Islam (3) Words Of Wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) WORLD OF THE JINN (1) Worship in Islam (1) Worshiping Allah in fear and hope (1) Wudhu (Ablution) (1) wudu (3) Wudu’ and Invalidators of Wudu'. Full Shower Ghusl Purification (1) wuzu (1) ya rabbana (1) Ya Salamo (1) Ya Salamo ka Amal (1) Ya Salamo ka Wazifa (1) Ya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (1) You Ask And The Quran Answers (1) Zakat (3) Zakat and Charity should be instruments for developing the poor (1) Zakat Ul-Maal (1) zikir (1) Zikr (1) ZIKR OF ALLAH (1) بیماری اُڑ کر نہیں لگتی (1) حضرت سیّدنا امیر معاویہ (1)