A Short Summary of Ghazwa (Battle of) Badr
The origin of Islamic faith goes back to the early 7th century,
when Allah SWT selected Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ as his Last Messenger. When
the Holy Prophet ﷺ announced about the first Quranic Revelation and that
He is the Final Apostle of the Almighty Lord, the Qureyshi idolaters
and polytheists denied Him. They became worst enemies of whoever
accepted Islam and tortured them both physically and mentally. This
eventually led to mass emigration of Muslims from Makkah to Madina with
the permission of God, the Exalted.
Muhajireen (emigrants of Makkah) left most of their belongings behind
them, which were eventually taken by the Qureyshi disbelievers. In the
second year of Hijrah (Migration), in 623 A.D, Muslims came to know of
Qureyshi caravan coming back from Syria to Makkah. So, they thought of
avenging their losses of possessions in Makkah by raiding that convoy
lead by Abu Sufyan, who called for his people to protect his caravan
from Muslims and crush them. The Apostle ﷺ of Allah had no plan of going
into battle, but when He came to know about arrival of thousands of
armed disbelievers for purpose of demolishing Muslims, they eventually
had to go into first battle between them and the infidels. This clash is
known as Ghazwa (battle in which the Prophet ﷺ took part in Himself)
Badr, which occurred on 17th of
Ramadan and was won by Muslims who were 313 in number only, against the
mighty army of above 1000 Makkan disbelievers. Allah SWT talks about
this emphatic victory of Muslims over infidels in the Holy Quran as:
there has been for you a sign in the two armies which met – one
fighting in the cause of Allah and another of disbelievers. They saw
them [to be] twice their [own] number by [their] eyesight. But Allah
supports with His victory whom He wills. Indeed in that is a lesson for
those of vision.” [Quran, 3: 13]
account of the happenings during this heroic clash of Madinans
(Believers) with the Makkans (Non Believers) is described below:
Preparation For The Decisive Encounter
the Holy Prophet ﷺ came to know about the powerful preparation of the
disbelievers against Muslims, He had no choice but to arrange a strong
group of believers to fight against them. It was a great testing time
for the faith of the disciples of Islam. The Ansaar (Natives of Madina)
also had to make a decision whether to take part in this combat or not,
as the Pact of Brotherhood between them and Muhajireen did not include
fighting enemies outside the boundaries of Madina. The Messenger ﷺ of
God asked his companions about it, Muhajireen approved their inclusion
straight away, but as they were very less in number, Rasulullah ﷺ asked
them 3 times until S’ad b. Mu’ad realized that He (PBUH) was wishing
Ansaar to participate too. He stood up and told the Holy Prophet ﷺ that
Ansaar were always ready to fight in the way of Allah and His Apostle
(PBUH) at any cost. Rasulullah ﷺ was ecstatic at this great sight of
Muslim unity and standing firm against the enemies of Allah. In the end,
a small defense force of 313 Muslims; most of them were unarmed and had
only 70 camels and two horses, was ready to face the disbelievers.
Acceptance Of The Prophet`s (PBUH) Entreaty
idolaters of Makkah, under the command of Abu Jahl marched towards
Madina. When Muslims came to know about it, they also moved out of the
city and stationed at the wells of Badr near a sea between the two
cities, where both armies collided in the end. Before the start of
battle, the Holy Prophet ﷺ prayed to the Almighty Lord that this small
amount of Muslims may not be destroyed, for there would be no one else
left to take His Name till the Day of Judgment on the surface of the earth. Allah SWT accepted request of His Messenger, and later said in the Holy Quran:
when you asked help of your Lord, and He answered you, “Indeed, I will
reinforce you with a thousand from the angels, following one another.
[Quran, 8: 9]
above mentioned Ayah clearly indicates towards the Help of Allah SWT in
the form of good news of thousand Angels assisting Muslims during their
fight against non believers who were triple their number. The prayer of
Rasulullah ﷺ itself shows His great trust and faith in Allah Almighty`s
Clash At The Site of Badr
Muslims were 1/3rd in
figure as compared to the infidels. When both the armies faced each
other at the place of Badr, the battle began with the normal Arab
Tradition of a fight, with nominated warriors from each side coming into
clash with each other.
triplet of disbelievers namely: Utbah Ibn Rabi-ah, his son Al Walid and
his brother Sheibah (all belonging to the Ummaya Family) came in front
of the Makkan army, and asked the Prophet ﷺ to send His men of equal
strength and caliber to fight them. Every Mo`min was ready to come
forward and was wishing to be called by the Apostle ﷺ of God to fight
the idolaters, but Rasulullah ﷺ chose to start the combat with His own
family. So, He selected His own Son in Law, Hazrat Ali (R.A), His uncle,
Hazrat Hamza (R.A) and one of His close companions, Hazrat Ubayda
(R.A). The first two had great wins over their opponents, while the Last
One got martyred in the end. After the general battle started, valor of
Hazrat Ali (R.A) was highly prominent, who horrified and killed his
rivals with great bravery. The Holy Prophet ﷺ took a handful of soil and
threw it in the air towards the faces of the idolaters. This caused
them to tremble and they turned their backs, thereupon, Muslims took
them with great power, killed 70 of them and took 70 as prisoners, who
were treated with great humility and kindness. The Almighty narrates
this happening in Furqan e Hameed as:
you did not kill them, but it was Allah who killed them. And you threw
not, [O Muhammad], when you threw, but it was Allah who threw that He
might test the believers with a good test. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and
Knowing.” [Quran, 8: 17]
this Quranic verse, the Creator of the world of the worlds indicates
towards His Assistance when only a mere handful of soil thrown by the
Prophet ﷺ resulted in Muslim victory. Allah SWT made it clear to the
Muslims that their victory was made possible due to His Power and
short, the battle of Badr proved as a foundation of Muslim strength as
they were quite a few in numbers, who were given the eventual victory
against the mighty and well armed disbelievers of Qureysh.
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