What happens to a marriage after converting to Islam
we keep hearing and reading criticisms about people who live a routine
life with no specific changes, there are still not many people who
experience huge changes in their lives. Most people in this world live a
conventional life. They go to school, then university, then they find a
job and get married and form a family.
all of those critics of such ordinary lifestyle, only suggest minor
changes for breaking the routine. For example, they may recommend you to
change your diet or listen to a happy song in the morning. But does
anyone recommend you to rethink your ideologies, and see if it is not
working properly for you, then think about a new set of ideas?!
people in the world are brave enough to see if the present ideology is
not working well for them, then they search and find a better one;
people who embrace Islam as their new religion are amongst those.
Becoming a Muslim could be a long process in one’s life, and it will definitely have huge consequences for the convert person.
Converts will have to let go of the past routine life and go through
different experiences in all aspects of their lives such as friendship,
job, family and the whole lifestyle.
this short text, we will only point out one of the major changes that
married converts may experience; what happens to their marriage if one
of the spouses converts to Islam.
But before directly going to the main topic, let’s see what the rules of marriage in Islamic jurisprudence are?

Marriage after Converting to Islam
The main verse in the holy Quran that discusses the marriage of believers with non-believers says:
not marry idolatresses until they embrace faith. A faithful slave girl
is better than an idolatress, though she should impress you. And do not
marry [your daughters] to idolaters until they embrace faith. A faithful
slave is better than an idolater, though he should impress you. Those
invite [others] to the Fire, but Allah invites to paradise and pardon,
by His will, and He clarifies His signs for the people so that they may
take admonition” (2:221)
Therefore in Islam, as described in the other Abrahamic religions, it is prohibited to marry a man or a woman who does not believe in God. In another verse Allah says:
all the good things have been made lawful to you—the food of those who
were given the Book is lawful to you, and your food is lawful to
them—and the chaste ones from among faithful women, and chaste women of
those who were given the Book before you, when you have given them their
dowries, in wedlock, not in license, nor taking paramours…” (5:5)
from the above verses, besides other verses and narrations, Muslim
jurists have concluded the following rules for interfaith marriages:
Rules of Marriage for Muslim Men
Muslim man is not allowed to marry, neither permanently nor
temporarily, a non-Muslim woman who is not among the followers of the
books (Ahlul Kitab); Christians and Jews.
Muslim man is allowed to marry a Christian or Jewish woman. However,
based on precaution, it is obligatory to refrain from marrying a
non-Muslim woman in permanent marriage. The reason behind it is that
Muslims do not deny the preceding Abrahamic religions, but they know
Islam as the most complete and the last divine religion.
Rules of Marriage for Muslim women
A Muslim woman is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim man at all, neither permanently nor temporarily [1].
you see the rules of marriage for Muslim women is much stricter than
those for men. The reason behind it goes back to the verse that says “Men
are the managers (protectors) of women, because of the advantage Allah
has granted some of them over others, and by virtue of their spending
out of their wealth…” (4:34)
Islamic belief is that in married life, men have authority over women,
and Islam will not allow a non-Muslim man to have authority over a Muslim woman.
Islam, the responsibility of providing for the family is on man’s
shoulder, and women have no responsibility in this case. Men are also
responsible for protecting the religion of their family: “O you who have faith! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel will be people and stones…” (66:6)
that we are familiar with the basic rules of marriage in Islam let’s
see what happens to a person who has already been married and then
decides to embrace Islam. Is his/her marriage to his/her non-Muslim
spouse still valid?
When a Man Converts to Islam, What Happens to His marriage?
When a married man converts to Islam:
If his wife is from the followers of the book (Ahlul Kitab),
Christian or Jewish, the marriage remains valid, and they do not need
to remarry according to Islamic law [2]. This is because of the respect
that Islam has for the preceding religions, although it is the final
religion sent by God.
If the wife is an atheist, the marriage will be void automatically. However, according to the ruling (fatwa) of Sayed Ali Khamenei, even the atheist woman needs to keep the waiting period (iddah)[i]. If during that period (3 months) she decides to convert to Islam the marriage will continue [3].
what happens if the man doubts that his wife has accepted Islam as her
religion truly? The Muslim jurists say that if the non-Muslim woman only
recites the two testimonies (Shahadatain)
for the sake of marriage, the Islamic treatment would be applied to her
as long as she does not say or do anything that would contradict her
declaration of the faith [4].
When a Woman Converts to Islam, What Happens to Her Marriage?
you who have faith! When faithful women come to you as immigrants, test
them. Allah knows best [the state of] their faith. Then, if you
ascertain them to be [genuinely] faithful women, do not send them back
to the faithless. They are not lawful for them, nor are they lawful for
them, but give them what [dowry] they have spent [for them]…” (60:10)
When a married woman converts to Islam:
matter if the husband is an atheist or a Christian or Jewish, the
marriage will automatically be void UNLESS the husband accepts to
convert to Islam too. If at the time that the woman is keeping her
waiting period (iddah) her husband embraces Islam, their marriage is considered standing, and there is no need to renew the marriage [5].

If Both of the Married Couple Convert to Islam
In a marital relationship, when both spouses decide to embrace Islam, no matter if they are both followers of the book (Ahlul Kitab) or both are not followers of the book (non-Ahlul Kitab) or one is the follower of the book (Ahlul Kitab)
and the other one is not, if the marriage that took place among them is
valid according to their custom, such marriage is considered valid and
there would be no need to recite the marriage formula anew [6].
is understandable that both man and woman will experience such hard
circumstances for their new beliefs. Maybe that is why Allah in a
chapter called “Divorce” indicates:
Whoever is wary of Allah, He shall make for him a way out [of the
adversities of the world and the Hereafter], and provide for him from
whence he does not count upon. And whoever puts his trust in Allah, He
will suffice him. Indeed Allah carries through His commands. Certainly,
Allah has ordained a measure [and extent] for everything.”(65: 2, 3)
[i] The period a woman must observe after the death of her spouse or after a divorce, during which she may not marry another man
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